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Trina Sonnenberg

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Mud Slingers
10/19/2008 11:41:05 AM
Mud Slinging Seems to Work
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

The presidential elections a wrought with smear campaigns; just look at the McCain campaign's attacks on Obama. It seems that the pigs have plenty of mud to throw at their opponent, and they have been using a rocket launcher to blast it out there. Someone needs to clean the sty.

The whole situation is ugly. Why can't politicians focus on facts and deal with the issues that really mean something to their constituents? I always thought that the best campaign was made up of, "Why you should vote for me. This is what I stand for." Not, " this is how bad the other guy is." I personally don't want to hear personal attacks, I want to hear about the issues, the principles of each candidate, and what their plan of governance is about. I don't have the desire, nor the time to dig through the mud to get at the facts. Just show me the facts, plain and simple. Tell me what you are about, if you want my vote. Sure, you can tell me how you are different from your opponent, but don't try to fill my head with half-truths, and mud. It won't get me to vote for you. What it does is make me suspicious of you. Campaigning is supposed to be about telling people about yourself and your plan.

I have been the victim of mud slinging myself, and the consequences have been quite negative. A woman who knows nothing about me and my situation, took it upon herself to write about me and tell people things that are not true. She has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, but that doesn't matter. Apparently people listened to what she had to say. Out of all the people who read her slander, only one person decided to contact me personally, and ask me about it. Just one person! In fact, I would not have been aware of the spread of these lies had it not been for that person contacting me.

How can I tell that people have been jaded by these writings? Because what had started out as a successful campaign to save my house through the sale of my book, has dried up and blown away with the wind. Since the release of her lies, I have sold but one copy of my book.

Why are people so inclined to believe what they read/hear, without bothering to check for facts? I believe that human nature dictates that we listen to negativity, in order to feel some sort of sense of being better than someone else; to feel better about one's own situation. And, the slingers of mud feed on this; they count on it to achieve their uplifting in the ranks.

Certainly the McCain campaign is using it and counting on it to sway the opinions and ultimately the votes of others. They don't care about what their misinformation could do to their target's life, they just care about winning.

So, why has this woman taken it upon herself to catapult huge quantities of mud at me? To feel better about her own life. She is jealous of the things I have that money cannot buy, as well as the things I stand to lose through the lack of money. This person has been stalking me on the Internet, following me where I go, and emulating me. Pretty scary stuff.

I know who she is and where she lives, and the fact of the matter is that she once tried to kill me. Am I afraid? You betcha! Her life, as I know it to be, is completely opposite of mine, yet she presents herself to others as if she were just like me. She has adopted my career choice, claims to have my credentials, and makes contact with those I do business with to spread lies about me.

However, the law will not protect me from this psychopath. There was a law that would have protected me, but for some reason it was repealed a year ago. What will I do? I honestly don't know. If I had the money to hire a lawyer, I could go to court and file harassment charges, but without a lawyer, no one will tell me how to file and represent myself.

What ever happened to the Golden Rule? What ever happened to honesty? What ever happened to people succeeding by way of their own merits, rather than the trashing of another's reputation? What ever happened to the common sense of the people, due dilligence?

I voted my conscience, based on the issues, not based on what one candidate had to say about the other. I urge everyone to vote based on policy, not mud. Listen to what they say about themselves, not the other guy.

Copyright © 2008
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. EST 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276

Author of: My Journey A Lifetime of Verse, ISBN: 978-0-61516405-2
Co-Owner: Internet Marketing Mavens
Keywords: slander, politics, smear campaigns, truth

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Mud Slingers
10/19/2008 11:55:17 AM
Stop playing in the Mud LOL, not all what you read and hear are of any truth with any judgmental statements, opinions perhaps but not the factual truths. God_bless you. :)
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Re: Mud Slingers
10/19/2008 2:55:22 PM


Here is a fact you can chew on!

Obama stood before the Planned Parenthood and told them that he supported their programs.  This is on film!

Just what is Planned Parenthood's program?

It is the murdering of infants in their mother's womb, crushing the heads of late term infants, and if an infant should happen to survive an abortion, the believe in throwing it on a shelf to starve.

Obama has constantly voted for abortion, which may be why Planned Parenthood took your tax money and donated it to his campain.

So if you want to defend this person and vote for him, there is not much I can do.  But there will be a day of judgement when the people that support the murdering of infants will not have a chance to answer, they will just be judged.

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Mahlon Grube

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Re: Mud Slingers
10/19/2008 4:10:57 PM

You ask what happened to honesty and everything else.  I think it left when we threw GOD out of our schools and out of lots of people's lives.  We now teach much different stuff in school then when I went.  It is now old fashion to be honest and live the Golden Rule.

As for politics don't get me started.  I think there is one candidate who has told what he stands for.  It is the only thing that matters to me.  Barack Obama has said in so many words that he stands for killing unborn babies.  For this reason and no other I can not vote for him.  I am getting old.  How soon before people say they don't need helpless old people around and get rid of me.  Oh well I probalbe opened up a can of worms.

I am old so just ignore what i said I guess.
God Bless You, Mahlon Grube I help people in MLM Succeed.
Re: Mud Slingers
10/20/2008 4:43:39 AM

The Politicians only need us for two things. Voting for them makes their failed system relevant and legal. Paying our taxes provides them with cushy retirements and Health Benefits no other average American's have. I don't know when people in this country are going to learn. Once the votes are counted and they get the money, the politicians just do what they want and to hell with everyone else. If we did our jobs the way they do theirs we would all get fired. 

Sometimes, if a sick person gets it in for you about something, they can really mess up your tranquil life. Best thing to do is to look into filing a civil suit against them if you can. Civil suits are about the only way that you can repay them for the misery that they caused you but be extra cautious if you do. Doing this may escalate their hatred for you into a physical confrontation that can be very dangerous. 

About the only other thing you could do for them is pray for them. In that regard, God would most likely protect you from them.  

Good luck with your endeavors. Forrest. 


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