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Shailesh Parkar

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free visitors
10/17/2008 2:44:52 AM

 Is it possible to get visitors to your website for free?

Dear frends:

As our subscriber, we believe this article will interest you:

Article with Stephan Ducharme, who is internationally known as The FreeAdGuru

He is also recognized as the world leader in free online advertising
and one of the original pioneers in the Internet Marketing World.
( He started in 1996, and created a now-legendary marketing course
way back in 2001).

This Multi-millionaire's e-book and articles have been read by over 500,000
Internet marketers, and he has millions of visitors a year to his websites even
though he never spent a single dime in advertising.

Interviewer: "Mr. Ducharme, is getting visitors for free on a website
still possible these days?"

Answer by Mr. Ducharme: "Nowadays, everybody is buying advertising on
Google because free advertising brings very poor results.

... or should I say, used to, because the rules just changed ...
Technology always improves: Well, I've just launched THE new tool
everybody will want to use from now on.

I've just invested half a million dollars in programming. It literally
took me 4 years to create it ... and it's amazing!

When Anthony Tomei tried it, he said: "Stephan, this changes everything."

When Justin Blake tried it, he said: "This is insane! I can't believe what
I'm looking at."

I'm proud to announce that it has come to life, finally! THE way to get
tons of visitors to any website without ever buying ads finally is born!"

See how it works:

Nick Sym

23156 Posts
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Re: free visitors
10/18/2008 3:17:29 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works

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