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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
7/27/2010 3:30:44 PM

Hello Myna, I love Yanni and Spirit of Nature.

Here is a new one I received today in an update on Native American Pictures. The new generation and I thought it was so cute.

Have a great day!


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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
7/27/2010 3:47:12 PM
Hi Sara,

Nice picture, so cute.

I am glad you enjoyed the video, I love it. Most anything to do with these people is good for me. Hope you enjoy this one too.

Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
7/30/2010 5:29:54 AM
Hi Myrna,

Just wanted to drop by and see what's going on over here. Great ongoing forum, thanks for your dedication. Also, I just wanted to thank you for the comments you left on my forum and the interactions between you, Roger and Sara. That's what friends are for is what Roger said....and I agree with him.

Hope your week is going well!

take care,
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
7/30/2010 4:25:48 PM
Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for you interest in the Native Americans. They teach us so much about Mother Nature, our blessed earth.

I found that neatest site for Native American Dogs, but can not copy it, because of site regulations, so please go here:
I found it very interesting.

Hugs, Myrna

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RE: Great announcement for Native Americans
7/30/2010 8:26:13 PM

Hello Myrna,

So good to see that you're continuing with this wonderful Forum. Just wanted to stop by and say Hi, and to wish you a Peaceful and Blessed Week.

May We Live Together In Peace

We speak to all the nations
We speak to all the tribes.
We rode across America
We lived and then we died.

We were your forefathers
We honored this sacred land.
We fought for many years
To live in peace with man.

We arose with the morning sun
The Great Spirit as our guide.
At night we danced under the stars
As the embers of fire would fly.

The great medicine men, and healers
Would all gather in the night.
While the women birthed our children
Before the morning light.
In the distance wolves watched
As buffalo passed their way.
We dared not harm the creatures
For this was not our way.

The skies were not polluted
Mountain lakes ran pure and clear.
We honored earth and waters
With respect to all life here.

We harmed nothing and lived in peace
We taught our children too.
We knew the time was approaching
When our days on earth were through.

We now speak to all the nations
To all the descendents of our tribes.
You are our voices - now speak for us
For this land we loved and we died.

~Author Unknown~
Have A Wonderful Weekend My Dear Friend,
“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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