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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
4/15/2009 9:20:47 PM
Hi Georgios,

Boy I am glad to see you here.  Thanks for posting about chief Seattle.  He is so special

I found this on a Message of Peace which is saying the same things.  WE all are one.  The sooner we lean that the better off we are.

Blessings and hugs,


((youtube id="zlyKgQHeAzw"))((/youtube))
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
4/15/2009 10:02:51 PM

Thank you for your kindness!

One day very soon I will tell you untold TRUTH! Just to virbrate some of our sleeping brain cells I will say this: 40,000 years back (there is scientific evidence on that) white Europeans visited what we called HESPERIA or what we call today America. The DNA  is the best tool to show ones origin. Skulls found in USA and Canada from 40,000  and 10,000 years back shows two kind of races. The old ones are Caucasoid European and the others are Indochinese and not Siberian as scolars used to tell us. According to religion there shouldn't be any human life on earth.

In Hellenic Mythology, every year the winter months
Apollo used to visit the HYPERBOREANS*, which means he went the other side the north pole. I study the Inuit people and Hmmmm I still learn things they will never tell us but those things are in the myths. In all Native AmerIndian creation stories the Natives say that White Men with beard came from East, teached gave them knowledge. When Columbus came to America the Natives believed that the white gods returned.

History must be rewritten and corrected. White man chnaged the real history to serve him and not the truth.

It is Easter Days here and it would be a blasphemy to deep religious people to mension about the lie of lies. Religion is human invention and discovery, not divine or God-given. Sacred knowledge is what nature teaches and not what our rulers demand. Soon thos evil spirits, our rulers, will introduce us a new "god". They want us to forget wisdom teachers like Chief Seattle, legends such as Geronimo, traditional sacraments like marriage, family spirit and community spirit.

While I write here I am watching/listening on TV the Imperail Hours (Passion of the Christ) followed with clips from the known film. Nice written hymns with angelic calming and relaxation music  which makes good, but .... Yes that is not enough to spoil the truth.

Kindly Regards

from "hyper" [=over, surpass] and "boreas" [=north])
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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
4/15/2009 10:48:11 PM
Hi Georgios,

I am so ready for the truth.  I will be waiting to hear from you.  Thank you.


((youtube id="e2PggDw-vww"))((/youtube))
Jill Bachman

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
4/15/2009 11:12:05 PM

Hi Myrna,

Oooooo...........I just love this forum.  I know I should post more, but I am always looking for that perfect picture to keep up, so sometimes I only read.

But it was funny when Georgios posted about Chief Seattle and there I was...... an interesting set of events.  hehehe

As you are aware, my husband belongs to the Comanche Riders Association (trail riders).  They all assume an Indian name when they join.

One of our favorite members is Chief Seattle and coincidentally we just sent him a birthday card a few weeks ago with this picture.  Voila!

Keep these great forums coming!

Cheers,  Jill
Alain Deguire

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
4/16/2009 8:53:50 PM

Hello Dearest Friend Myrna!

As I mentionned in Georgios forum about Chief Seattle, I was lucky enough to participate in many traditional Native Amerindian rituals and ceremonials, and I was also trained some years ago to celebrate and animate "Sacred Fire" rituals. I always felt very close to this spiritual path and was lucky enough that it was such an important part of my spiritual growth process...

I want to share with you a Native American prayer that helps me to remember how I am so much in unicity with all there is by involving the different powers associated with the four directions in Nature and in setting up the space and spirit in co-creation with all of the Universe...

((youtube id="t7xj8LWy2Lw"))((/youtube))

and, then, we can complete the whole meditation - prayer process with this beautiful Native American ~ Spiritual Music...

((youtube id="xbNDmKFzzG8"))((/youtube))


