Hi Kathleen..glad you went back to red bubble..it's a great community of artistic and creative people there.
and that painting you mentioned of the old pear tree....is the one that the lady from canada is really Interested in ..that's great that you liked it too..!!hhha!!..bit of synchronicity there..
I admit it's a beauty of a painting ..and it has a short story of how we had christmas under that tree in 2007
what a great day it was..the old pear tree has been so good to us..and it's a beautiful tree
and childrens books.. yes.. wow I'd love to make one..
I tried a few childrens type paintings..but didn;t know where to go from there..and I would have to come up with a whole series of work I guess..
but you know..the old pear tree painting might be a great place to start ..as it could be for adults and children as well.
much appreciation for your response kathleen..
I might talk to an author who can come up with some simple lines to match my pictures..that would be a good challenge and something different to try..
cathy walker xoooo