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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
3/20/2010 12:25:44 AM
Hi Gail,
Thanks for the great story. Here is one of their dances.

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
3/20/2010 12:50:13 AM

Native American Wedding

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
3/20/2010 6:57:03 PM

""2012" and the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy"

Dear Friends,

My name is Kymberlee Ruff, MFT. Cherokee by ethnicity, I was adopted into the Hopi Tribe by Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma. I was given some information that I was asked to share with the world when the time came.

With all of the recent devastating earthquakes coinciding with the release of the movie "2012", I was asked to share some important information that is extremely hopeful.

In the movie "2012", the world is destroyed when too many earthquakes set off the "Earth's Crust Displacement" theory and a giant Tsunami washes away most of the planet.

I have been instructed by the Holy Ones and the Elders and the Rinpoches that together we have created the causes and conditions to create a reality with a very wonderful ending. Paradoxically, the huge concern about 2012 has created the impetus for the world to form an alliance with each other so that we may enter into the Time of Never Ending Peace.

The Hopi have a word to describe this period that was prophesied. They call it "Koyaanisqatsi". It means "Life Out of Balance". The Hopi and the Tibetan Prophecies say that Tibetans will come to the West to bring the ancient knowledge of "Wisdom and Compassion". The event of "Tibet in Exile" has helped to create the necessary tools to create the needed balance.

Image: Hopi text

Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma spoke of these times when he addressed the United Nations in his "Cry of the Earth" speech in 1993. Grandfather Martin said that "The Horny Toad Woman told Maussau the Creator that a time would come when she was needed." The legend says that Horny Toad Woman told Maussau that she would bring a group of people with a "steel helmet to help."

I was asked to share that indeed The Horny Toad Woman has kept her promise and that she and her friends are here. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.

Image: Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma

Hopi Grandfather
Martin Gashweseoma at United Nations

Over the last decade, many devoted and holy people from all around the world have begun performing the Sacred Ceremonies and Rituals to ask Mother Earth to give us another chance. I have been told that we have become successful in forming a global alliance where we can now link with each other and the Ancestors on the Other Side.

For example, in the movie "2012", Yellowstone National Park erupts into a "super-volcano". In 2004, Elder Bennie LeBeau initiated "The Grand Tetons Medicine Wheel" to help alleviate the pressure at Yellowstone to avoid this event. He called in the help of many to help save our "Turtle Island."


The Non-Tsunami after the 8.8 Chilean Earthquake was evidence of that. By combining the techniques and energies that we have all been studying and practicing, we have entered into a phase of The Fifth World where we can communicate with Mother Earth with our prayers and intentions.

Image: Easter Island

I was told that we all "worked together to ask Mother Ocean to absorb the Pacific Rim Tsumami". This was evidence that with our intention and the loving kindness of those who wanted to protect others from harm, it is now possible to create Miracles on Earth.

I would very much like to mention some of the devoted holy people that have been performing the Sacred Ceremonies that have successfully brought us back from the edge. I apologize for excluding the many shamans and Lightworkers that have dutifully been performing the ceremonies that I have not heard of around the world. I believe in my heart that every single prayer and ritual has mattered.

May All Beings Benefit,


Sacred Ceremonies:

Woody Vaspra and the International Sundances.

Bennie Le Beau and the Earth Wisdom Foundation

Maria Yraceburu and the Sisters of Honua

Jack Marshall and the Golden Eagle ceremonies

Grandfather William Commanda and the Seven Fires Prophecy

Ruben Saufkie, Jr and Adam Yellowbird for the "Return of the Ancestors" gathering

Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Woman Pipe

Miriam Delicado

Malidome Some

Michael Tamura

Uncle Angaaangaq

Doorways to Ascension


Maussau the Hopi Creator

Image: Maussau, the Hopi Creator

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
3/20/2010 7:49:54 PM
Myrna, Thanks for the information ... I loved the wedding ceremony !
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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
3/23/2010 7:56:16 PM

Hello Myrna,

That's what I love about coming to your Forum my Dear Friend. You always have stories of Hope. I pray constantly that the legends are True.

Eagle Stories

The Eagle Feather
by Randy Macey, Mohawk

When the world was new, the Creator made all the birds. He colored their feathers like a bouquet of flowers. The Creator then gave each a distinct song to sing. The Creator instructed the birds to greet each new day with a chorus of their songs. Of all the birds, our Creator chose the Eagle to be the leader. The Eagle flies the highest and sees the furthest of all creatures. The Eagle is a messenger to the Creator. During the Four Sacred Riguals we will wear an Eagle Feather in our hair. To wear or to hold the Eagle Feather causes our Creator to take immediate notice. With the Eagle Feather the Creator is honored in the highest.

When one recieves an Eagle Feather that person is being acknowledged with gratitude, with love, and with ultimate respect. That feather must have sacred tobacco burnt for it. In this way the Eagle and the Creator are notified of the name of the new Eagle Feather Holder. The holder of the Eagle Feather must ensure that anything that changes the natural state of ones mind (Alcohol and Drugs) must never come in contact with the sacred Eagle Feather. The keeper of the feather will make a little home where the feather will be kept. The Eagle feather must be fed. You feed the Eagle Feather by holding or wearing the feather at sacred ceremonies. By doing this the Eagle Feather is recharged with sacred energy. Never abuse, never disrespect, and never contaminate your Eagle Feather. The Mohawk man will have three Eagle Feathers standing straight up on his Kahstowa (feather hat).

by Erik Phelps

When the earth was created, a great thundercloud appeared on the horizon. Flashing lightning and thundering it's call, it descended toward the treetops. As the mists cleared, there was an eagle perched on the highest branches. He took flight and flew slowly down to the ground. As he approached the earth, he put forward his foot, and as he stepped upon the ground, he became a man.

For this reason we recognize the eagle as a messenger of the creator, and rely upon him to carry word of our actions to God. When the eagle comes to where we are working, we know that God cares about us and is watching over us.

by D'Arcy Rheault

Elder Michael Thrasher once told me that the eagle feather has two sides. If the feather had only one side then Eagle could not fly. On one side we find mind/intellect, body/movement and spirit/emotion. Once these are balanced a person is balanced. On the other side there is institution/education (and not just Western style education), process (the movement on one's path) and ceremony. Once these are balanced then a person's life is balanced. When the two sides of the feather are balanced then we have proper behaviour.

Funny thing is.......Eagle doesn't care if its feathers have two sides....It just opens its wings and flies up to Creator.


Have A Blessed Week My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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