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Jim Allen

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11/3/2008 11:36:30 PM

Who Will RULE the World

While chatting with a good friend via Skype today. I came to the realization of something that should be on all our minds as we drive to the polls. As we are driving, standing inline, waiting to cast our votes.

We should look at a few things.

What came to my mind was something very scary.  George Bush, the President of the United States, may not be all that dimwitted after all. You see he was smart enough to see the danger ahead, perhaps. Yes, he has inflamed the situation.

But only after being ridiculed world wide for seeing an enemy no one else could see.

Those that could were willing to keep their mouths shut, because there has been an underground (Weather) movement with a theme of Love.

We saw it in the sixties and many of the same players are at work here.

Plus a lot of new players fooled by this theme of World Peace and Love. I know many will choose to disagree and will flame me, and toss insults. That is okay believe me because this isn't the time for it.   All I ask is you consider the following cast of players we know that Barack Obama is friends with or willing to become friendly with.

I am only going to list the names as all the evidence is easily seen if you read any of my posts, post by Joe
Downing, Joe Bucheri, JoAnne Green, and numerous others through out the many social networks, forums and discussions  and blogs you will know these names.

The Team that you are facing:

William Ayers
Bernadette Dohrn
Fidel Castro
Hugo Chavez
Louis Farrakhan
Muammar al Kaddafi
The Weather Underground
Nancy Palosi
Osama Bin Laden
The Muslim Brotherhood
The New Black Panthers
Malik Zulu Shabazz
Kim Jong-il
Sirhan Sirhan
Barney Franks
Harry Reid
Tony Rezko-Syrian
Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Cynthia Canary
Raila Odinga
Nadhami Auchi
M. Marzook
Allison Davis
James Meeks
Rashid Khalidi

Your Team is about to get it's ass kicked America and this is no video game.
Are we going down without a fight?

Obama is willing to talk with no pre-conditions.

He is surrendering.

Please consider these associations, their ideology and dogma when you are making up your mind. What you decide will be best for America and the World if you see these players all teamed up.

Playing against your children and grandchildren for generations to come.

"Dreams of My Father" and "Audacity of Hope"

Tells it all.

Vote not only with your hearts but with your minds and the impact on future generations.



Jim Allen III - Proud American

Peter Fogel - Proud American and Isareli

All Rights Reserved © 2008- must be published in it's entirety

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

11/3/2008 11:38:25 PM
Hello Joe B.,

I will also join everyone in expressing my condolences to BHO.  It is always sad to lose a loved one.

Wow, C. B. Sadler sure did hit the nail on the head. 

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
11/4/2008 1:04:08 AM
Here is a little more news I just received.

1. Obama Has Links to ANOTHER '60s Radical

Barack Obama has consistently sought to distance himself from former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. But it’s a different story with another student radical from the 1960s — Marilyn Katz — who is actually on Obama’s fundraising team.

Katz, a public relations executive in Chicago, serves on Obama’s national finance committee. She is listed as a fundraising “bundler” on his Web site, has hosted fundraisers for the candidate, and attended the Democratic Convention as part of the Illinois delegation.

But during the violent protests of the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Katz was the security chief for the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which spawned Ayers and the Weather Underground.

During those protests, Katz advocated throwing studded nails in front of police cars, the Chicago Tribune reported.

In 1969, an undercover policeman named William Frapolly testified at the “Chicago Seven” trials, and prosecutors asked him to describe his collaboration with organizers of the protest the previous year.

He testified that one night in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Katz briefed a group of protesters on the use of “guerilla nails.”

“She had two types,” he told the court.

“One was a cluster of nails that were sharpened at both ends, and they were fastened in the center. It looked like they were welded or soldered. She said these were good for throwing or putting underneath tires.

“She showed another set that was the same type of nails sharpened at both ends, but they were put through a Styrofoam cylinder.”

A prosecutor asked, “To whom was she showing these objects?”

Frapolly answered, “Everyone in the group.”

Katz was a principal organizer of the October 2002 anti-war demonstration in Chicago where Obama first expressed his opposition to the looming Iraq war.

In 2005, she co-authored the book “Stopping War, Seeking Justice” along with longtime Marxist and Obama supporter Carl Davidson.

Now she is co-chair of Chicagoans Against War & Injustice, and her public relations firm is working on contracts with the city of Chicago worth millions of dollars. She lists as her clients the city’s housing authority, law department, and departments of housing, human services, streets and sanitation, and public health, among others.

As for her relationship with Ayers, who admitted helping to bomb the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon in the 1970s, the Tribune reported that she has said, “Bill and I were in different parts of SDS. We disagreed on tactics.”

Guy Benson wrote on about Obama’s Katz connection: “There are so many objectionable figures in Obama’s social milieu, new revelations about yet another garden variety radical may elicit shrugs at this point . . . 

“Perhaps it follows that someone who preferred lobbing guerilla nails at police over planting pipe bombs in federal buildings would be integrated into Obama’s official campaign apparatus without so much as a second look.”

Editor's Note:

God Bless Everyone
Joe Downing

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11/4/2008 1:57:14 AM

Hey Jim and Peter!

I have the same realization as you.  I don't like everything that Bush has or hasn't done, but I am smart enough to realize that he and McCain are not the danger in this election.  

I saw these associations a long time ago with Obama.  It didn't take me but a few seconds to realize something was very amiss.  I sure hope the rest of America saw it. 

Thank you guys for speaking up on behalf of rightness.

Joe - Proud American Veteran
***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
11/4/2008 4:00:06 AM

*** NEWS FLASH ***


As incredible as it may sound, BCN News was sent an email at 2200 hours, (10PM EST), last evening indicating that letters were sent to law enforcement and government agents as early as October, 2009 stating that bombings will occur at various polling places across America today. The letters in question also stated that other methods of chaos will be used to disrupt the voting process to include shootings and random acts of violence in an attempt to scare people away from voting in this years election.

At his rally in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday, security was intensified due to scores of death threats made against Senator Barack Obama. Secret Service agents can be seen surrounding the Senator as he passed through the crowds after his speech, along with men carrying TV cameras moving behind him video taping the on lookers as he walked along shaking hands with those in attendance; all camera operators were reported to be members of the Secret Service.

Security will be high today across the Nation as State and local police and other law enforcement join together to keep the peace.

Those who go to the polls today to vote are urged to report any suspicious activity and to not engage others in what could be interpreted as " aggressive behavior."

It was mentioned in the email received that  mandates have been issued to those in law enforcement to " act swiftly " should a situation occur and to " place under arrest  any person or persons that are found to be creating the slightest disturbance on or near polling places."    

End Copy 


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