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Jill Bachman

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
10/22/2008 2:19:27 PM

Hey Miss Myrna,

CONGRATULATIONS for starting a forum on my favorite subject!  Woohoo!!!

I will share my favorite web site and video with you all!!  There is so much we can learn from the native americans.........God bless their victory!!  :-)



The Rainbow held special significance among the people of the land. Prophesies and stories of many nations, from the Hopi and Zuni in the Southwest to the Cherokee in the Southeast, from the Cree in the far north, the great Sioux nations of the plains, to the Mayan people of the far south, the Rainbow was a focal point of spiritual belief.

The rainbow was a sign of the omnipotent grace of the Great Mystery.  It was by grace, freely given, unmerited favor and love of the Creator  that allowed our people to walk this earth in respect for thousands of years barely leaving a footprint.  It was also a focal point and great sign of the Place of Peace, Manataka. For the Creator chose Manataka to display this beautiful phenomena of nature in a spectacular and unique way.  Read  "The Story of Manataka"

The rainbows of Manataka were tended by the Rainbow Woman who kept a watchful eye on the peace of the valley.  She kept the secrets of the Crystal Cave and presided over the Great Peace Council for thousands of years.

The Rainbow Woman and the beautiful rainbows of Manataka disappeared to live deep within the sacred mountain when our Circle was broken by invasion and destruction by a people who did not understand the beauty and grace of our sacred places.  

We are not angry about the extreme ill-treatment of our people and the land at the hands of these greedy and fearful people - because we understand the fulfillment of the rainbow prophesies is coming to light and "..all things that were, will be again…"   Read "Standing Bear Speaks" 

The following prophesies and stories will help you to understand the importance of the Rainbows of Manataka and the meaning of the term, Rainbow Warrior. 


Cheers,  Jill
Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
10/22/2008 4:13:12 PM
Hi Phil,

From the depths of my soul I thank you, my heart is so full right now it is running over. I just love these people and my heart just aches for them. Please come back, and add more posts, love your posts.

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
10/22/2008 4:17:31 PM
Hi Jen,

Thank you for this wonderful post, I do hope you keep coming back, I want to contact Golden Eagle and let him see how much his people are loved. It is all about Love and we are all one.

Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
10/22/2008 4:34:44 PM
Hi Jill,

OMG!!! That is beautiful, I knew you could really make me proud. I hope you return and give more and more insight to these wonderful Native Americans

Thank you my dear friend. How about some drums. Love it.

Karl Jones

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Re: Great announcement for Native Americans
10/23/2008 12:07:49 AM
Hi Myrna,
                     I finally got in. That last link you sent me worked. Yes, this is great news. Cherokee is on my mother's side of the family.

You are right Phil and
Beverly it is about time!

Thanks again Myrna for this most important forum.


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