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10/23/2008 10:27:06 AM
Hey Joe ,

I found some serious  comedy relief .. by the way those libby  vegetables should have been fruits!

Seven ways the Democrats can blow it in the next 18 days!

Obama is warning Democrats to not get complacent as they head into the home stretch. He should be warning them to "not act like Democrats." This is one party whose capacity for losing should never be underestimated. Here are seven ways we can imagine it all going to hades.

7. Joe the Plumber experiences a sudden windfall that would finally yield him enough income for his taxes to go up under Obama's tax plan.

Keep Joe from buying lotto tickets. And from becoming a plumber, for that matter.

6. Obama bumps into his neighbor, Bill Ayers, at a 7-11.

The last thing we need are headlines screaming "Terror Slurpees!" The campaign had better have a GPS device implanted in Ayers' tushy to keep those two from crossing paths at the dog run.

5. Bill Clinton decides to speak from his heart.

If he goes off script and says what he's really thinking, big trouble. Clinton should be surrounded by sycophants stroking his ego at all times. Obama should never let him arrive at an appearance without sending a "You're My Only Hope" fruit basket to greet him.

4. John Kerry says anything.

Remember his hilarious "If you do bad in school you go to Iraq" quip just a few days before the 2006 election? No one hand this guy a mic. In fact, lock him up in a safe-house and keep him under guard until November 5th.

3. The Obama campaign gets complacent...about Palin rally attendees.

He should be campaigning from inside a Pope-mobile until November 4th. Heck! keep him there until 2016.

2. Jeremiah Wright decides now is the perfect time to debut his new sermon titled, "No Seriously, @#& Damn America."

Trinity Church had better be strictly enforcing their "no flip cameras" ban.


If Americans start listening to what poorly designed, un-spellchecked, racist direct mail brochures tell them, it's over.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
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10/23/2008 11:38:45 AM
"(v. t.) To destroy utterly; to cut off; to extirpate; to annihilate; to root out; as, to exterminate a colony, a tribe, or a nation; to exterminate error or vice."

What does it mean to destroy utterly? To annihilate? I would take that as a death threat. To destroy utterly means to me, to remove from existence. What do we call exterminators for? To kill the bugs in our homes. How do we remove people from existence? We kill them.

If that was not the intention, then perhaps better words should have been chosen. One thing to remember when making a statement, written or oral, is that you must anticipate how that statement will be received by those who read/hear it. Never assume that people will understand your intent. Choose your words wisely. McCain and Palin need to learn that lesson as well.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
10/23/2008 2:06:51 PM

Hi Trina:

Thanks for joining the discusion. However, we would like to get back to the subject at hand... let's not poke around in the coals in an attempt to ignite the fire... we broke camp and have all moved on...


Joe Buccheri

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10/23/2008 2:14:58 PM

President Obama and the Coming Stock Market Crash

How destructive to the U.S. economy would a Barack Obama presidency be?

An exclusive Newsmax analysis warns: There could be a very rough time ahead.

Beneath Obama's flowery rhetoric lies a dangerous economic plan that will wreak havoc on the American economy.

Obama plans to return to the failed policies of high taxation coupled with an expansion of government spending.

Worse, Obama says he is absolutely committed to almost doubling the capital gains rate — something he will easily accomplish with a Democrat Congress.

In the coming months — when investors realize that Obama will raise the cap gains rate — there could be a stampede of asset sales as investors rush to take their profits now to avoid Obama's doubling of the tax rates next year.

All of these issues and more are explored in Newsmax magazine's special report "Obamanomics — the Coming Tax-and-Spend Nightmare," by Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund.

This Newsmax magazine special report gives Americans the first in-depth look at the Democratic presidential candidate's likely strategies — and how they will affect not just the larger economy, but your personal wealth as well.

Indeed, Obama makes no bones about his plans to go on a tax rampage. Not only would he increase the capital-gains tax rate from 15 percent to as much as 28 percent, he wants to allow the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010, which effectively raises taxes on Americans by tens of billions of dollars.

He also wants to do away with the $102,000 FICA payroll tax cap, which means anyone making over $102,000 would pay an additional 7 percent in taxes on earned income.

And the loan dividend tax rate George Bush implemented? Under President Obama it will be DOA!

If you are concerned about your wealth and family's financial well-being — and that the American economy remains strong — you must read this special report and share it with friends and family.

Check out our FREE Offer for this Special Report — Go Here Now.

PLUS: If you order online, check out our FREE offer — the Emergency Radio — a $35 value and something every home must have. Go Here Now.

This wide-ranging Newsmax report explores:

  • How Obama's policies could cost more than $850 billion over four years
  • The dire repercussions of Obama's minimum wage proposal for small businesses and retail outlets
  • Obama aides' private and very revealing admission about the candidate's economic savvy
  • The surprising revelation when Barack's own tax returns were reviewed by an expert
  • The "proof" that Obama will kowtow to organized labor
  • Obama's Social Security plan: a giant income-redistribution scheme
  • How Obama's policies could boost some tax rates to 60 percent
  • Leading economist Arthur Laffer's warning on Obamanomics
  • Obama's policies point by point on energy, healthcare, regulation, and the housing crisis
  • Who would lose under Obama's tax proposals — and who would win
  • How Barack "flunked" an easy question on capital gains
  • The Democrat's contradictory statements on tax increases
  • Why Obama's campaign against special interests would backfire
  • Obama's plan to double America's foreign aid
  • How Obama's trade policies would damage U.S. multinationals
  • Obama's embarrassing denial regarding NAFTA
  • The National Taxpayers Union's Obama rating: just 5 percent
  • Obama's misguided views on technology's future
  • How the Democrat would undermine private sector healthcare
  • Obama's tactics — old left-wing populist ploys
  • And much more

Find out how you can get this report FREE — PLUS get an Emergency Radio worth almost $35 with our FREE offer. Go Here Now.

This edition of Newsmax magazine is not to be missed.

In addition to hard-hitting investigative reports and special commentary from Ben Stein, Dick Morris, John Stossel, Bill O'Reilly, Christopher Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Ed Koch, James Hirsen and others, you get much more in Newsmax magazine, including:

  • The Dangers of the Democrats with a filibuster-proof Senate
  • New evidence the U.S. is preparing to strike Iran
  • The inside details of Oliver Stone's hatchet job on George Bush
  • The facts about Obama's charitable donations
  • A new court decision threatens home schooling
  • Why an Eskimo village is suing over global warming
  • The growing reliance on food stamps by millions
  • Health alert: new fluorescent bulbs pose risk
  • Mike Myers film ticks off Hindus
  • Your bank spies on you: your civil liberties imperiled
  • Inside the Pentagon's secret hunt for bin Laden
  • Schwarzenegger's Folly: California headed for crisis
  • Censored: The border wall is working!
  • Ben Stein honors our brave soldiers
  • Behind-the-scenes: CBS' Katie Couric blunder?
  • U.S. companies are hoarding cash, find out why
  • Fixing America's credit card debt
  • In death, Charlton Heston vilified by media
  • Maria Shriver pockets NBC's money
  • Doctors fear being targeted over pain prescriptions
  • Hot books for summer reading
  • Travel: revisiting the Cold War

PLUS: Ronald Kessler's Washington

Again, there is so much more in Newsmax magazine, which won a Silver Eddie Award in the News/Commentary category of Folio magazine's prestigious journalism awards, the Eddies.

Find out why more than half a million people read Newsmax magazine each month.

Better: Be one! Get our "Obamanomics" report and an Emergency Radio with our FREE offer — Go Here Now.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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10/23/2008 2:16:01 PM
FREE OFFER! — Get This Book Free, Click Here Now!
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By Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
In Fleeced you'll discover the facts why:
  • The United States has released 425 terrorists from Guantánamo, at least 50 of whom have returned to the battlefield to fight our troops.

  • Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both say they're fiscally responsible. But each has called for $1 trillion in tax increases over the next ten years — and dressed them up as tax cuts!

  • Mainstream Media has been given marching orders from the Society of Professional Journalists: never refer to "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim terrorists." And they are obeying! Whenever our brave agents disrupt a terror plot, The media dismisses the culprits as a gang of idiots — lulling us into a false sense of security.

  • Dick Morris
    If the liberals win the 2008 election, they will cripple talk radio — forcing stations to give equal time to left-wing programs, and insisting that liberals play a key role in station management.

  • Up to a quarter of all state pension funds in the United States are invested in companies that are helping Iran, Syria, North Korea, or the Sudan — for a total of nearly $200 billion.

  • The Do-Nothing Congress is still doing nothing — and the worst offenders are the presidential candidates Clinton, Obama, and McCain, who never show up for their day jobs as senators . . . except to pick up their $165,000 paycheck!

Is it any wonder that Americans feel fleeced at every turn?

As more and more critical problems develop that need national attention, the White House and Congress appear to be AWOL.

Who's calling the shots instead?

Big business, big government, big labor, and big lobbyists. And their self-serving agendas are doing nothing to help the ever-increasing number of American people who are losing their homes, paying credit card interest rates higher than 25 percent, and finding their jobs increasingly outsourced to foreign countries.

In this hard-hitting call to arms, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann reveal the hundreds of ways American tax-payers are routinely fleeced — by our own government; by foreign countries like Dubai that are gobbling up American interests and spending millions to influence government decisions and American public opinion; by Washington lobbying firms that are pushing the agendas of corrupt foreign dictators on Capitol Hill; and by hedge-fund billionaires collecting huge tax breaks courtesy of the IRS.

With their characteristic blend of sharp analysis and insider insight, Morris and McGann call offenders of all kinds on the carpet — and offer practical agendas we all can follow to help turn the tide.

FREE OFFER! — Get This Book Free, Click Here Now!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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