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Beverly Kersey

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How Sick Are You Of The Propaganda And This Election?
10/22/2008 5:04:45 PM

I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally am sick to death of this of all the bull crap surrounding this election. I will be so happy when it is done and over with. I am tired of having all the lies and bull shoved down my throat. I have started renting movies so that I don't have to listen to all the "I APPROVED THIS MESSAGE" lies also.

I am not a fancy articulate writer, nor do I really care to be. I am however a citizen that has voted in every election for the last 34 years. I had to be twenty one to vote back then.

I honestly do not care for either candidate, and that makes it hard to even think of pushing the button on election day. Obama is a golden tongue wolf in sheeps clothing and McCann is a heartbeat away from meeting our maker. Ms Palin I am sure is a nice lady, but really folks, I am a mom of 5 and I sure as heck wouldn't have the slightest idea on how to run this crazy country, would you?

Help me decide dear friends! Who do you honestly think should be president and why? And do you really think they are telling you the truth or are they just speaking what they think you want to hear? How can you trust any of the politicians anymore?


Beverly Kersey
Thomas Richmond

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Re: How Sick Are You Of The Propaganda And This Election?
10/22/2008 5:24:53 PM
Greetings Beverly, my what a topic you have made for us to chew on, well for one thing Yes i am sick of all the propaganda, the hate and lies of this election that has stirred up from the media and in here at Adlandpro, no one seems to have any tight reigns on either opponent, however as a voter and an election worker its our civil and patriotic duty to go through these elections each time, to choose who suits best for there particular office there running for, for a better way of our futures reliance on our living situations, education and Jobs out there in the work force, sick yes very sick as of last Friday, i got this bad cold, and then on Saturday i had my 4 hour training class to go to for the elections, had to rustle up some strength for that one, still today im a little weak. So you can say im sick either way Beverly LOL. God keeps me happy :) so does his teachings.  Thanks for the opportunity to vent Beverly, God_bless you
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Beverly Kersey

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Re: How Sick Are You Of The Propaganda And This Election?
10/22/2008 6:05:33 PM

Thanks for stopping by dear brother. I hope you get plenty of rest and get over that nasty cold fast.

I haven't missed an election vote yet. I don't intend to stop at this late in my life LOL!

I just felt that I needed to say, I am tired of talking and listening about it!

If you don't vote you have no right to complain!!Get Well Soon My Friend!!          Soup

Get Well Soup  not only is chicken soup good for colds, but it is great for the soul!!

Beverly Kersey
Greer Trumble

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Re: How Sick Are You Of The Propaganda And This Election?
10/24/2008 2:29:40 PM

Hi Beverly -- wow, "politics", if I read further will the other two undiscussable topics appear, LOL.  Just ribbing you a bit there, dear friend.

But getting back to the topic you broached...I was just wondering if McCain has a bit of an anger management issue with Obama?



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Beverly Kersey

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Re: How Sick Are You Of The Propaganda And This Election?
10/24/2008 3:05:13 PM

I think McCann gets frustrated and tired. I am sure he will be just as happy as everyone when this is over. It must be very strenious for all that is involved with campaign. They have all been doing a lot of back paddling lately. LOL!

Thank you for stopping by and posting.


Beverly Kersey

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