Experience, References, Resume of Obama
My Qualifications For President by Barack Hussein Obama
By William Kevin Stoos Monday, November 3, 2008
I was born either in Kenya, Indonesia, or Hawaii.
I hung out with “Uncle Frank” who was a communist.
I went to grade school, high school, college, and law school.
I was a community organizer who organized tenants and black voters. (See ACORN voter registration list).
I taught law for awhile.
I got married.
I attended a black liberation church where my minister cussed America
and said the “G” word a lot.
I hung out with some friends who were 1960s terrorists.
I was elected to the Illinois Senate and voted “present” much of the time.
I spent six of the past nine years running for political office.
I was elected to the United States Senate and worked there 4-5 months then,
I ran for President.
Foreign Policy Experience:
I took some trips overseas.
I gave a speech in Berlin after a rock concert.
I once told Putin that “he needs to get his troops out of Georgia” and he did, after I told him.
Military Experience:
Business Experience:
Fiscal Policy:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
Views on Women’s Rights:
White male with 75,000 votes in primaries beats woman with 18,000,000 votes any day.
Publishing Experience:
Wrote two books on my favorite subject: Me
Favorite Quote:
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.” [sic]--Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, 1971 (Father of community organizing)
Most Admired Person:
Billy Ayers, 1960s radical
Bernardine Dohrn, 1960s radical
Reverend Jeremiah “G****** AmeriKKKa” Wright
Louis Farrakahn
Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan Dictator
Raila Odinga, Socialist Prime Minister of Kenya
Ali Larijani, Speaker of Iranian Parliament
Pro Abortion Gramsci Socialist and Secular Humanist.
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The author of Stoos Views is a freelance writer whose feature articles on politics, religion, bioethics, and current events have appeared in The Catholic Digest, The Adventist Review, Liguorian, The Carmelite Digest, The Bread of Life (regular contributing writer), The Annals of St. Anne, The Catholic Medical Association Ethics Journal (Linacre Quarterly), The Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, Social Justice Review, Companion, Leaves, The Family Digest, The Nature Conservancy Magazine. During the early 1980s he wrote a conservative political column for William Loeb’s Manchester Union Leader. He is a practicing attorney who lives with his wife and children in Wynstone, South Dakota. His passion for writing is exceeded only by his passion for his family and concern for the direction that our country is heading.
To reprint article, permission of the writer is required. Please email us at cfp@canadafreepress.com.
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