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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/20/2008 4:16:55 PM
Hi there Steven,Shelly and Mike, what a great article and replies, when i think of disasters and tragedy's i think of more Unity, when i think of more Unity i think of Love and when i think of Love i think of my Lord and savior, rabbi Jesus. We must remember the future is so precious to us, the struggles that we have and the good times, God made both as well as the other for our benefits , i know you must think well what benefit is this i see when my friend just got bombed or that my brother or sister is struggling with there living situations, God gave us sight and a way of thinking for each individual, not one can live the same exact way as another due to there upbringing, schooling and self improvements but God can help us all in pulling each other up by having the same spirit of Unity which we all have in common.  I think of Romans 12:1-2 and it tells me to be Alert to how the world will try to squeeze you into its mold (family, office parties, or just in buying what everybody else is buying). Could mean same plans? could mean jumping on the same bandwagon, just be alert and let God give you peace in your directions of life. God_bless you all. Thomas
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Beverly Kersey

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/20/2008 5:30:36 PM

Thank you Oreo for leading me to Shelly's thread. God Bless you Shelly and my dear friend Shirley Caron for inspiring you. We are all one in the eyes of God and we should all love each other as the brothers and sisters we are. Thank you for reminding all of us and may God Bless You!

The kingdom is within you

Beverly Kersey
Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/20/2008 9:33:52 PM
Oscar Red Carpet 1Hi, Shelly!
I'm sorry that I took so long in showing up, but, I have been too busy writing Forums. I really get carried away with those Forums!! I want to thank you so much for Honoring Mike and I and thank you for being a very special Friend! I will always Treasure your Friendship and I will do my best to come to more of your Forums. I want to send you a special Invitation to my New Forum: "FRIENDS COME TOGETHER" at:
I am looking forward to you dropping by and Posting a Reply!
I also look forward to all the people on here to stop by and Post a Reply also! Shelly, you are a Very Special Person and you have a Winning Personality and when you have Close Friends such as Mike and I, and a few of your other special Friends, that's all that matters! We All Stick Together In All Kinds of Weather!!!!!
Shirley Ruth Caron
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Shelly Hargis

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/20/2008 9:36:38 PM

Hi Thomas and thank you so much for those words of encouragement and truth. I appreciate you stopping by. I think that is where many of us mess up, we do not trust God enough to guide us down the right path. I know I am guilty at times. Thanks so much for those words of encouragement. :)


Please stop by anytime,

Your Friend,

Shelly Hargis

Shelly Hargis

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Re: Coming Together as ONE COMMUNITY
10/20/2008 9:42:21 PM

Hi Beverly,

I am so honored to have the Previous POTW here. You are such a sweet person. I can tell from your story and the fact that I see you Everywhere posting nice things on others forums. Thanks so much for stopping by and Thank you Oreo. :)

Your Friend,

Shelly Hargis
