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Jim Allen

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Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/30/2008 9:50:35 PM

Urgent Letter From Scott Wheeler About Barack Obama


Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama

Dear Fellow American:

Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United States.

That man is Barack Obama.

He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that — but in ways you make not like.

Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate.

He received a 100 percent Liberal Rating from the National Journal, making him the most left-wing Senator in Washington — more liberal than even Democratic senators like Ted Kennedy.

If you look at Obama's record, you will understand just how dangerous this man is.

He even has terrorist friends he won't denounce. One such man is William Ayers,  a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground. The group bombed several government buildings, including the Pentagon, killing civilians and police officers.

In 2001, Ayers said he had no regrets for his actions and wished he could have done more. 

The ties between Obama and Ayers are tight. Both served on two non profit boards and they worked closely together. Ayers even hosted a political event at his home for Obama.

Obama has acknowledged he is a friend of Ayers and defends his association by saying he, Obama, was only 8 years old at the time of the Pentagon bombing.

However, Obama has no explanation as to why he is still a friend of Ayers.

Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan.

No one can deny hearing about Obama's relationship with the America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama — because he is one of them.

In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without "preconditions" even though Ahmadinejad has promised to "wipe Israel off the map" and "destroy" America.

Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him.

"We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election," Ahmed Yousef, senior Hamas leader was quoted by ABC radio as saying.

Help the National Republican Trust PAC tell the truth about ObamaGo Here Now

Dangerous Economic Plan

And then there are Obama's dangerous economic plans for America.

He wants to almost double the capital gains tax. He wants to strip the FICA tax cap off every worker making more than $97,500. He wants to increase the dividend tax. He wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire — giving almost every American family an automatic tax increase.

He has called for more than $800 billion in new spending programs.

He is so radical he even backed driver's licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States.

He is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live born children — children actually born alive!  He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill.

He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.

He originally backed Washington D.C.'s total ban on private handguns — a ban that was overturned. The NRA rated him an "F" on gun positions and says he is one of the most dangerous anti-gun politicians in the nation.

Never forget that Obama is a Harvard educated elitist. To him we Americans are simply "bitter" and he has mocked us saying "[they] cling to their guns and their religion."

Support the National Republican Trust PAC's Campaign to Expose Obama — Go Here Now

Exposing the Truth

Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked.

When Hillary exposed Obama publicly, her campaign saw a major turnaround.

Hillary won every major state primary in the nation with the sole exception of Obama's home state of Illinois.

And even though Obama was "anointed" by the media and Democratic elites, Hillary went on to win eight of the last 10 Democratic primaries.

How did Obama beat Hillary for the nomination?

Well, using a loophole in Democratic rules, he was able to rack up large majorities in caucus states where he outspent and out organized her.

But in large, contested states she won almost every time. Why? Because when Democrats heard what Obama really stood for, they turned on him.

Make no mistake about it: If we let Americans know the truth about Obama, John McCain can win this election!

But we must employ Hillary Clinton's strategy.

We must expose Obama for the dangerous radical he is.

Send a donation today to help our cause — Go Here Now

You Can Make a Difference

This is why the National Republican Trust Political Action Committee is moving to implement a "shock and awe" strategy against Obama in key states.

We plan to take out powerful television ads, Internet ads and other communications to inform Americans about the dangers posed by Barack Obama.

We plan to target key states that can make a difference — But we need your help to do it.

As a political action committee, we can accept up to $5,000 in donations per contributor.

A $5,000 donation can help us saturate a key market for a full day with television ads.

But if you can't do the full amount, even $2,500 or $1,000 or $500 — Any amount you can afford will help.

Stop and think how much Obama may cost you and your family in new taxes over the next four years alone: $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 or even more.

Your donation today may actually save you much more in the years to come.

Please help today – Donate by Going Here Now

It will most certainly help our great nation.

Thank you.

Yours for America,

Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

P.S. Election Day is just weeks away. Your support today can make a huge difference — donate today  —
Go Here Now.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Branka Babic

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 3:33:47 AM







Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 5:28:13 AM
Hello Jim,

You are so correct when you say we have never had such grave crisis.  I have never heard of such a shady character trying to get in office.  So many questions are so unanswered about him, himself.  He does not care to answer any of them because he sees himself as the Almighty, why should he answer to the peasants. He is so arrogant, can you just see how we the people will be treated if he was elected.
All the leaders of the countries that wants us harm, are his friends, are supporting him, donating to him and none of the Obamamanians are questioning that, are they blind or simple minded. 
I come from a country that has socialized medicine and believe me the American people will not like it.
I do my my best to spread the news against him everywhere I go and write.  I can only hope and pray now that the rest of America will open their eyes and see him for what he really is, "a silver tongued devil".
God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 5:42:31 AM
Hello Jim,

I meant to add this video to my previous post and forgot it so here is the link.

It is very interesting.

God Bless

God Bless Everyone
Jim Allen

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Re: Hillary's Secrets Can Defeat Obama
10/31/2008 9:17:06 AM

Washington Post, NY Times and Dallas News Reporters Booted from Obama Plane!


Obama has no couth.  These news sources have supported this Obamanation throughout this campaign. 

Now they are booted from the Obamanation Plane!  Self Destruction?! 

He wanted to make room for Black Documentary Makers? 

What Do You Think?! 

Redistribution of Wealth and Accesss?

Check Out the Story on



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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