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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
1/6/2010 1:51:31 AM
Hi Phil,

I don't how many times I was coming in to post something and you have been there before me, which I am very thankful for. I just received the Cherokee Legend and thought I would post it, but I can not paste and keep the pics, but I found it on Youtube, which is so nice.
Come back again, please.


Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
1/6/2010 4:36:19 AM

Hi Myrna,

You know what they say about "Great minds always traveling on the same track.". Might be something to that saying after all.

Seriously though, that piece on the "Cherokee Legend" was one of the most Inspirational and Deeply moving videos I've ever seen. It's especially moving because my Great Grandmother was full blood Cherokee. I think that makes me 1/16th or something like that. It's also so true, that we never walk alone, He is always at our side, and He always guides ouir footsteps. SimplyBeautiful. Thank You so much my Friend.

The New Millennium
and Native American Spirituality

We are living in a time of personal and planetary transition. Earth changes, pollution, depletion of the ozone layer, social and political upheavals are just some of the signs of the times we live in. However, as we enter a new millennium, there are also positive signs of increasing inner development, compassion, and global awareness.

The profound interest in alternative methods of healing, sensitivity training, spirituality, and the growing interest in environmental issues make it clear that we can no longer remain separate or indifferent. We are starting to understand that all things are inter-connected. We are all linked to our environment. What effects one effects the whole.

As our concern for ourselves and the environment increases we are beginning to seriously look at ancient wisdom with new and encouraging interest. At this time there is a great desire for spiritual understanding and much interest in Native American Spirituality.

Native American Spirituality has no fixed dogmas although it has many traditions. The people that practice it all believe in a universal web of power or energy which supports all things. In fact, the inter-connection of all things is fundamental in the Native American belief system. There is a common energy force that all things share. There is a oneness with the earth. We are all part of a greater whole, with one common destiny.

In the Native American view, there is no separation of nature and spirituality in daily living. It is all one. The consciousness of the Creator lives in the animals, plants, rocks, mountains, oceans and in us, collectively called, the Great Spirit. We see and experience the Creator every time we see a majestic tree, a mountain, a winding river, a sunrise, a shinning star, or each other.

We hear the voice of the Creator every time we hear the birds sing, the the winds blow, the laughter of a child , the sound of falling rain and the cry of the eagle. All is the voice of the Creator. We must recognize Him everywhere and in all things. We seek to contact the Great Spirit that exist in everything, but we cannot make contact until we realize that contact can only be made by respecting Him where He lives now, in all creation. We must respect the earth , ourselves and all creation , for we are all one; all is related and all is sacred.

Let us move beyond the limitations of our past perceptions and develop the strength to meet the challenges of the new millennium together. As we enter this new cycle of change and reach new levels of understanding, it is important to remember that there are many spiritual tools available to help us in our spiritual quest.

It is time for all races to unite and share ceremonies of purification and healing. Information long kept secret is now available to all. Most non- natives do not seek to duplicate the traditional Vision Quest, or the sweat lodge , but desire simply to make use and understand the healing aspects and spiritual power of the ceremonies. They recognize the importance of the ceremonies transformational properties .

One of the empowering Native American ceremonies is the cleansing ritual, called smudging. Smudging is a word used for cleansing with smoke. The purifying smoke of sage, cedar or sweet-grass is ceremonially fanned through the energy field to cleanse vibrations, attract positive energy , healing and protection. Surely, this sacred rite is beneficial for all the people. We, the people, are one family . We, the people , belong to the tribe of humanity . Let us act with respect and unity with all our relations as we hold in our heart a vision of peace and harmony in these changing times.

We are moving from a personal understanding of what is mine, to a universal understanding of what is ours. In the past it was, that’s my family, that’s my house, that’s my land; that’s my whatever. In the future it’s going to be: This is our earth, this is our world; all the children are our children. Our elders---that old man over there; he’s our grandfather; that old lady sitting under the tree, that’s our grandmother; everyone that is our own age--- that’s our sister or our brother. And that’s the way it’s going to be in the coming times, because all is related and all is one; there is no separation in Spirit.

© Copyright 1998-03 Lily Therese

God Be With Us All And Bless Us,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
1/6/2010 5:53:51 PM

Dear Myrna,

I hope you like the flute notes in this video. Real good for meditating and relaxing.

As to Josephine Wall's paintings, I am sure you will love them as they are simply extraordinary.



I always try to stop by and read the posts, if not post myself, at this forum of yours. I feel so indentified with it. Unfortunately, it has not been the case of late.

By the way, this video I "borrowed" from Richard Mathiason's "Uplifting and Intetresting Videos"' forum here at Adland. I was attracted to it since I have long been a fan of Josephine Wall's paintings. I would recommend you visit it too.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
1/6/2010 6:33:36 PM

Hi Myrna,

Since I seem to always be serious, how about a little humor...

All Things to All People"

Striking up a conversation with the attractive woman seated beside him on a coast-to-coast flight, a young Brave, who was also a would be Romeo, asked, "What type of man attracts you?"

"I've always been drawn to Native American men," she replied. "They're so in tune with nature."

"I see," the man said, smiling.

"But then, I really go for Jewish men who put women on a pedestal and I can hardly resist the way Southern men treat their ladies with such respect."

"Please, forgive me for not introducing myself properly," said the young man. "My name is Running Bear Goldstein, but all my friends call me Bubba."

Always Take Time To Smile,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
1/7/2010 2:11:42 AM
Hi Phil,
This is my 3rd try to answer your post. My pc when down, have no idea what was wrong. Had everything ready to hit create and it stopped.
Just wanted to let you know how I like this:

The New Millennium
and Native American Spirituality

Weare living in a time of personal and planetary transition. Earthchanges, pollution, depletion of the ozone layer, social and politicalupheavals are just some of the signs of the times we live in. However,as we enter a new millennium, there are also positive signs ofincreasing inner development, compassion, and global awareness.

Theprofound interest in alternative methods of healing, sensitivitytraining, spirituality, and the growing interest in environmentalissues make it clear that we can no longer remain separate orindifferent. We are starting to understand that all things areinter-connected. We are all linked to our environment. What effects oneeffects the whole.

Asour concern for ourselves and the environment increases we arebeginning to seriously look at ancient wisdom with new and encouraginginterest. At this time there is a great desire for spiritualunderstanding and much interest in Native American Spirituality.

NativeAmerican Spirituality has no fixed dogmas although it has manytraditions. The people that practice it all believe in a universal webof power or energy which supports all things. In fact, theinter-connection of all things is fundamental in the Native Americanbelief system. There is a common energy force that all things share.There is a oneness with the earth. We are all part of a greater whole,with one common destiny.

Inthe Native American view, there is no separation of nature andspirituality in daily living. It is all one. The consciousness of theCreator lives in the animals, plants, rocks, mountains, oceans and inus, collectively called, the Great Spirit. We see and experience theCreator every time we see a majestic tree, a mountain, a winding river,a sunrise, a shinning star, or each other.

Wehear the voice of the Creator every time we hear the birds sing, thethe winds blow, the laughter of a child , the sound of falling rain andthe cry of the eagle. All is the voice of the Creator. We mustrecognize Him everywhere and in all things. We seek to contact theGreat Spirit that exist in everything, but we cannot make contact untilwe realize that contact can only be made by respecting Him where Helives now, in all creation. We must respect the earth , ourselves andall creation , for we are all one; all is related and all is sacred.

Letus move beyond the limitations of our past perceptions and develop thestrength to meet the challenges of the new millennium together. As weenter this new cycle of change and reach new levels of understanding,it is important to remember that there are many spiritual toolsavailable to help us in our spiritual quest.

Itis time for all races to unite and share ceremonies of purification andhealing. Information long kept secret is now available to all. Mostnon- natives do not seek to duplicate the traditional Vision Quest, orthe sweat lodge , but desire simply to make use and understand thehealing aspects and spiritual power of the ceremonies. They recognizethe importance of the ceremonies transformational properties .

Oneof the empowering Native American ceremonies is the cleansing ritual,called smudging. Smudging is a word used for cleansing with smoke. Thepurifying smoke of sage, cedar or sweet-grass is ceremonially fannedthrough the energy field to cleanse vibrations, attract positive energy, healing and protection. Surely, this sacred rite is beneficial forall the people. We, the people, are one family . We, the people ,belong to the tribe of humanity . Let us act with respect and unitywith all our relations as we hold in our heart a vision of peace andharmony in these changing times.

Weare moving from a personal understanding of what is mine, to auniversal understanding of what is ours. In the past it was, that’s myfamily, that’s my house, that’s my land; that’s my whatever. In thefuture it’s going to be: This is our earth, this is our world; all thechildren are our children. Our elders---that old man over there; he’sour grandfather; that old lady sitting under the tree, that’s ourgrandmother; everyone that is our own age--- that’s our sister or ourbrother. And that’s the way it’s going to be in the coming times,because all is related and all is one; there is no separation inSpirit.

It is beautiful. Then I found this video that I think is lovely. I hope you enjoy as much as I did.



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