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10/24/2008 2:50:37 AM

Hi Joe, Gaby & Amanda,

It appears that the lawsuits have spread to 8 states now. Wonder what the outcome will be.



Thursday, October 23, 2008

NRO Cover's Obama Birth Certificate-Lawsuits Spread to EIGHT States

Good Day for those looking to find out the truth about Senator Obama's Birth Certificate. Its finally growing beyond the "blogisphere." Andy McCarthy of NRO Picked it up today and the number of Law Suits is up to eight States. Senator, if all IS kosher with your "Certificate of Live Birth" then why don't you tell Hawaii to release your Official Document?:

Turning the Page from Campaign Finance Fraud . . . [Andy McCarthy]

What is the deal with Obama's birth certificate and citizenship status?

Pamela Gellers at Atlas Shrugs raises some apparent shenanigans with the birth certificate the Obama campaign previously produced. Meanwhile, Philip J. Berg, a former Deputy AG of Pennsylvania and a professed Hillary supporter, filed a lawsuit claiming Obama is not constitutionally eligible to be president; instead of simply clearing up any questions — which you would think would take about five minutes — Obama's lawyers moved to dismiss the suit and failed to file a timely answer, meaning that, under the applicable rules (according to Berg), Obama is legally deemed to have admitted Berg's allegations that he is constitutionally ineligible to be president.

Admittedly, I've ignored this issue up until now on the theory that if there was anything here worth looking at, surely the Hillary and McCain campaigns would have raised it. But this all seems very strange. It's not just a matter of whether Obama was born in Hawaii — Berg claims he wasn't, but most others seem to agree he was (though the publicly available proof seems shaky at this point). There is also the question whether he was also a citizen of one or more other countries (Kenya? Indonesia?) and whether that means, as a matter of law, that he could not be a "natural born" citizen as required by the Constitution.

Has anyone around here looked into this? Is it a serious issue, and why does Obama seem to be so squirmy about it?

Lawsuits filing in Eight States Seeking to Require Barack Obama to Provide Certification of Birth in U.S. before the Presidential election

By Contact: Steve Marquis
Telephone Number: 425-698-7084
Email Address:
Web site address:

Lawsuits Starting Across the Nation Proceeding to Avert Potential Constitutional Crisis, Possible Civil Unrest, and Confidence in Elections; Lawsuits are being filed in Eight States Seeking to Require Barack Obama to Provide Certification of Birth in U.S. Or Be Removed as Presidential Candidate on State Ballots.

Seattle WA. 10/22/2008 — Lawsuits in eight states as of this writing– Hawaii, Washington, California, Florida, Georgia. Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut, are seeking judicial authority to force the certifying or decertifying of Senator Barack Obama’s qualification to run as a candidate for President as a natural born U.S. Citizen. Previously, two lawsuits have failed to force the certifying documents from Obama.

Philip Berg’s months-long lawsuit in Federal Court in Philadelphia reached a dramatic plateau yesterday as Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) failed to respond to the court that Mr. Obama is not a natural born U.S. Citizen and therefore not qualified to run for office of President of the U.S. They admitted to Obama’s non-qualification by their failure to respond to a 30-day court ordered discovery in which Obama and the DNC were ordered to answer a petition by Berg. Berg is a lifelong Democrat in the Pennsylvania Democratic Party who has sought to ratchet up the legal pressure as Obama and the DNC has continually delayed providing certifying documentation of Obama’s birth, which he claims to have been in Hawaii.

A lawsuit in Honolulu in the First District Court is seeking a court-order to open Obama’s secret birth records. Obama has thus far neglected a Freedom of Information request for the records at two hospitals in Hawaii. Lawsuits in Washington and Georgia are seeking state Superior Courts to force the states’ Secretary of State, as the chief state elections officer, to perform their state constitutional duties to require original certifying birth records from Mr. Obama that would verify his birth in Hawaii.

Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution reads: ““No Person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.”

There are numerous allegations to Obama’s claim of natural birth in the U.S. On the web and in the media, all raising suspicion and doubt as to Obama’s actual place of birth and qualification to run for president. Some of the assertions to which Obama “admitted” on Berg’s suit are: he was born in Mombassa, Kenya in 1961 while his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was married to Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan; when his mother, divorced from Obama Sr, moved to Indonesia and married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian, Obama was adopted by Soetoro and became an Indonesian citizen; while in Indonesia, Obama had his name changed to Barry Soetoro; Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 under an Indonesian passport when Pakistan was a no travel zone for Americans; Obama had “admitted” to receiving illegal contributions in his campaign for president. Additionally, there is an allegation that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother claims that Obama was born in Kenya; Muammar Gadhafi, leader of Libya, has publicly claimed that Obama was born in Kenya and studied in Muslim schools in Indonesia. Obama has also “admitted” to hold citizenship in another country (the U.S. Constitution forbids dual citizenship).

Non-partisan and independent reviews and examinations of Obama’s birth certificate as shown on his official website has evidence of tampering and in any case does not list any of the points of information commonly found which would make it traceable and verifiable such as hospital, doctor, size weight, foot prints etc.

Interestingly, all these state lawsuits would be dropped if Mr. Obama would simply provide the requested documents supporting his claim of being born in Hawaii.

Lawsuits in additional states are being added each day. For more information about each lawsuit, contact:

(HI) Andy Martin at email:
(WA) Steve Marquis email: ; website:
(CA) David Archbold email
(GA) Tom Terry email:
(PA) Philip Berg email: ; website:
(NY) Dan Smith email:
(CT) Cort Wrotnowski email:
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
10/24/2008 3:45:30 AM
Hi Amanda,

It's no easy getting used to a new stove is it, we have to learn to eat crispy, you'll get the hang of it.

Thanks Joe B. for the video, it really pulls on your heart strings. Handicapped people are really underestimated, my husband only has his left arm to work with, the right one was severed nearly completely off by a chain saw accident and is nothing but a hanging limb now.  I am amazed at the things he can do such as changing a car motor to even cook, he is simply amazing. When there is a will there is a way they say, and I believe it.

God Bless,
God Bless Everyone
10/24/2008 3:54:15 AM
Hello Peter,

Thanks for the good news, I pray each day that we will find out the truth about this person.
Here is a couple of utube video you may like to watch.

You may have seen them, but they bring my hopes up each time I listen to them.


God Bless Everyone
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Person Of The Week
10/24/2008 4:01:43 AM

Hey Gaby,

Thanks for the utube videos. The first one I've seen a few times already and the second I saw for the first time this morning.

What an eyeopener. A racist par excellance. In his own words and voice. No denying this and yet the supporters are blind to all this.

I hope we won't have wake up to a new America in January. For all of us even those blinded by his charm and oratory skills.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
10/24/2008 9:43:55 AM


I wanted to share something that has happened this week that is relative to the matter being discussed here. Three days ago,  I sent out email about Obama being questioned about his " not being " a US citizen, that there is a law suite, etc. I sent it to many in the Ministry I am a part of. Much to my surprise, my spiritual advisor  contacted me by telephone and gave me Holy heck for sending out what he called " absurd " and " untrue " email about Mr. Obama. He also made the comment that it was not very dignified for me, as a Catholic Chaplain, to engage in such a terrible display without seeking more valid information. What I did next was to point him to this forum.

Now that he has reviewed what has been posted, he too is concerned about all of this, " I can not understand why no news service is reporting on this on a global scale, " he said. I explained that Mr Obama is the " golden boy " of the news media; they are all about getting ratings and at this point, for them; it's all open ended. "

He is so upset about what you have all shared here, that this week he will be taking the matter before his congregation in Ohio, and making it the focal point of his homily. It might be a great idea to contact your Priest and Minister, etc, and have them review what is here. They have the blessed opportunity to speak to thousands of people every weekend. It is never too late when it comes to protecting the future of our children and in making sure they inherit a world that is safe and sane, one where all children can grow and prosper.


Joe Buccheri 


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