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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/8/2013 4:10:07 PM

127 Responses to "DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!"


DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report's Offices

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report’s Offices

By National Report Staff

<National Report> Within hours of publishing a scathing story on President Obama ( the DOJ raided the offices of the National Report claiming the raid was lawful under the USA Patriot Act but refusing to say why the government was taking the action.

At about 12:50 this afternoon the National Report released a damning story on the Obama birth certificate scandal providing new evidence which clearly shows the document to be fraudulent. According to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his Cold Case Posse has the evidence to prove the presidents birth certificate was computer generated using Adobe Illustrator.

Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that his findings have been confirmed in a 40 page report by Reed Hayes, a Certified Documents Examiner (CDE) from Hawaii. The birth certificate posted to the White House website clearly shows it was forged using cut & paste methods in several layers.

At about 2:08 pm employees at the National Report were shocked when dozens of black clad machine gun toting DOJ agents wearing black masks entered the National Report office forcing everyone to the ground while demanding they put their hands on top their heads. After securing all employees FBI agents entered and began questioning employees and seizing files and other documents.

“We did exactly as they told us,” said National Report’s publisher Allen Montgomery, who added “No one knew what was happening.” Its being reported that the offices of Montgomery and Editor-in-Chief Nigel Covington, were ransacked and boxes of files were seized and carted off by FBI agents.

Covington said, “This is a gross violation of our Constitutional rights as American citizens and as journalists. All our files relating to President Obama were seized with others including all employee personnel files.”

Montgomery said federal agents did not have a warrant and offered no explanation for the action. He added about an hour before the raid, the National Report had released a story about the mounting evidence which confirms Obama’s birth records are in fact forged. Montgomery said most employees were so shaken up by the raid he let them go home early.

More on this breaking story as it becomes available.

*DISCLAIMER: The National Report is an online portal for "citizen journalists". The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/8/2013 4:12:59 PM


127 Responses to "DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!"


DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report's Offices

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report’s Offices

By National Report Staff

<National Report> Within hours of publishing a scathing story on President Obama ( the DOJ raided the offices of the National Report claiming the raid was lawful under the USA Patriot Act but refusing to say why the government was taking the action.

At about 12:50 this afternoon the National Report released a damning story on the Obama birth certificate scandal providing new evidence which clearly shows the document to be fraudulent. According to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his Cold Case Posse has the evidence to prove the presidents birth certificate was computer generated using Adobe Illustrator.

Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that his findings have been confirmed in a 40 page report by Reed Hayes, a Certified Documents Examiner (CDE) from Hawaii. The birth certificate posted to the White House website clearly shows it was forged using cut & paste methods in several layers.

At about 2:08 pm employees at the National Report were shocked when dozens of black clad machine gun toting DOJ agents wearing black masks entered the National Report office forcing everyone to the ground while demanding they put their hands on top their heads. After securing all employees FBI agents entered and began questioning employees and seizing files and other documents.

“We did exactly as they told us,” said National Report’s publisher Allen Montgomery, who added “No one knew what was happening.” Its being reported that the offices of Montgomery and Editor-in-Chief Nigel Covington, were ransacked and boxes of files were seized and carted off by FBI agents.

Covington said, “This is a gross violation of our Constitutional rights as American citizens and as journalists. All our files relating to President Obama were seized with others including all employee personnel files.”

Montgomery said federal agents did not have a warrant and offered no explanation for the action. He added about an hour before the raid, the National Report had released a story about the mounting evidence which confirms Obama’s birth records are in fact forged. Montgomery said most employees were so shaken up by the raid he let them go home early.

More on this breaking story as it becomes available.

*DISCLAIMER: The National Report is an online portal for "citizen journalists". The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/8/2013 4:31:39 PM
I hope you enjoyed the laugh. See you can't trust the news! None of it is real its all a dream!



127 Responses to "DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!"


DOJ & FBI Raid News Media Offices After Releasing an Alarming Story on President Obama!

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report's Offices

FBI Agents Load Seized Documents From the National Report’s Offices

By National Report Staff

<National Report> Within hours of publishing a scathing story on President Obama ( the DOJ raided the offices of the National Report claiming the raid was lawful under the USA Patriot Act but refusing to say why the government was taking the action.

At about 12:50 this afternoon the National Report released a damning story on the Obama birth certificate scandal providing new evidence which clearly shows the document to be fraudulent. According to Sheriff Joe Arpaio, his Cold Case Posse has the evidence to prove the presidents birth certificate was computer generated using Adobe Illustrator.

Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that his findings have been confirmed in a 40 page report by Reed Hayes, a Certified Documents Examiner (CDE) from Hawaii. The birth certificate posted to the White House website clearly shows it was forged using cut & paste methods in several layers.

At about 2:08 pm employees at the National Report were shocked when dozens of black clad machine gun toting DOJ agents wearing black masks entered the National Report office forcing everyone to the ground while demanding they put their hands on top their heads. After securing all employees FBI agents entered and began questioning employees and seizing files and other documents.

“We did exactly as they told us,” said National Report’s publisher Allen Montgomery, who added “No one knew what was happening.” Its being reported that the offices of Montgomery and Editor-in-Chief Nigel Covington, were ransacked and boxes of files were seized and carted off by FBI agents.

Covington said, “This is a gross violation of our Constitutional rights as American citizens and as journalists. All our files relating to President Obama were seized with others including all employee personnel files.”

Montgomery said federal agents did not have a warrant and offered no explanation for the action. He added about an hour before the raid, the National Report had released a story about the mounting evidence which confirms Obama’s birth records are in fact forged. Montgomery said most employees were so shaken up by the raid he let them go home early.

More on this breaking story as it becomes available.

*DISCLAIMER: The National Report is an online portal for "citizen journalists". The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. National Report is not intended for children under the age of 18.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/8/2013 5:10:12 PM
Now this one is no joke folks this is information we all should know....

(NaturalNews) In a week that has already been rocked by one explosive government spy scandal involving the NSA scooping up phone call data and geographic locations of Verizon customers, another scandalous discovery has just erupted that's sure to "wake up" millions of Americans who have been living in denial.

"The National Security Agency and the FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading U.S. Internet companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a person’s movements and contacts over time," reports the Washington Post in an explosive investigative article.

Top secret documents obtained by the Washington Post show that nearly all the top internet services -- Microsoft Hotmail, Google Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Facebook, Skype, AOL, Apple, Youtube and PalTalk -- are all sharing ALL your user communications with the federal government. Dropbox is reportedly "coming soon."

As the Washington Post explains:

Through a top-secret program authorized by federal judges working under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the U.S. intelligence community can gain access to the servers of nine Internet companies for a wide range of digital data. Documents describing the previously undisclosed program, obtained by The Washington Post, show the breadth of U.S. electronic surveillance capabilities in the wake of a widely publicized controversy over warrantless wiretapping of U.S. domestic telephone communications in 2005.

The types of data these services allow the government to surveil include emails, audio chats, video chats, text chats, photos, usernames, passwords, file transfers, VoIP sessions and much more. Users of Google Drive will be shocked to learn that the NSA has full access to all their private files stored on Google Drive. In effect, these services take every communication initiated by their users and turn it over to the NSA. All these internet services are operating in conspiracy with a criminal government that believes there are absolutely no limits to its power and that it can spy and snoop on all Americans.

When you are calling friends on your iPhone, or chatting over Skype, or emailing someone on Gmail or Yahoo Mail, everything you type, speak, attach or send is being systematically siphoned up, databased and tracked by the U.S. government.

This is all revealed in "PRISM slide #4," which was leaked to the Washington Post. Here's the slide image, just in case it gets yanked from WashPo:

Timeline of betrayal

The collection of private user data under the PRISM program began on September 11, 2007, with Microsoft (Hotmail) turning over private emails. Every Hotmail email sent since 2007 has been surveiled and tracked by the NSA.

Here are the dates of "activation" when the NSA began collecting private user data from internet service providers:

• September, 2007 - Microsoft / Hotmail
• March, 2008 - Yahoo Mail
• January, 2009 - Google Gmail
• June, 2009 - Facebook
• December, 2009 - Paltalk
• September, 2010 - YouTube
• February, 2011 - Skype
• March, 2011 - AOL
• October, 2012 - Apple

This is detailed in "PRISM slide #5" shown below:

Total bust for any remaining trust in cloud computing

Beyond all the astonishing implications of this discovery which merit a full discussion separate from this article, this revelation is bound to shatter any remaining trust in so-called "cloud computing."

Anyone and everyone using Google applications that store files online -- or using online file backup or storage services -- must now assume the NSA is capturing and scanning all their files. The internet police state is operating in full force, and absolutely nothing is safe from its prying eyes... not even your photos and private files.

And while many people were aware that services like Google and Yahoo were scanning their emails in order to show them related advertising on other websites they surf, virtually no one believed that Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and AOL were systematically turning over all their private emails to the government.

That very idea, in fact, was called a "conspiracy theory" until this very day. Anyone who suggested this was taking place -- like Alex Jones -- was branded a loon. (Will the media now apologize to him for warning of this exact thing? I doubt it...)

But now it's all confirmed. The government isn't just reaching down your pants at the airport; it's reaching into your private phone calls, emails, bank account activities, family photos, online storage files, Skype chats, Skype calls and everything else.

The Bush-Obama surveillance nightmare

This police state surveillance nightmare was started by Bush but continued by Obama. Ron Fournier has penned an excellent article on this very topic, entitled Welcome to the Bush-Obama White House: They're Spying on Us.

These revelations are so shocking that even the New York Times is starting to awaken to the reality of the police state, saying the Obama administration "...has now lost all credibility on this issue" and following that up with, "Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it."

The NYT goes on to call the Patriot Act "reckless in its assignment of unnecessary and overbroad surveillance powers."

It's right about that, of course. And it brings up an inconvenient fact that many Republicans have forgotten: All this police state surveillance expansion was started in the Bush era. It was all "legalized" in the frenzied aftermath of 9/11, which now completely explains why rogue elements working within the government plotted the 9/11 attacks and allowed them to be carried out by standing down defense forces which could have prevented it.

The real purpose of the Bush-era Patriot Act

The entire purpose of 9/11 was to thrust Americans into a state of irrational fear so that they would support even the most insane, draconian, police state laws such as the Patriot Act. Republicans were beating their war drums and cheering the passage of this law!

Now, of course, they incorrectly blame Obama for the police state. But Obama is only half to blame: he didn't start these activities but he sure continued them. And in some ways, Obama found new opportunities to exploit and abuse government power beyond what even Bush could have imagined. The due of Bush + Obama is an absolute train wreck of criminality, spookiness and the abandonment of all rights and protections for the People.

Everybody is to blame for this. Bush supporters let this happen and Obama supporters let it ride. All along, neither party demanded the government limit its powers and abide by the Constitution. Only Ron Paul and a few libertarians carried that torch for the last 12 years, but they were shouted down by the establishment media which pretended the police state didn't exist at all.

So don't expect any miracles to occur when talking about dismantling this police state nightmare that smacks of North Korea: both political parties are huge believers in government abuse of power and the use of government to dominate, intimidate, censor, oppress, track and surveil innocent Americans. In fact, their entire power base depends on this.

Because if Americans were free to openly share ideas without fear of intimidation, they might discuss truly revolutionary ideas like eliminating the IRS, arresting all the war criminals in the U.S. Senate, or even marching on the White House and throwing the gangsters out of office.

Learn more:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/8/2013 6:01:25 PM

Colbert turns on Obama: He’s a ‘tyrannical despot who ignores all the rules’

First it was Jon Stewart lobbing insults at President Obama over the IRS scandal. Now even uber-liberal Stephen Colberthas had enough of the scandals, and has resorted to making fun of the president and calling him names.

Colbert began his show Thursday with the “shocking news” that millions of American phone records had been collected by the Obama administration.

“Yes, the National Security Administration is spying on our phone calls, and unlike during the Bush administration, this time it’s the Obama administration,” Colbert said. “Yeah, this guy, he is always trying to outdo his predecessor. ‘Oh, he poured water on their face? I’m going to blow ’em up! HAHAHA! Did I win?’”

Colbert continued with an explanation of the surveillance, then added his thoughts on it.

“Folks, I’m going to be straight with you. I’m conflicted here, folks. On the one hand, this proves Obama is a tyrannical despot who ignores all the rules. On the other hand, I kind of like tyrannical despots who ignore all the rules. Shows spunk.”

Colbert then cited the New York Times editorial which ran on Thursday proclaiming “The administration has now lost all credibility,” then picked up a phone to place an order for home delivery of the Times.

“My wife likes the Style section. I go straight for the Obama bashing,” Colbert said.

Watch the hilarious video via Newsbusters here.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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