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Judy Smith

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 8:39:50 PM

Discrimination!!  I could get in trouble here, Jim.  Let's just leave it at total abomination.  I believe that God will answer many prayers and it will be a No-Bama election. 

Everybody VOTE!!!!

We just keep spreading the truth - it will help!


Judy Smith

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 8:44:52 PM


From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'


And FINALLY the Most Damning one of ALL of them!!!

From Audacity of Hope:'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.

Jim Allen

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 9:26:29 PM

Thanks Judy,

I knew you were in tune with what is happening.

I was not sure about this election until, BHO became the nominee.  I would have voted for Hillary, because I knew Bill, the cad he is would do the right thing for the country he loves.  Plus he is a Southerner and we never quit a good fight.  I began digging, comparing and the more I dug the deeper in the hole Obama got. 

You know as we are all marketers and business owners.  We have heard lots about the "Law of Attraction", Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn and many others.  All of them say that you are what your 10 closest associates or friends are.  They develop how you are perceived by the public.

We are also told that if you want to change your life and make yourself better you change the friends you are associated with.  Something real hard for a southern man to do, but the concept is true. 

If you are able to read, type in a few keywords and do some digging on Barry Obama/Sortero.  You will find that his closest supporters, benefactors and mentors are all radical left wingers.  That have no real love of America, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

From being brought out politically in William Ayers and Elizabeth Dohrn's living room.  To spending 2o years in the Church of Jeremiah Wright, questionable dealing with Tony Rezco, going to the finest colleges, traveling to far away places in his early young adult years (Pakistan) when his poor family had NO MONEY!, supporting a Radical Muslim Presidential run of Odinga in Kenya(Africa) and sitting through a anti-semite going away party for a mouthpiece of the Palenstinian Liberation Organization Khalidi, to a willingness to share the same ideology as Castro, Chavez and Achmadinnashit.

 I have drawn the conclusion that based off his friends and associates list this man is at best a Socialist and at worst a Commie Scum Bag. 

Oh yeah and I forgot his radical wife Michelle whose thesis in college was very racist and she only became a proud American when her husband Hussein Obama decided to run for the White House.

That this guy IS NOT an American called to serve America as it's Commander and Chief but as someone called to Kill The America we all know and love.

For these reasons as a Southern Man born and bred in this USA (We ain't real sure about Hussein even to this day) There Is No Way that I can sit idly by and watch him become President. 

Therefore I am doing everything in my power legally, morally and with Love for My Country to keep this poseur from becoming the next Commander An Chief of our great country. 

We ain't perfect, but we have something all these other countries in the world want and desire Freedom to Choose our destiny and remain the Shining light to the World.

Remember George W. Bush is through, kaput and is not running in this election. 

John McCain is and we know his love for our country and it's Freedoms.  The only vote any red blooded American can cast on November 4th, is a vote for John McCain and the America we love, with all her faults.  Together we can overcome the faults of the past 8 years.  If we elect John McCain. 

If they elect Barack Hussein Obama, we have allowed the greatest country in world to be destroyed from the inside out. 

I laid it out plain and simple and yes, I have pissed people off. 

I really don't care because this is a fight we have to win. 

I tried being nice and full of love and the lefties kept wanting more, pushing the envelope. 

 Love has not left the building but it will not pass my lips lightly like a "How do you do" or "Have a Nice Day Greeting"  When I say I love you I mean it by GOD! 

It is because of that love, I will continue pissing people off, beating them over their heads, making them mad, till they see the light or until this election is over.

We have all seen the Stock Market LOSE 14% of its value THIS MONTHH ALONE. 

The business people and the Millionaires I know personally, say it is because of the possibility that Obamanation seems to be written on the wall. 

 These folks are Cashing Out and leaving the table!  Never to return.  Mark my words BHO and his America Hating wife and friends will be the only ones at the top.  Where will that leave us?  Screwed!

Young Black people of America are voting because of race, the media is leading us to believe all that is left, is the coronation and Madonna types and their entourage are on the bandwagon too. 

I have news for them ALL!!!  It AIN"T OVER YET!!! 

TRUE AMERICANS, black, yellow, brown and white will see to it that this Racist, Radical, Terrorist Organization will fail in their quest for CHANGE!


Jim Allen III  -
and Southern Hostile Redneck!
You can respect me, hate me or whatever you like.  But!  You All Know I am Right!


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Judy Smith

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
11/1/2008 3:43:13 PM

Keep praying with me for Tuesday's outcome.  It ain't over until it's over and I just know if enough people pray, open their eyes and hit McCain and then pray that the guys in the rest of the line read your vibes and vote mcCain too. 

The media is electing Obumo - most the the illiterates and uneducated  who will be voting for him are only following some news person they heard.

Gotta run!

Be blessed and get everyone you know to vote - we can do this!!!


Jim Allen

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
11/1/2008 9:17:29 PM
Hey, Obama, Baby - The International The Republican Party is The Intelligent Party

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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