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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
9/1/2010 3:47:03 AM
What's in a name?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
9/1/2010 6:43:31 AM
Hi Jim,
Very interesting video. I posted it a while ago and commented then that the "blessed handsome crooked one" name is a compliment to B Hussein cos he is much worse then simply being crooked. The man is a disaster and and a time bomb.
Can you imagine an American president condemning a sovereign US State in the UN as he has in a report last week in regard to Arizona? Such a thing's never happened before and hopefully never will again. This is more in tune with those that hate America but all he's so far to show is that he inot only hates America but despises her. He and Hillary have already submitted America to UN rule and by doing so forfeited her sovereignty. So what's new?
So not much good coming out of the "blessed handsome crooked one" is there?

What's in a name?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
9/1/2010 2:36:58 PM
Hi Peter, I pulled this from an old post. As you know you and I have been warning people about this "crooked one". He is the one in this instance.

Anyway for a really long time we have been warning folks about this guy, who is now President.

I have been on his trail since his retort to Bush's State of the Union in 2004 or 2006. I hate to think we have been working up to this for 4-6 years but we have!

This issue is a lot bigger than folks want to believe and just like 1930's Germany the average people have been in a slumber, enjoying all the "free food" handouts. But it appears we are waking up faster than expected.

Unfortunate for the one and his Fourth Reich members, Pelosi, Reid, Franks, McCain to name a few, and any politician that sat through 8 years of Bushisms, 8 years of Clintonisms, and 4 years of Papa Bushisms. They are all in on the scheme and should be ousted, embarrassed, pensions repealed and locked up. None are worth saving, except those whose actions showed otherwise and the voting record should be the standard they are judged by.
Indecisive votes like "Present" not withstanding.

He has not instituted his youth corps programs yet. Nor his, powerful as the military national civilian militia, as yet. We still have the power to turn the tide.

He and Hillary have sealed their own arrest warrant with her proposals and agreements with our enemies at the UN. They will be among the many tried by this farce of a tribunal on human rights.

Only God can determine Human Rights and we all are hard coded with that information. Unfortunately that same God, our creator also gave us the power of free thought and personal choice, along with a book of rules and guidelines.

The New World Order and One World Government freaks are trying to be God and they are all falling way short and will meet their just desserts on Judgment Day. ^They should have read the playbook more.^

What a FUBAR, (I will translate via email for those that need this spelled out for them.) we are finding our world in, by placing God like powers onto small minded and weak of spirit and power hungry individuals. Elected to Represent us NOT RULE US!

If people will dig through our threads on this subject in both our forums, much of what was suggested, is happening right before our very eyes.

More to come I am sure.....

Hi Jim,
Very interesting video. I posted it a while ago and commented then that the "blessed handsome crooked one" name is a compliment to B Hussein cos he is much worse then simply being crooked. The man is a disaster and and a time bomb.
Can you imagine an American president condemning a sovereign US State in the UN as he has in a report last week in regard to Arizona? Such a thing's never happened before and hopefully never will again. This is more in tune with those that hate America but all he's so far to show is that he inot only hates America but despises her. He and Hillary have already submitted America to UN rule and by doing so forfeited her sovereignty. So what's new?
So not much good coming out of the "blessed handsome crooked one" is there?

What's in a name?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
9/1/2010 5:19:49 PM

This is the type of person he has in his inner circle... Now are you beginning to see the picture?...

Van Jones, A National Treasure, To Rejoin Liberal Think Tank

I’m thinking that I may want to reconsider my position on things – it appears that the more radical and revolutionary you are, the more awards, employment opportunities, and face time you get.

Take for example Van Jones; although he was ousted from the White House for his trutherism, his radical ideological beliefs, namely being a self-professed communist, he is still receiving accolades from the liberal community. Van Jones will receive the coveted NAACP Image award this year and will also rejoin the Center for American Progress {be wary of that word Progress} a liberal “think” tank.

Van Jones calls himself an environmentalist, but more so in the sense of social justice; a term that many of us have been schooled in over the last couple of years. Social justice is just a nicer term used to confuse the masses that calls for the redistribution of wealth because of all the inequalities and unfairness in the world. Somewhere in life, I found that inequality and unfairness were part of human nature and it was up to an individual to make the most of what they were given and strive for success at every turn. I believe what I’m getting at is the “pursuit of happiness,” and there is a reason that the word pursuit is in the phrase; happiness isn’t handed to us – we have to earn respect and earn success.

Van Jones on the other hand, believes in the idea of welfare, hand outs and redistribution. He is a self-avowed communist who believes that nobody should be in jail, in fact they should all have green jobs to rehabilitate themseleves… something I’m more than a little skeptical of.

A little synopsis of what Van Jones is up to and some additional benefits that he is receiving:

In his first interview since stepping down as President Obama’s environmental adviser on Sept. 5, Jones said that a green jobs policy represents the best chance of both aiding poor Americans and bridging the political divide.

“When the food fight is over, there’s one spot of clean common ground in American politics, and that is the need for us to be leading on energy, clean energy, and for us as a country to be more secure with all those jobs,” Jones said Tuesday.

Jones, who has been consulting for companies and nonprofits on environmental issues, will start teaching at Princeton University in June and is rejoining the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, next month. On Friday, he will receive the NAACP’s President’s Award, for achievement in public service, the organization announced Tuesday.

Not surprising, another liberal ivy league school is also patting Van Jones on the back where he will teach and commute from DC to southern New Jersey.

As another aside, the liberal think tank that Van Jones will be a part of, commonly referred to as CAP, is run by none other than John Podesta and as recently as yesterday, has given its “unbiased” review of the Obama administration favoring unionized companies bidding on federal contracts, stating that it would bring down contracting costs, which is patently false.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
9/1/2010 5:49:15 PM

The legacy costs of unions are ruining the public workplace. Our current administration is intent on bailing out folks that have abused its members trust for years. This has to change. You cannot have $28.00 an hour plus labor costs, building $42,000.00 Green Cars to sell to a populace earning minimum wage. More unions = more costs to consumers. Me and You!

These union managers have mismanaged the retirement pension funds with exorbitant salaries and benefits they have screwed the very people they were trustees for.

Sound familiar? Just look at our congress! They have raided the coiffures of the Social Security Trust Funds that all that is left is some useless IOU's from the Spend Happy representatives we elected to protect our rights and interests.

These birds have been in office so long they think they are royalty and they Ain't! They are elected Public Servants for the moment. Vote them all out before they become our masters!.

The Obama Administration Continues To Play Favorites With Unions

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We are all well aware that the Obama administration is beholden to the unions like SEIU and the UAW who gave millions to then Senator Obama during his campaign for the White House. However, what many may not know, or have forgotten is the fact that Barack Obama signed three executive orders that would make it easier to favor unions and unionized companies.

Here is the synopsis of the three pro-union executive orders signed early in 2009:

The first executive order requires employers with federal contracts above $100,000 in value to post a notice in the workplace informing their employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), including the right to join a union. This order also repeals Executive Order 13201, issued by President Bush in 2001, that required federal contractors and subcontractors to post so-called “Beck notices.” Such notices, named after the Supreme Court’s decision in Communication Workers v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988) informed employees covered under the NLRA that they could not be required to join a union or maintain union membership in order to retain their jobs and that employees who are subject to a union security clause and choose not to be union members may object to the purposes for which mandatory union dues are used.

The second order applies to federal contractors who provide services to government buildings. While there are several exemptions, under this new executive order, when a federal agency changes contractors, the new contractor will be required to offer jobs to the non-supervisory employees of its predecessor. This order is designed to try to ensure that when a unionized contractor is replaced, its successor will be obliged under existing labor laws to bargain with the original contractor’s labor union.

The third order prevents federal contractors from being reimbursed in federal funds for money spent to oppose (or support) union organizing efforts among their employees, which could violate first amendment rights if ever challenged in a court of law due to government interference and a company’s freedom of speech.

That’s why the latest news coming from the Obama administration is very disconcerting since they are planning on supporting proposals that will favor unions and unionized companies bidding on federal contracts, which will only increase the size of the government, the amount of bureaucracy, and the cost of contracts. However, it’s not anything we don’t already know since Obama’s philosophy seems more like “Go big, or go… you know something? just go big because you won’t have a home by the time our administration is through.”

Here’s more information regarding the proposal via the Daily Caller:

The proposals, collectively known as “High Road Contracting Policy,” were first reported earlier this month. The basic elements of the policy would give preference to companies bidding on federal contracts that pay their hourly workers a “living wage” and provide health insurance, employer-funded pension plans and paid sick days.

Following the report Republicans slammed the proposal, with Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma referring to it as “backdoor card check.” Other critics, led by Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, worry the new rules would increase the cost of government contracting by as much as 20 percent, or more than $100 billion annually, while further slowing the procurement process.

Proponents of the proposals, including the Center for American Progress and the Economic Policy Institute, argue government contracting should be used as a vehicle for expanding the middle class and many of the workers that would be impacted by the changes end up costing the government more through public assistance programs such as Medicaid and food stamps. David Madland of CAP also pointed to studies on the state and local level that show no cost increase following the implementation of similar policies.

However, the White House did admit that contracting costs would increase if this proposal went through. Pardon me if I’m a little skeptical and a little tired of unions being used as the end-all-be-all of the middle class. Most of the middle class are professional workers or even blue collared workers who don’t belong to unions. Take for example my father – he’s a mechanic but doesn’t belong to the UAW, much like many of his co-workers. Does he make a ton of money? No, he’s just simply middle class and thus it is completely disingenuous for anybody to equate unions with the middle class at all times. It seems as if the current crop of bureaucrats would love nothing more than for the true middle class to be unionized and therefore controlled and dependent upon the federal government.

And lest we forget some of the eye-opening clips of Obama speaking with organizations like SEIU:

{My favorite part is Obama telling SEIU that they should want a leader who can tell the truth… Interesting that he’s now been caught in many lies, most recently ACORN}


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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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