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10/22/2008 3:13:45 PM
The following is the most sensible I've seen posted at this forum:

Exterminate Meaning and Definition

  1. (v. t.) To drive out or away; to expel.
  2. (v. t.) To eliminate, as unknown quantities.
  3. (v. t.) To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice.

I see nothing about "death" in that statement.

Pat, I understand your passion for Obama and we all respect that.  I see a one way street here.  You and others have really beefed up Adland with a vile hatred for Bush and Repulbicans in general and all of the conspiracy theories, but no one goes and accuses ya'll of "hate" or other serious accusations like this one.  Most readers just read your factual posts and go about their day.  They make theirs and everyone gets their frustrations with politics off their shoulders.  I think that is great!  In the USA, we are still allowed "free speech".  I am voting Republican to keep that freedom alive, because I don't believe it will survive with the Liberal party.

I ask you and everyone reading these forums to PLEASE respect each other's beliefs.  If you disagree, it is better to go read something positive or funny and then return to respond IF you really feel it necessary.  I love you all and I hope you can put these petty Politicians to the side.  No matter what they promise, THEY are not your friends, WE are! 

From my heart, I write this to yours,


I would also like to let the FBI know
that Gaby is a good hearted person, and I am sure she did not mean anything like she wishes DEATH upon this man Obama, but that she does wish to see him pushed out of the running and/or lose the election, as so many other people would.

Now I don't care who I make mad because I don't post here much anyway.  But I am going to call it as I see it, like it or not.

Pat, you really need to see a Doctor, and soon.

Joe Buccheri, you are not news or anything of the sort.  You are a wolf attempting to hide in sheeps clothing.  You instigate, and most of the supposed news that you post are actually articles that can be found online that was originally published 2+ months ago.  Your copy and paste or sometimes rewording of the articles does not qualify it as news.  It just qualifies you only for a re-telling of news that was already reported.

Thomas, you need to follow Pat to the Doctor, because most of the time you open your mouth but you have no idea what your talking about.  Most of the time you do not make sense.

Jim is a good honest man although he can sometimes be a little rough or blunt.  If Jim offends you, get your heart off of your sleeve.

Mary Evelyn is usually right about everything, listen to this lady, you may learn something.

That's about all I have to say and I don't care if you like it or not, if you reply or not, or what you do, because I won't be back to this forum. It's just too stupid to come back to.

10/22/2008 3:42:58 PM

Hi Tabby:

First, it sure would be nice to have you step from behind the curtain to see who we are writing too. Your last shadow box was its male ...

Next, the subject line stated and the item offered is from BCN NEWS, which is our affiliate and provides news to our radio station and others here on line; we share that here and elsewhere.

About the " wolf in sheep's clothing " comment... thank you. Wolves are one of the most kind and gentle of God's creatures when it comes to family... and about being an instigator ( to cause a process to start ) ...don't mind being that person since what I " instigate "  is intelligent conversation among those who care about the world they live in...


Joe Buccheri

10/22/2008 3:52:22 PM
Hello Joe B,

I would like to thank you for posting this "complaint to the FBI" for me.  I would also like to thank each and everyone of you: Peter, Jim, Joe D, Mary Evelyn, Geketa, Shelly, Valerie, Tabby and Amanda for the kind remarks/evaluation of me.
Pat I don't understand you at all, you profess to be such a good christian but uphold someone that supports  infanticide.  Your values as far as human beings are concerned are questionable.  I shall pray for your salvation my friend.

Hey, you never know maybe I will become as famous as Joe the Plumber and cash in on TV interviews, thank you may even be in order.  The Lord works in mysterious ways.

I have been investigated along with my entire family abroad when I received my citizenship papers back in 1972 and I have an original citizenship document in my possession for anyone to see anytime which is more than what Obama can say. I am a Proud American.

I shall keep you posted if the FBI contacts me.

God Bless you all,

God Bless Everyone
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10/22/2008 9:51:07 PM

Hello Joe & All,

I think you're missing the point now. These 2 persona's appear to be members of this community for a while and are familiar and know the different personalities involved here.

They chose Shelly Gonzales (2 posts) and Tabby J (4 posts) to use these identities in order to post their opinions. Why is that I wonder?? Possibly cos of the warning I made earlier: I would warn the members that there are those that might report their posts to the FBI so be careful what you write here.

This so reminds me of the commissars and their community spies and those Nazis that spied on their neighbors and friends if someone spoke against Hitler.

The one thing in common in totalitarian regimes are the informers. Well it seems Hussein has something even worse in store for us a Marxist/Islamic regime. What a combination. The majority of the Islamic countries aren't marxist but do suppress the civil liberties of their inhabitants.

Now Hussein has a unique background. Raised in his youth as a Muslim, went to a madras too. When his mother brought him back to Hawaii serious marxist influences and then his college years some more very serious Muslim and Marxist influences. And this goes on to his time in Chicago too.

Most of his policies that he's openly preaching are socialist/marxist and his close ties and the support of terrorist organizations and Muslim countries should show you all the writing on the wall. But unfortunately many haven't seen it yet.

It seems the informer networks are already on the  roll even here in our adland community. So does it surprise you that members are using other identities to post their opinions???

I personally will continue to be myself in all my posts and I'm sure others will too. Yet one has to wonder if the snakes aren't slithering around amongst us as we speak/write.






Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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