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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
8/3/2015 5:30:16 PM
Hi Barb,
So thankful to have you come in and post all these wonderful videos. Let's pray that the rain will come your way, now.

On page 223 , is a story of Rolling Thunder, who was a medicine man, who could make it rain. That is how he got his name of Rolling Thunder. I have his book called Rolling Thunder Speaks, A message for Turtle Island. He made me fall in love with these people all over again. Before the Europeans came to this land, these people must have lived a wonderful, peaceful life. They used the land,put things back to keep the soil as it was. Their respect for women was just wonderful. The house was the woman's. She had the say in the house and don't any man try to go against her. .........The book is funny, sad, but beautiful.
He also tells about food. The best way to eat veggies is to stir fry them.
He says water is sacred, we always give thanks for the water.
I would advise everyone to get his book. I got it from Amazon. They have new and used ones.
Rolling Thunder

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Indian/Native Americans info
8/4/2015 3:13:51 PM
Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Indian/Native Americans info
8/4/2015 4:11:43 PM
It is indeed...

Angel cuddles,
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Indian/Native Americans info
8/8/2015 3:39:23 PM
Thanks Sarah. It is so nice to have you back, I miss you Angel Cuddles.
Miguel had this on his site, it is so nice, it needs to be on here.

(Video) Indigenous Elder Shares Powerful Words Of Wisdom For All Governments/Corporations & People


“We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and development continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life.” (Video)

The time has come for us to collectively gather together to change our world. There is plenty of work to do, but the solutions exist and need only to be implemented. It’s unfortunate that the human experience has become one in which people are completely disconnected from the Earth. Busy with our 9-5 grind, trying to earn enough money to survive, we’ve completely lost sight of what is happening on the planet. We’ve become zombie-like creatures, doing what we are told and believing what we are programmed to believe, without ever questioning our surroundings. Our world has become one of deception, greed, fear, and ego. As a collective human race, we are waking up, and more and more people are becoming aware of what needs to be done to change the world, but we have a long way to go. Hopefully this rebirth is a smooth transition, and we applaud all those who are doing what they can, however insignificant the effort seems, to try to create the positive change our planet so desperately requires.

I want to thank for sharing this video – “One People, One Voice, One Earth.”

In late September of 2014, Indigenous Elders and Medicine People of North and South America united for four days in sacred ceremony in Green Grass, South Dakota. The significance of this meeting is profound. Its outcome is the Statement which Chief Looking Horse delivers in his native Lakota language, at the United Nations Tillman Chapel. It is the embodiment of a confluence of prophecies which speak to the necessity to activate a new level of consciousness for the benefit of humanity and the earth. Although their statement illuminates the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, the fundamental message is for humanity to spiritually awaken to protect and restore the sacred.

You can read the Indigenous Elders’ statement here:

English translation begins at 4:05

About the author

Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Indian/Native Americans info
8/8/2015 4:32:19 PM
Thank you sweet Myrna,

We are all part of the energy of Mother Earth. I connect my heart to the heart of Gaia each day.

From that frequency I send out angel cuddles each day. Some people feel them and know what they are . Some feel them but don't realise what they are. Others, who have shut down their feeling for one reason or another, don't feel them. But be sure, everyone receives them as we are all connected.

Many blessings and angel cuddles,
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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