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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Best Friends go here first up!_ SARA BLOW
10/26/2008 5:02:40 PM
Dear Sarah with an (H) lol, this thread is about love for others, i have many best friends because not only i get into there lives but because i really appreciate what they do here at Adlandpro and I personally show it. Its what im all about in here even before i turned business man. Sara with an (A) has strived to do the same even through her days of illness', there are no sides here when God is involved and when i do things its for Him , his benefit not mine. And certainly not for any money LOL . Showing my love Sarah, just showing my love. Who knows? you might be next.
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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Best Friends go here first up!_ SARA BLOW
10/26/2008 5:28:59 PM

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Best Friends go here first up!_ SARA BLOW
10/26/2008 6:22:43 PM

Something i like to share will all. This is called and i should post this in a separate thread but im not going to so there LOL ,a little something about the teachings through my Church we shared today, an edited excerpt from a disciple author Charles Swindoll from Job 11:1-20 title " Skimming the surface" Are you seeking to know the depths of God, or are you just skimming the surface? Can you discover the depths of God? Can you discover the limits of the Almighty? They are as high as the heavens, what can you do? deeper than Sheol, what can you know? (Job 11:7-9) Let me repeat the question: Are you seeking to know the depths of God, or are you just skimming the surface? Only you know the answer. Our current culture is so busy we can become proficient at faking it.We can look like we're going to the depths when, in fact, we're just skating. So you must answer for yourself. Are you seeking to know the depths of God? Or, do you find that you're just finding attending a lot of religious meetings, readings a few religious books, and learning all the religious sounding language? One of Larry crabb's books is titled, "The Pressures Off". In it he writes: "As a culture, present day Christianity has redefined spiritual maturity. The reformers (the old ones of centurys ago) knew we were saved to glorify God. We moderns (disciple) live to be blessed. The mature among us are now to be the successful, the happy, the effective people on top of things and doing well. We're more attracted to sermons, books, and conferences that reveal the secrets to fulfillment...than to spiritual direction that leads us through affliction into the presence of the Father." That cuts to the quick doesn't it? Don't run from the hardship. Don't seek a friend who will help you get out from under it quickly (itching ears, what you want to hear). Stay in it! The Lord will get you through it. As a result, you'll stop skating, you'll stop skimming the surface. Colossians 1:24-29, 2 Timothy 2:15-19, Philippians 2:12b-13, 2 Corinthians 4:10-12 and Acts: 20:24.  I hope you have a Holy bible with you. Thank you Sara for your faithful beliefs in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I share this because i care!


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Re: Best Friends go here first up!_ SARA BLOW
10/26/2008 6:46:58 PM

Thomas, my friend, thank you for posting this.  I love the poem and it speaks volumes.  I don't care if you copied and pasted it, many do the same thing.

I do not like controversy.  I do not like to see my friends being treated unjustly.  Thomas, I know you are doing what your heart leads you to do and that you believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God Almighty and the Holy Spirit.

May God touch the heart of those who speak so cruel and warm them into friends of our souls.  We are all in this together and when we hurt one another, we also hurt ourselves.  I believe in spreading love and kindness, never hatred and cruelty.

Bless you, Thomas, and please continue to be the person in Adlandpro, our Prayer Warrior.

When you have felt pain, as I have felt in the past 6 weeks, you learn to really appreciate what life is all about.  I love you all even if we do disagree on some points, that is the way of humans.  Many times it is hard to 'turn the other cheek' and not let harsh criticism effect you but even this late in life I feel that 'being yourself' and letting this abuse just wash over you is the best way.  To handle adversity with kindness is like pouring water on a flame. 

My Adlandpro friends, let's celebrate Halloween and support our October Poet.  Forget the bad and come and celebrate life.

Love and hugs,


Thomas Richmond

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Re: Best Friends go here first up!_ SARA BLOW
10/26/2008 7:50:49 PM
Your welcome Sara, you got some pretty good wisdom yourself! Theres a few in here who can relate to them. God_bless you my friend! when you feel you need more love for someone... Ephesians 5:1-2: Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. :)
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