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Obama Voted - Present _ On Mortgage Reform!!!
10/16/2008 9:17:02 PM

Jim Allen III "Obama Voted 'Present' On Mortgage Reform"

ICYMI: "Obama Voted 'Present' On Mortgage Reform"

"Instead, by his own account, Mr. Obama wrote a letter to the Treasury Secretary, allegedly putting himself on record that subprime loans were dangerous and had to be dealt with. This is revealing; if true, it indicates Sen. Obama knew there was a problem with subprime lending -- but was unwilling to confront his own party by pressing for legislation to control it. As a demonstration of character and leadership capacity, it bears a strong resemblance to something else in Sen. Obama's past: voting present." -- Peter Wallison

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"Obama Voted 'Present' On Mortgage Reform"
Peter J. Wallison
The Wall Street Journal
October 15, 2008

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Obama Voted - Present _ On Mortgage Reform!!!
10/17/2008 6:01:22 PM


Here is an article that I just received, and I thought it may be of interest to you!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Plumber Joe and the Culture of Freedom   [Elaine Donnelly]

The attention given to "Joe the Plumber" in last night's presidential debate was encouraging.  Finally, fundamental issues of economic freedom vs. social engineering are getting the attention they deserve.  It all began when Democratic candidate Barack Obama encountered Joe Wurzelbacher on the campaign trail, and spoke to him in the language of socialism. Obama tried to convince the now-famous plumber, who wants to expand his business, that higher taxes are justified because “when you spread the wealth around, you help everyone.”


That phrase, “spread the wealth around,” is another name for income redistribution, or socialism—a philosophy that Americans traditionally have rejected.  We do not agree that unaccountable government officials should have the right to take wealth from productive people for redistribution to others who are less successful.  As Republican candidate John McCain said to a post-debate rally in Pennsylvania, “We didn’t become a great nation by ‘spreading the wealth,’ we became a great nation by creating new wealth.”


Janet Lynn, a former Olympic-medalist figure skater, military mom, and longtime friend, put a spotlight on the socialist philosophy in her thoughtful article “Preserving the Brilliant Dance Called Freedom.”  Janet wrote from the perspective of a former world-class athlete and traveler who came to appreciate American freedom in personal ways.  She expressed her concern that freedom itself is at risk in this election campaign, with the threat disguised in the mantra of "change."  That appealing word, she wrote, eerily echoes a statement made to her years ago by an advocate of Soviet-style socialism: "Freedom is having everything given to you."


All the topics discussed in the debate touched on fundamental values, standards, and culture─a word defined most simply as “how things are done.”  When lowered standards and compromised values weaken the culture of an institution, bad things happen and people can get hurt.  The recent financial crisis, for example, began when liberals in Congress created intense pressure for “affirmative action” lending practices demanded by community activists such as ACORN.


Mandatory social engineering in the financial markets caused those institutions to change their culture.  Unscrupulous officials found ways to make money in the process. Weeks before the disastrous consequences of easy-money subprime loans became apparent, House Financial Services Committee leaders Barney Frank (D-MA) and Maxine Waters (D-CA) insisted that enabling institutions Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were essentially sound and worthy of confidence.


They were wrong and probably knew they were wrong, but their underlying definition of "success" was different.  Millions of innocent people are paying a high price for their social engineering and pressure for cultural change, which lowered standards and compromised sound financial principles.


Any institution that allows activist groups or politicians to undermine its fundamental culture in pursuit of questionable social goals invites incremental decline, weakness, and ultimate failure.  But banks only play with money.  My concern centers on the culture of the military, which has responsibilities far more serious than banks.  The military is responsible for the lives of young men and women who volunteer to serve, as well as the freedoms that they defend.


Our volunteer force is strong, but its culture is vulnerable to political pressures from the same people whose demands have weakened many other institutions of American life.  The next Commander in Chief must guard the unique culture of our military.  It is the only one we have, and the freedoms we cherish depend on it. 

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
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Re: Obama Voted - Present _ On Mortgage Reform!!!
10/17/2008 9:17:34 PM

Hey James thanks for your contribution.  The more facts and testimonials from real people the better chance we have of defeating this Obamanation.

With that in mind please take a few minutes and watch this video:

This young man made a video in support of John McCain for President. John McCain did NOT pay for this video, and he did NOT ask this young man to do this. Please watch and listen - and pay attention as the young man walks away once he's said what he has to say.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Re: Obama Voted - Present _ On Mortgage Reform!!!
10/17/2008 9:29:54 PM


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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Re: Obama Voted - Present _ On Mortgage Reform!!!
7/15/2011 3:08:24 AM

This is a story of millions of dollars that created an incestuous money trail being used to radicalize the Chicago education system and turn it into the socialist model used by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.

Hugo Chavez no less if that USA Loving leader of Venezuela and owns CITGO Oil or a huge stake in it. So much so a couple of winters ago he pacified the pacifists with low cost heating oil. Many of the same folks Barry Hussein Obama is wanting to give tax cuts too until today's round of stumping.

He finally clarified that 95% of the middle class would get a tax cut. Plus according to what he told Joe the Plumber. When you do break out of that middle class he wants to TAKE more of your money.

In my view middle class is a stage just like low income and yes sometimes welfare. Stages of progression of your life. The True American Dream.

But thanks to the democrats and yes the likes of Senator Barry Hussein Obama we have a welfare system that breeds multi-generations of welfare recipients and beneficiaries.

Shoot some even have more kids to give themselves a raise. Check the records Barrack Hussein Obama's rhetoric supports this structure.

Even REWARDS IT's Participants!

The Welfare system was not intended to be a hand out but a hand up, but bureaucracy and government has made it expected lifelong monthly paycheck with regular pay raises and bonuses for enlarging your household dependents. This system is so good mothers coach daughters, immigrants coach other immigrants in how to make the most out of the system.

Americans for Barry Hussein Obama need to be waking up and reading between the lines. This community organizer has enabled these folks to maximize their personal benefit and continue a legacy of passing those benefits along to their heirs without ever hitting a lick as a wage earner. This is who he wants to give Joe the Plumber's money TOO!

They need to be listening and understand what they are being told. This is one slick sales job. Using all the subliminal, repetitive, consistent exposure to a very uniquely delivered marketing message.

Unfortunately the PRODUCT STINKS is OverPriced and will not last and should be removed from the shelf.

I have linked the resources and provided the reading that has brought me to these conclusions. This is my opinion and hope in the next 17 days you folks really do some research just look, read, listen and understand what is being done to the country you claim to love. She needs fixing but she doesn't need replacing.

My forum is full of facts and yes opinions. "Jim Allen's Everything is Open for Discussion Let's Talk in the Kitchen" is your place frank discussions of many topics and provides solid personal opinions of the owner.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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