Hey Anamaria,
Yeah an A++ rating may questionable nowadays but not in regard to T - Rex!!!!!!!!! Put soap in your mouth.
Now seriously. One of the best A++ ratings today is buying foreclosures (how terrible does that sound? :( ) but one thing you forgot to take into account is that cow pies can also have an A++ rating. Think of all the things you can do with them. Fertilizer, bombs (good for the T industry) keeping the debt collectors away (fill the front yard with them) and so many more uses. Maybe we should consider packaging and marketing that too!!!
You will be at the top of our list for employment and most probably as a partner cos of your vast experience as a chemical engineer. We can fire the Drs from Bucharest and be free from their yoke.
The diagram is a happy one and the song can be out theme song for our products. We'll dope em up with the endorphins and keep em smiling with the serotonin. Priceless; we can charge up he yazoo and as I said laugh all the way to the bank (producing more serotonin in the process).

Good thinking. You're way more then a secret weapon much more valuable.
Shalom my dear friend,