Dear Meshugeneh Lilly,
It seems that you now have a secret weapon of your own. A nurse whose deceased husband was in "her" medical care!!!! Interesting to say the least. One would assume that she is now a merry widow but as you so profoundly said she is now a "MERRY BLACK WIDOW" DRESSED IN BLACK. This is what you're sending to me in order to wake me up?????? I wonder???
Now the curious nurse can in no way be compared to my intensive and never ending seeking of answers and truths. She is much closer to the SDI PUTS. When the obvious stares her in the face and yet she asks questions. I certainly hope this isn't a sample of the medical diagnosis in Serbia (more about Serbia below). Pleeeeeeeeeeease have a second look at your sister/nurse and see for yourself.

Serbian women are supreme???????? Interesting concept and I wonder what the basis for your "theory" is. But assuming it is correct (and we are only assuming!!!!!) the question that remains is "supreme what" ?
a. Supreme Fool???
b. Supreme traditionally dressed temptress???
c. Supreme traditionally dressed black widow secret weapon temptress???
d. Supreme in observance and diagnosis (see picture above) ???
e. Supreme in exception to the rules found only on the internet (see picture in your post) ???
f. Supreme in intelligence (something positive too!!!)???
g. Supreme and loyal friend???
h. Supreme in compassion and love???
I. Supreme sense of humor???
I sincerely hope I haven't left out any important options since there are many other possibilities. I tend to believe that it might possibly be all the above!!! If so what a combo and I'm not sure that supreme is the proper definition but Oy Gevalt or Oy Vey fits much better.
The best proof of love would be very detailed answers to all the above!!!!! Not a mere 2 questions.
P.S. A closing thought. Is there a point of comparison between my super (a different word for supreme) secret weapon and yours? I found only one and mine is the more compassionate of the 2. The word MERRY. Yours is the MERRY BLACK WIDOW and mine wants to send you to the MERRY CEMETARY. I will be writing about that wonderful place later on but just to show the Super (a different word for supreme) kindness, love, joy, sense of humor and compassion of my Super (a different word for supreme) Secret Weapon please see the below picture. After you look please understand how Super (different word for supreme) kind and how much love and affection we have for you.

The Merry Cemetery from Sapanta.