Listening to Mother Earth Our mission is directed from Mother Earth herself and the animals, plants,
waters, elements and all the voiceless. We wish to listen and speak for those that are not human, those that have not been heard or honored. Each place we have camped, we have connected deeply with the beings—the fairies, gnomes, water elementals, and devas and spirits of the land. When we leave, we feel a tugging at our hearts. A sadness that we have to part and a feeling that the beings of the Earth are so appreciative of being loved, thanked, heard, and honored. What a gift!
Mother Earth Says “YES”
We make many Offerings wherever we go—gifts of love and gratitude with cornmeal, tobacco, flower essences, crystals, waters, flower petals, and the love in our hearts to the places, beings, animals, plants for their medicine, gifts, and presence. Many times we have been overcome with emotion as we feel the plants or Mother Earth reply back to us with an amazing loving feeling of “YES-thank YOU!!!!” To feel the Mother Earth and the plants and animals and winged-ones thank us is the most amazing feeling there is! All is One. photo: Camilla in Redwoods, CA.
Shaman’s Journey
We journeyed through Marshall’s lands, the land of the Paiute and Washoe
tribes in part to honor Norma Turner, medicine woman from Auberry, CA. We attended her Cry Dance ceremony to honor her life. Norma was an inspirational leader since the 1960’s helping women in traditional recovery programs. She brought back the Bear Dances to California and was a very honored Grandmother and Medicine Woman throughout California tribes.
We visited many sacred sites, Mono Lake, birth caves, mountains, and ceremonial grounds… a shaman’s journey. I was awed by the power of the land we traveled in California. Much of this land felt like another country. When we got close to Mt Montgomery of the White Mountains, I asked Marshall to stop the car so I could get out and prostrate myself on the ground to honor the magnificent of the mountain Spirits. Many of these places were Marshall’s ancestor lands… some were mine as well. They were some of the same places that I had been when I was 20 years old—Yosemite, Klamath River, San Francisco. Here we could renew and reclaim ourselves… and call forward the healing of our ancestors. As the prophecy says, “we are the ancestors we’ve all been waiting for.” As we step into our multi-dimensionality, we release ego-identified aspects.
photo: Marshall in his homeland, Yosemite, CA.
Ancient Bristlecone Pines are the Teachers
We saw a huge green comet when we camped with the ancient Junipers and 4,000-year-old Bristlecone Pines high up in the White Mountains near Bishop, CA. We attuned to the wisdom of these Grandmother and Grandfather trees. So important for the Mother Earth right now is for us humans to come into alignment with Mother Earth and our “karma” with her. She will love and protect those of us who honor her, but karma (individual or collective) or the mistreatment of her will bring challenges and major earth changes.
The essence of Bristlecone, I have been guided, is a medicine to help us move into direct communication and relationships with the Source of the Plant Kingdom. I was able to create this medicine with a Grandmother Tree.
We found a very powerful ceremonial area that holds the wisdom of The Ancient Ones and heard the Juniper trees calling out our songs. Marshall received a beautiful blessings chant from the ancestors. (To be posted on the website) Camilla received a song from the ancient ones reminding us of their loving gifts. Thank you trees and ancient ones for your wisdom. The Ancient Ones heal our ancestors, which heal us through the lineages.
photo: Bristlecone Pine Mama Tree, White Mts., CA.
Clearing “Struggle” From the Lands
We were asked by the caretaker of DQ University near Davis, CA to clear the land at this former Native American college. The original vision of this college was conceived as a bridge to connect the Eagle and Condor nations (North and South America) by Jose Argüelles. We had applied for a $5,000 grant to do this clearing. We felt called to help “clear the slate” of this site so important to American history. The money never materialized, but we felt strongly our need to assist so we spent about five very powerful days with a small group of people doing ceremony for the land. Every day more and more surfaced from the land—it’s dark past, of unknown origins, of European invaders, massacres, the Army, covert military activity, and forces using struggle as their motto.
It was a challenging process for me to be in the midst of this conflict energy. At times I felt like I wanted to start an argument with Marshall—an unusual feeling for me! It really shows that the law of attraction applies to land. Conflicted energies were attracted to the land until the energy was cleared. Many others have offered beautiful ceremony over the years to assist the land as well.
Eagle and Condor Meet
During the Death Ceremony to clear the beings and past from the land, Marshall represented the Eagle and our friend Able the Condor spirit. Amazing how this happens. We concluded this ceremony with three women, each from a different lineage, Native American, Philippe, and Irish/English, singing women’s healing songs. The heart center of the campus felt like it moved during the ceremony from the fire pit to a Fig tree recently planted by an Iroquois elder just two weeks before his passing. The small, young tree was surrounded with abalone shells that faced the sky calling for water. The Tree of Life! Its very first figs ripened during the ceremony!
photo: Condor & Eagle
The ghosts that have plagued the campus for many years seem to be gone, a lightness felt, and as the place is cleaned up of old stuff, the energies will improve even more. We have no sense of what will open for the campus at DQ, but we feel we offered what we could back to Mother Earth to help her cleanse and align with new energies. Thanks to Marge and Jeff and alumnae, Nansea, and others at DQ.
Balancing the Feminine & Masculine
We then journeyed to the portal of Ukiah, CA to stay with Nansea and Chris
and gather with others in community. We were called to connect people with the Ancient Ones. We did many personal ancestor healing sessions and group ceremony. We visited and made offerings to magical places in the redwoods, Blue Lakes, and to the powerful places like Eagle Rock and Frey Ranch to help activate and honor their beautiful energies. We journeyed shamanically with others to learn more about the Petra glyphs of the area and to meet the Ancient Ones. What a beautiful community of people. The energies in Ukiah felt like it holds the balancing of the masculine and feminine, the light and dark, the above and below.
We journeyed to this land with the encouragement of Judith Moore to prepare the lands for vortex openings. We successfully opened a vortex, which was dormant for many years.
photo: Nansea, Kelley, Joan in Ukiah with Petraglyph altar.
Goddesses, Water, & Whales
Trinidad, California is a beautiful ocean community where we stayed with our fellow “feral Earthwalker” sister Kelley Breen. More ceremony and a very moving experience at the mouth of the Klamath River brought us to tears. All three of us felt the waters, the whales, and creatures of the sea calling us and thanking us for our work to heal the waters. More tears. They are asking us to step deeper into this work—something each one of us—Camilla, Marshall, Kelley— have felt called to. And then the whales showed up! They swam very close to the beach. I felt the Goddess energies arising —with the land and the people we were connecting with. And with the Waters! Thanks for Ben, Michal, and Kelley for an amazing time.
Since then, several communities, such as Trinidad, CA, have asked us to return and help them learn new ways to care-take their local waters and environment. (See our workshops below.)
Gifts of Women’s Empowerment
We use Marshall’s large Brazilian Selenite crystal for our ceremonies to read the energies and offer healing. Baby, or Bas’yr, holds the energy from hundreds of ceremonies and offerings. At the ceremony on Ben’s b
eautiful land near Trinidad, Michal gifted me with a very powerful Goddess crystal. This gift has activated a strong energy in me to gather my medicines and my voice for the Goddess and Mother Earth and to bring more of that presence into our ceremonies. Marshall has been leading ceremonies for over 30 years so is used to being in this leadership role. We are learning to share this role with each other and others in circle. Marshall keeps hearing the words, “listen to the Grandmothers.” (Listen to the women, the feminine, the Goddess).” Like so many women are learning to do, I am strengthening my voice! I can feel this crystal supporting me and other women along the way.
photo: Baby, the Selenite
Q’eros Ceremony for Pachamama & Apus
We camped on the base of Mt Shasta and Mt Shastina where we honored the Apus, the spirits of the mountains. For the Q’eros, the Andes tribal people that live at 18,000 ft. the Apus are their masculine principle and Pachamama is Mother Earth. We did several despachos, blessing ceremonies, with Grandmother and Grandfather Q’eros elders. A beautiful and moving experience—they are true luminous beings, very fun, childlike, and come from the linage of the first Inca Priests, the Lemurian cultures, and Venus. Like the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, there is much activity to learn from each other. The South American’s teach us about the heart and beingness. The eagles are doer and masters of the mind. This visit was a beautiful opportunity to receive healing and rest and enjoy the lands. As we pulled out of Mt Shasta the weather shifted to Fall.
Offering Sacred Journeys
We visited many sacred places on our journeys and would love to take others to these sacred places to offer EarthWalker teachings, ceremony, and the support of ancestor healing. We are open to individuals or groups that wish to gather and journey into the New Earth energies with us. Let us know if you wish to do this or organize a gathering in these lands or in your own community.
photo: Mt. Montgomery, White Mts, CA.
Vancouver Island Calls Us-October 4, 2011
Our next journey takes us to Vancouver Island where Marshall will be
attuning to the White Spirit Bear and I will be connecting with White Buffalo Calf Woman and anchoring of a New Paradigm. I have felt called to go here for some time and honor that we have been given some sacred spiritual “assignments” and gifts we can offer the land and people as well as an opportunity to let Mother Earth work through us.
photo: Camilla & Marshall with Dahlias in Victoria, BC