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Jim Allen

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Hey Plumber Joe: Been There, Done That
10/17/2008 11:25:41 AM

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By C. Edmund Wright

God love you Joe. Bless your heart Joe.  You, and people like you, are what makes the country work. You make the country great. You get it -- you act on it -- and you enrich the lives of your family and your friends and your communities and your charities as a result.

But I think what I should say now is "God help you Joe."  Look, 16 plus years ago I was where you are now. And I must tell you  if Obama wins, I am pulling the plug in a few months. I am out. I have had it.  I am preparing to destroy almost 100 jobs and lower my tax bracket and I can't wait.

Consider: 16 years ago I was statistically in poverty, but I had dreams and a plan. At the time, the remnants of Reaganomics still set the economic tone and a fired up Newt Gingrich was forcing conservatism on the Clinton White House every time Bill and Hillary tried to move left.  There were actually politicians who praised business owners and business in general.  Against that backdrop, I've had a pretty good run. It's been extremely challenging and the move up was not a straight line, but I am better off than I was 16 years ago. And 8 years ago. And 4 years ago. And so are a lot of folks who have been on this ride with me.

But Joe, I am not better off than I was just 2 years ago. That's when decades of liberal energy policy came home to roost and four dollar gas took several hundred thousands from my bottom line faster than I could possibly react.  That same gas price slammed my customers -- and my customer's customers -- forcing our company into a vice of rapidly rising costs and rapidly dropping revenues. Oh, and for fun, slower payments from our customers.

That started the ripple through the sub prime mortgage industry, and we have all seen the unraveling of our financial system which was more or less totally underpinned by real estate "values." Those assumed valuations were the basis for any number of derivatives and credit swaps and so on. Well, forget all that Wall Street talk. To you and me it means employees are more desperate for money, customers are less willing to buy, slower to pay and banks less willing to lend. It certainly means whatever homes and 401K's you have are worth less too which makes your bank even less anxious to lend to your business. It is the main street carnage of "unfettered government" onto small business. It is the destructive fruit of environmental leftists, the Fannie-Freddie cronies in government and other corrupt liberals in positions of power.

And sadly, this is also the result of George Bush giving into these folks all too often in defense of his "new tone." (That worked out well, didn't it?) This was helped ironically by John McCain "reaching across the aisle" to vote against tax cuts and vote for energy restrictions and so on. All of this was nicely summed up by Mitt Romney when he said that our problems stem from "too many Republicans acting too much like Democrats." Now, if the polls are anywhere near accurate, we are going to get a taste of "real Democrats acting too much like Marxists" for at least a few years.

Mitt was right, but the pundits said McCain was more acceptable to the moderates. Hmmm. Wonder if a financial turn-around specialist like Mitt might sell to the moderates now? Just a wild thought from someone not smart enough to be a beltway pundit.

Now Joe, as someone whose been there, let me tell you how this works, though I think you have a good idea.  At the end of the year, as an LLC, I do file taxes with the business profit on my personal returns like many of others do as well.  And yes, that figure is much bigger than 250 thousand. But that's not really MY MONEY to keep. It's how I underpin my business. When customers disappear or take their time paying bills, I still have to pay my employees, rent, suppliers, and countless other expenses. Every penny that the tax man takes out of that profit is less money that I have to carry forward to stay in business for the next year. And if Obama and Reid and Pelosi take more of this by "raising taxes on the rich" then of course my business will suffer. And so will all the employees.

This is exactly what almost none of those lawyers turned politicians understand.

But of course, you will have to send tax money into the government, Joe, because the man who is in charge of spending that money -- Charlie Rangel -- damned sure wasn't paying his fair share as we know now. Get out that checkbook.

Of course, all of this matters only if you can afford to fill your plumbing vans with gas at gosh knows what price. It could be that the recession will lower the gas price, but that's not terribly good news for you either, since customers don't spend as much money in a recession. I mean, I hate to burst your bubble, but small business owners are surrounded by a sea of challenges outside their control and almost all of them are caused by liberalism. Government has formed a business firing squad and it's a doggone circle!

I wish you well, guy.  You might just have the genius and persistence to pull this off. I really do hope so. As for me, I have had enough. I have fought creeping liberalism and managed more wins than losses over 17 years. We have progressed to where  our business,  now a corporation,  is big enough so that Obama and his ilk now have their own ideas about "what larger businesses can afford" and what "corporations can afford."

Well I've got news for him. I cannot afford what they think I can afford, so I am breaking her up and giving her away to some key employees.  I wish them well too. They are like you, tough and smart. Perhaps if they stay small enough and never can carry forward more than 250 thou to the next year, they will be allowed to keep their businesses through a downturn. 

As for me? I'm outta here.
30 Comments on "Hey Plumber Joe: Been There, Done That"

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Len Berghoef

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Re: Hey Plumber Joe: Been There, Done That
10/18/2008 6:12:55 AM
What Senator John McCain said about Joe the Plumber.

The question Joe asked about our economy is important, because Senator Obama's plan would raise taxes on small businesses that employ 16 million Americans. Senator Obama's plan will kill those jobs at just the time when we need to be creating more jobs. My plan will create jobs, and that's what America needs.

Senator Obama says that he wanted to spread your wealth around. When politicians talk about taking your money and spreading it around, you'd better hold onto your wallet. Senator Obama claims that wants to give a tax break to the middle class, but not only did he vote for higher taxes on the middle class in the Senate, his plan gives away your tax dollars to those who don't pay taxes.

That's not a tax cut, that's welfare. America didn't become the greatest nation on earth by redistributing wealth; we became the greatest nation by creating new wealth.

This is the choice that we face. These are hard times. Our economy is in crisis. Americans are fighting in two wars. We face many enemies in this dangerous world, and many challenges here at home.


By the way have you noticed that the media has found out everything they could about Joe who simply asked a question of Obama who came to his house.

We know far more about Joe then we know about Barack H. Obama.

Start a 2nd income and get out of debt!
Jim Allen

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Re: Hey Plumber Joe: Been There, Done That
10/18/2008 8:51:26 AM

Hey Len,

This simply beyond reasoning.  The Obama campaign pulls up in your neighborhood, and it happens to be a candidate for the highest office in the land.  So you decide to go see what is happening.  Well there is a glad hand line and you are there when the candidate grabs your hand and asks you directly for a question.

You ask THE MOST IMPORTANT Question on Americans minds and the guy tells you, good job while reaching around and picks your pocket.  His reasoning "I think we spread the wealth around."  Then, his backers and supporters and even the candidate blames you because you're the average Middle Class American and then cast stone

Look folks I had a cousin back in the Carter years, remember that?  Same ideas on the economy created a recession and a one term presidency.  Turned a fine statesman into a flash in the pan failed experiment.  Anyways my cousin only worked about 6 months out of the year.  His reasoning was the tax increase he would receive after he made so much money, was not worth the effort to raise his income level to the next stage.

We appear to have the potential for such attitudes once again.  Many businesses and investors are preparing for Obamanation.  Their plan is to get the HECK out of Dodge and retire abroad.  Seriously does this grow anything?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: Hey Plumber Joe: Been There, Done That
10/18/2008 10:38:52 AM

John McCain Leads in Latest Florida Poll

John McCain- 49%
Barack Obama- 47%

Survey USA, a prominent national polling firm, shows John McCain leading Senator Barack Obama in the state of Florida. The Survey USA Florida poll was conducted after the final presidential debate on Thursday October 16th.

Tampa Tribune Endorses John McCain for President

"McCain brings a lifetime of useful experience, including his grueling captivity in Vietnam and long Senate service. He believes in federalism, a strong defense and disciplined self-interest. McCain has been willing to cross party lines to work on tough problems. He co-authored a campaign finance law that failed to fulfill its objective, but he did muster the bipartisan support needed to try to control the buying and selling of public office."

Uncertain Times Require McCain's Tested Vigilance
Tampa Tribune
October 17, 2008

The direction of the nation is at stake in this election. Hard economic times, a disappointing Republican administration and the seductive promises of a master orator are pushing America toward a European-style social democracy.
If you don't want that to happen, vote for Republican Sen. John McCain. First, it must be acknowledged that Democratic Sen. Barack Obama gets a lot of things right, especially when emphasizing what has gone wrong. Studiously unflappable, he is the most inspirational campaigner in memory. McCain, too, has many ideas for improvement, but his ch anges build on what has worked in the past to make our nation the strongest in the world.
McCain understands that U.S. companies must compete worldwide and shouldn't have to pay one of the world's highest corporate tax rates. He knows that federal spending is out of control. He knows that economic growth only comes from hard work and real investment, not through wholesale redistribution of tax dollars as Obama promises.
Obama became a political celebrity by representing the disaffected. He is generating unprecedented enthusiasm among the young and the poor, and their participation is welcome. Yet mainstream voters need to understand that the change these voters want will have historic consequences. Obama's future America is largely unrestrained by many of the traditional values long held by Middle America.
Obama promises a tax cut for 95 percent of households, even though only 62 percent of households pay any income tax now. Taxes would increase sharply for households making more than $250,000 a year a policy that penalizes success. Profitable small businesses would be hardest hit. Obama even has the audacity to promise a tax break for businesses that create jobs, while simultaneously increasing taxes that would force some businesses to cut payrolls.
Last year, Obama had the most liberal voting record in the Senate. If elected, he would appoint activist judges capable of finding liberal surprises in the Constitution. He would push for a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. He would agree to new barriers to trade, which would raise consumer prices.
We urge voters, especially independents and moderate Democrats, to think about where the candidates and their parties are coming from, where they want to go and who the candidates really are.
Obama is a lawyer, a professor, a best-selling author and a winning debater. He is smart and patriotic, but as a leader on the national stage, mostly untested. His short tenur e in the Senate has been unremarkable, other than being consistently partisan.
McCain brings a lifetime of useful experience, including his grueling captivity in Vietnam and long Senate service. He believes in federalism, a strong defense and disciplined self-interest.
McCain has been willing to cross party lines to work on tough problems. He co-authored a campaign finance law that failed to fulfill its objective, but he did muster the bipartisan support needed to try to control the buying and selling of public office.
He is more open-minded on energy reforms than Bush has been. He has an independent nature and passion for public service. He spoke out against torture and strongly criticized Bush's first defense secretary for resisting the surge of troops McCain knew Iraq needed for peace to have a chance.
McCain's biggest challenge is that after eight years of the Bush White House, it's hard to say his party still believes in smaller government. He ha s run an uneven campaign, facing an unfair share of blame for budget deficits, feeble economic growth, costly military interventions, uncontrolled immigration, emergency bailouts of misled corporations, and a diminished world opinion of America.
Yet the record shows blunt-talking McCain would begin to return his party, and the nation, to a more conservative, compassionate and productive path. He is not the candidate preferred in much of Europe and the Middle East, but he would keep us safe and begin to repair America's image worldwide.
A few states could make the difference in this election. Florida is likely to be one, and Tampa Bay will be a key battleground. The McCain-Obama race is a choice that divides families, friendships and even editorial boards.
Obama's vision of hope shines like a rainbow, appealing but just out of reach. McCain's call to freedom and responsibility is less exciting, but you know it works.
The Tribune encourages voters to vo te what they believe, not what they wish were true. The nation needs a stable leader in these unpredictable times.
For president, the Tribune endorses Sen. John McCain.


McCain-Palin 2008
Phone: (703) 418-2008

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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