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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/9/2011 2:49:35 PM

Donald Trump Wants to See Obama's Birth Certificate

on 'The View', Donald Trump was asked whether or not he believes Obama was born in this country. Instead of answering the question Trump insisted that Obama needs to show his birth certificate, then said that 'there is something on that birth certificate he doesn't want to show'.

This video is published under fair use, I'm not profiting off it in anyway, it is the property of 'The View' and their parent companies.

"if Obama wasn't born in the United States"

Rush Limbaugh agrees with Donald Trump when he said that if Obama wasn't born in the United States it would be the biggest scam ever.Rush says Trump Has "Blueprint" For Obama Defeat -- "Just Go At Him"

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/12/2011 2:45:28 PM

Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural-born US citizen--if a citizen of this country at all

The Usurper in Chief Obama vs. The Donald?

- Sher Zieve Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Since the then-obscure Illinois Senate Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was picked to give the keynote address at the 2004 Democrat National Convention, he has been on a seemingly unstoppable and unprecedented E-ticket ride to the top—in order to take control of all of the assets of the United States of America and parcel them out to his friends and supporters. Thus far, he has gotten away with and is still affecting it. Even his “campaign” against Republican Candidate Sen. John Sidney McCain was a breeze, as each time McCain found himself rising in the polls he told his people to “back off” on any criticism of opponent Obama. In other words, it strongly appears that McCain threw the election, took a dive etc. Are they both working for the same masters?
Note: Don’t forget McCain IS a liberal (aka covert leftist) and only pretends conservatism when he’s running for reelection. Unfortunately, his Senatorial election tactics have worked. However, when McCain was asked to provide his long-form birth certificate to prove he was a natural born citizen—he did. On the other hand, Obama’s handlers only produced a very short-form Certificate of Live Birth (ostensibly from Hawaii and a document that is easily obtained even by those who are foreign-born) that had no signatures and was, almost immediately, shown to be fraudulent. Also, besides birth place, there is that other pesky problem of his ostensible father’s birthplace. In order to be a US natural born citizen (NBC) one’s parents must also be citizens of the USA before the child is born. Obama senior was Kenyan and carried British citizenship. So, either way (assuming Obama senior is his father and Stanley Ann Durham did give birth to him) Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural-born US citizen—if a citizen of this country at all.
Since the original Obama COLB forgery, no fewer than three others have appeared on the Internet and Obama still refuses to produce his long-form birth certificate. Question: Are Obama’s minions really having that much trouble creating one?
To date, none of the Republican potential presidential candidates (although recently candidate Herman Cain came out very cautiously questioning it) have challenged The Obama’s NBC. The wimp factor of the Republican Party’s potential candidates is now higher than at any other time in history. They are all afraid of (or bought off by?) Obama and seem to be on a course that will reelect the usurper to his soon-to-be throne. Don’t forget that if the dictator-in-chief is reelected nothing will stop his completion of the shredding of OUR US Constitution and the complete elimination of our Bill of Rights. Even before his was “elected” Obama said he didn’t like the US Constitution, he planned to drive up energy prices (saying that due to his planned policies “energy prices will necessarily skyrocket”) and that he would have gasoline at $4.00/gallon. He has done these and so very much more to destroy the USA and its people. But, there are still dyed in the wool masochists out there who want him to continue doling out the pain. Obama intends to continue accommodating them.
Currently, there is only one potential candidate for the Presidency of the United States who is even talking about saving our country from the rout being employed and forced upon us by the current occupant of our White House. That individual is Donald Trump. As one of the US’ (if not the world’s) most successful business entrepreneurs, Trump has watched Obama’s ongoing dismantling towards termination of the USA and all of its freedoms designed by our founders for individuals to succeed. And along with the rest of us who still believe in liberty, Mr. Trump doesn’t like it. He also—while the rest of the Republican presidential field candidates cower in their respective corners—has not been afraid to jump into the central battle of Obama’s eligibility. Trump is talking much like a man who is ready to take on the battle and eventually the war of ending the reign of the most malevolent White House resident in our history. I pray he’s serious about taking on the fight and that he is being truthful with We-the-People. Note: I’ve followed Trump for years through his downturns (we all have them) and his ultimate successes. Thus far, he seems to be a man of integrity.
At this juncture I fervently hope Trump runs for the Office of President of the United States, as he is the only one now potentially running who can possibly pull us back from the cliff over which we are being forced to jump. Oh and by the way, he has already produced his long-form birth certificate and his Mother’s (she was born in Scotland) US citizenship documents. Not only does he appear to be a force majeure for the good of the USA but, he is truly a natural born citizen. Imagine that!
Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/12/2011 9:46:55 PM


By Debra Rae
April 12, 2011

Most agree that national defense from enemy intrusion is more than advisable; it’s compulsory. That said our nation has always been immigrant-friendly. For good reason, my German- and Norwegian- born forefathers are grateful. I am, too. As freedom-loving Americans, we are compelled to respect the role of legal immigrants in our national culture and to welcome law-abiding newcomers. Nonetheless, to ensure national security, a balance must be struck to prevent illegal entry (or legal residence) of outlaws intent on doing us catastrophic harm.

Border Breaches

Logic dictates that the best way to know who enters and exits our country is through effective control of borders. Unfortunately, both the northern and southern borders of the United States include vast expanses of unguarded territory. A recent Government Accountability Office report found that, along the nearly four thousand mile northern border, only thirty-two miles has “an acceptable level of security.”[1]

Mexico’s two thousand mile border is likewise porous. Although US immigration laws allow for deportation, the political reality is that authorities are not going to round up some twelve million people to oust them. Law enforcement officials don’t enforce immigration laws consistently and, for self-interest, some partisans hope to gain votes and/or cheap labor by ignoring the obvious.

Several states go so far as to issue drivers’ licenses to foreign citizens and illegal immigrants, thus enabling offenders to open bank accounts, board planes, and use credit. Furthermore, needed databases and records are lacking, inaccurate, and/or easily forged.[2]

A discretionary form of relief, asylum cannot be "demanded”; however, as the crisis in Libya continues to evolve, so too does the possibility of escalating asylum in the US. In January of 2010, the government started releasing from detention many asylum seekers whose immigration cases have yet to be heard.[3]

Those let out must prove their identity, but many don't have official documents. In practice, countless obstructions preclude effective deportation of illegals, lawbreakers, and opportunistic tricksters who falsify documents or otherwise evade authorities. Even if one is cleared for legal entry, there’s no way to assess an immigrant’s intentions once here.[4]

Multicultural Malarkey

Alarmingly, a sharply growing number of OTMs (Other than Mexicans)—including those with large populations hostile to the US—are flooding America’s borders. In a year’s time, up to two hundred thousand can elude capture. For each one the border patrol picks up, at least three settle safely; among them are criminals and would be terrorists.

Unfortunately, the Doctrine of Political Correctness eases access to maleficent fundamentalists. In the PC mindset, to expose religious extremism among Christian sects is deemed mandatory; however, to do likewise respecting Islamist radicalism is somehow unconscionable. Even though some eighty percent of all Imams (spiritual leaders) in the US sanction the Wahabi movement, the mandate of political correctness—i.e., viewpoint discrimination—requires acknowledgement that Islam is a kind religion, one of peace and charity.

Multicultural malarkey suggests further that silencing Islam’s praise “reflects adversely” and thereby offends the god of tolerance. How quickly we forget that from AD 33-Y2K fully nine million Christians were murdered by fundamentalists of Islamic persuasion. Be sure the Islamic Doctrine of Abrogation rescinds an earlier conciliatory revelation of non-harm in favor of a later revelation sanctioning harm to infidels. Two million Christians were killed in the Sudan genocide alone. Add to that the same number of Armenians in Turkey; and, well, you get the point.

While only a small percentage of the Muslim population actually acts on abrogation, the few who do pose deadly threat to Americans, their way of life and governmental system.

Drugs ‘R Us

Authorities do well to acknowledge that, merely by entering, overcoming, and occupying a targeted place of refuge, extremists establish complete dominance. Hamas and Hezbollah operatives have found such refuge in the border area shared by Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay—now used as the central point for trafficking cocaine.

In January of 2006, the chief of operations at the Federal Antidrug Agency informed a US House of Representatives subcommittee of Islamic terrorist groups in South America that partner with narco-trafficking organizations of the region. From its center for transnational operations—specifically, the border area mentioned above—arms are exchanged for drugs (heroine, methamphetamines, and cocaine); then, drugs are trafficked to Europe and Asia.

Evidence of this collaboration is found in weaponry seized from narcotics traffickers. Said weapons (made in Europe or the Middle East) are the type used by Islamic supporters of the Palestinian cause. Sophisticated car bombs and intricate tunnels (as used in the Gaza Strip on the Egyptian side) manifestly come with expertise from the outside.

One of the trademarks of radical Islamist terror—namely, the practice of beheading—is a fairly new form of retribution now being used against rivals in Mexico. Yet another giveaway of radical Islamist influence is the cartel’s increased use of youngsters to carry out murderous deeds. Stone-cold, hands-on assassins torture and slaughter dozens of gangland foes. One such drug-gang hit “man” started as a twelve-year-old whose name means “the Cloak.”[5]

This is no new happenstance. Since the 1970s, US agencies have warned that Islamic groups established in South America are dedicated to arms trafficking in the area. Department of Justice intelligence documents show that Mexican narcotics traffickers made their first contacts with radical groups like the Lebanese terrorist group, Hezbollah, at the beginning of this decade—this, through intermediation of members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Columbian, Brazilian, and Peruvian drug dealers, and Venezuela (bordering Brazil).[6]

No Way, José!

Many in the media deny the strong presence of Hezbollah in South America; but verifiable data from the FBI, CIA, and DEA beg to differ. In fact, over the past few years, Mexican drug traffickers have become primary clients. Seventy-four investigations of the Special Operations Division of the DEA finger Islamic groups on the common border of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay that launder money, sell arms, and traffic drugs supplied by three or four major cartels that operate throughout Mexico.

Even more, the majority of these groups represented in South America are tied to Palestinians who finance their causes with gains from narcotics traffickers in Mexico and the whole of Latin America. A spokesperson for the military wing of Hamas in Gaza admits: “Our people love death.” Furthermore, he adds, “our goal is to die for the sake of God; and if we live, we want to humiliate Jews and trample on their necks.”

In a roundabout way, drug cartels in partnership with groups as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Front, and the Palestine Liberation Organization finance terrorism against Israel, if only indirectly and unwittingly. The Great Satan is likewise targeted. One can follow the money to Iran (a key supporter of Hezbollah) and its hundreds of millions of dollars tied to the Global Cocaine Trade that feed Hezbollah around the world.[7]

Camel-in-the-tent Phenomenon

Though Texas Minutemen are leading an all-volunteer assault on a migrant wave of crime that border-crossing federal agents can’t or won’t stop, Hezbollah and ilk successfully use the same transit routes into the US as the drug cartel from Mexico and Columbia. From 2007-2010 the Department of Homeland Security captured some 180 thousand OTMs; the number not captured remains unknown.

With less than forty percent of our borders secure, Hezbollah’s influence is spreading from South- to Central- America through Mexico and on to the US.

Empowered by billions of dollars in fees charged for transit, Mexican drug lords control most access routes. Drug- and people- smuggling are now interchangeable. From anywhere in Mexico or Central America, Illegals fly or board busses en route to an industrial town like Altar in the North. From there, they are driven to the Arizona border; and, after walking a few miles, are picked up by shuttle buses and transported to Tucson or Phoenix—no citizenship ID required.

It’s no exaggeration to suggest that, in addition to illegal drugs, people, radioactive materials, foot soldiers, suicide bombers, and WMDs can (and likely will) enter the US through these highly mechanized routes.[8]

Hasta la vista, Mexico

Mexico is inexorably linked with the US through trade and investment, migration and tourism, environment and health concerns, family and cultural relationships. Arguably, no country is more crucial to the US than Mexico, our second most important trading partner. Together, we share a two thousand mile border and extensive interconnections through the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a wide variety of mechanisms for consultation and cooperation.

Our jointly enforced “grand bargain” works to regularize the status of undocumented Mexican workers and to assist Mexico economically—this, within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In turn, Mexico cooperates with US efforts to control illegal trafficking of drugs, people, and goods.

A Government Accountability Office report suggests that the northern border poses an even greater terrorist threat due to its size and limited law enforcement; however, should Mexico become a failed state, threat from the south would be exponentially exacerbated.[9]

Wake Up and Smell the Anthrax

By no means are problems limited to isolated states as Texas, California, and Arizona. Sarah Carter (FOX News) rightly warns that this is an issue of national security (not local law enforcement), and it involves a criminal syndicate—an army, if you will (not merely “gangs”).

In Bible tradition, crimes against a righteous nation are not dismissed lightly. Punishments include (but are not limited to) banishment, confiscation of property, and even hard labor. Remember the Philistines, who dominated the Israelites until the time of David. Deliverance came through Shamgar, Samson, and Samuel. Jonathan defeated and David subjugated them.[10]

Today, we need a new breed of Jonathans and Davids to deter Goliaths from seeking entry by means of our northern and southern borders. True, Texas Minutemen are leading an assault on the migrant wave of crime; still, ever-increasing vigilance is required of a fully informed, engaged citizenry. Even more, the US needs to qualify as a “righteous” nation before God Almighty. To that end, much work must be done. But I digress.

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Not Just Time, but High Time

This past February, the FBI arrested Texas resident Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari (here on a student visa). Charged with attempted use of WMDs, this Saudi national wrote in his journal that he was inspired by Osama bin Laden, that 9/11 had caused what he characterized as “a big change,” and that it is “time for jihad.”[11]

To the contrary, it’s not only time, but high time Americans wake up and smell the anthrax. Our very existence depends on it.[12]


1. Andrew P. Morriss. “Borders and Liberty.” The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty (July/August 2004): 17-20. Note: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) defines the U.S.-Canadian border as stretching from the state of Washington to Maine, and does not include the Alaskan border with Canada.
2. Drivers Licenses for illegal aliens, For more information, see below:
Driver's License Security by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
b. Should illegal aliens get driver's licenses?, by Phyllis Schlafly, May 13, 2003.
c. Immigrant Access to Drivers' Licenses - a handbook from a coalition of anti-American organizations to promote driver's licenses for illegal aliens.
3. Somali Asylum Seekers Look for Way Into U.S.
4. Stephen Sloan, "US Anti-Terrorism Policies: Lessons to be Learned to Meet an Enduring and Changing Threat," Terrorism and Political Violence. (Spring 1993): Vol.5, No. 1
5. Mexican Police Arrest Associates of "Boy Hit Man"
6. Hezbollah Working with Cartels
7. Hezbollah Recruitment Ring Busted Outside Tijuana
8. 8. John Dawson. “Illegal Invasion.” World (5 November 2005): 20-23
9. K. Larry Storrs, Specialist in Latin American Affairs Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division. “Mexico’s Importance and Multiple Relationships with the United States.” Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress (18 January, 2006): Summary.
10. T. Alton Bryant, Editor. “Philistines.” The New Compact Bible Dictionary. (1967): 457
11. Saudi college student Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari accused of bomb plots on New York City, George W. Bush.
12. Jamie Dean. “Immigration Equation.” World (22 May 2010): 38-40

© 2010 Debra Rae - All Rights Reserved

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/12/2011 10:29:57 PM


By Betty Freauf
April 5, 2011

As I began drafting this article, I was watching on the news how we were once again near a government “shut down.” We are facing a $14+ trillion dollar debt and all what many people complained about was their disappointment in the national parks being closed and their trip to Washington, D.C. during Easter break being interrupted. Hedonism rang through loud and clear. America is bankrupt and it was all about them. John Stossel recently had a program on FOX about the “Freeloaders.” They don’t want to work. They no longer feel shame as they stand by the side of the road with their “poor me” signs and beg for money and they make a good, tax-free living at their scams.

The budget stalemate and the blame that was tossed around is reminiscent of 1933 when we moved into the first stage of the Fabian Revolution and the Welfare State under another Democrat President, FDR. I’m sure there are those who are also frustrated with the GOP for eventually compromising on the amount to avoid the “shut down” but until the people begin voting in some reinforcements for those who truly want to cut spending, things won’t change.

The Great Depression had deepened the mood and as it seemed to grow darker, Americans were being treated to Russia’s success with socialism while America seemed to be in the wilderness with no plan at all but we have come to realize 70-80 years later there was a plan to eventually collapse our political and economic systems. Ever so gradually, our leaders begin to lose their way. They claimed the Constitution was not relevant for current times and must be interpreted as a living document that can be randomly changed. The oath of office taken by governors from 1858 up until 1911 had “so help me God” but since 1911 the oath has been changed so while many still pledge to uphold their Constitutional oaths with their hands on a Bible saying, “so help me God”, they promptly forgot it but Jeremiah 34:16 says God takes an oath/covenant with Him very seriously and this, among other things, may help to explain why we are no longer a blessed country. You might want to read Hebrews 6 warning against apostasy and it’s companion II Thessalonians 2:3-4.

Dr. Ron Paul (R-Tx) continues to earn high Conservative Index scores and he stands as an impressive confirmation that a Congressperson can win reelection without violating his or her oath to support the Constitution. May others soon follow. His son obviously is trying to emulate his father’s impressive record.

Supreme Court Justice George W. Maxey on June 7, 1935 speaking to the Pennsylvania Bankers Association in Scranton said that the most important sections of our Federal and State Constitutions are those that definitely place beyond the reach of government certain fundamental rights essential to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No one can enter into public office any where in this land until he or she takes a solemn oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. And the framers of our government set up an independent judiciary free of all political control, so that Constitutional rights might be safeguarded by more than mere empty words. Readers know today that is balderdash. Our Supreme Court is as much a part of the problems today as the elected officials and lest we be quick to condemn oath breakers in government, our divorce vows “’til death do us part” have likewise been broken by about 50% of all marriages including those who profess to be Christian so that vow is often rewritten. So when we point fingers, three come back at us. It’s a sign of the times.

Representative Keith Ellison, a Democrat congressman from Minnesota, like Barack Obama with many aliases, became the first Muslim in Congress and used the Koran, the holy book of Islam, for his swearing in ceremony. He was born in Detroit and converted to Islam in college. He was 43 years old in 2007 at the time, a “civil rights” attorney and a “former” disciple of the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Muslims throughout the world celebrated his victory but he didn’t get elected without the vote of the people. Was he not sufficiently vetted by the media about his seemingly total disrespect for U.S. laws? He had parking and unpaid traffic tickets that led to a license suspension. He failed to pay his taxes that resulted in liens on his home. He had campaign finance violations that should have been a red flag to voters but did they know of his past? Had that been a Republican, it would have been front-page news.

If joblessness is on the wane as being reported, why are requests for food stamps the greatest ever? Are the numbers being manipulated again? A 4/18/2011 AP article indicates Texas, California and Oregon are seeing requests for more social services. FDR’s response to the trauma, confusion and near chaos of the Great Depression was not only a list of temporary emergency measures but also a reshaping of our Republic to a democracy and it seems as though today all the nations of the world are in turmoil. Turn on your T.V., radio or read the newspaper. It’s all there. People committed suicide after the ’29 crash but today’s lawlessness against others was unheard of in the 30s. Also during that time America was not “interdependent” economically on other nations like today and while our new technology can be a blessing used for good, it can also be a curse used for evil. Are we ripe for deifying any new Caesar who might succeed in giving the world unity and peace. II Thes. 2:3-4

Berit Kjos in her excellent article “Conforming the Church to the New World Order” explains how this will happen. While the Fabian Socialists knew they had to gain control of all communications, labor unions, and most of all the secondary schools and colleges, they also recognized they needed the religious community.

The one thing they did not anticipate back in the 30s was the World Wide Net where information can be transmitted to millions in a matter of seconds. While many people are using this instrument to educate, Barack Obama learned how to use this “social networking” during his successful presidential campaign.

How many readers know that the communists have their own schools in the U.S.? John T. Flynn in his 1949 book “The Road Ahead” tells how one study showed the University of Chicago had on its faculties 60 persons who were members of various Communist-front organizations. Harvard turned up 76 faculty members in these Red-front organizations. One was a history teacher. Couple this with the propaganda by publishing companies that supplies textbooks and college literature and we will know why our children no longer know genuine history. Freedom of speech was guaranteed to the writers of Red textbooks but that same freedom of criticism is often denied to citizens who call attention to what they are saying and writing that could bring me to Glenn Beck’s SOON departure from FOX.

There are so many rumors floating around I don’t know which one to believe but Glenn has been exposing some pretty scary “conspiratorial” material using the words of those who want to overthrow our government and I am reminded of what he said on television about Senator Joe “McCarthy.” I knew as well as many other information junkies that McCarthy was right. He long ago had been exonerated by everyone except the mainline media for exposing how we’ve been infiltrated with Communists. Later Glenn seemed to change his mind and now he can feel the senator’s pain because he is the target of that same mainstream media; however, if Glenn has been right, all I can say is, “God help us.” The Book of Daniel and Revelation explains it all.

Dana Milbank from The Washington Post said Beck, in losing his mass-media perch, is repeating the history of Father Charles Coughlin, the radio priest of the Great Depression. Economic hardship gave him an audience even greater than Beck’s but as his calls to drive “the money changers from the temple” became more vitriolic, his broadcast sponsors dropped him…It is a sign of the nation’s health and resilience that Beck, after 27 months at FOX, is meeting a similar end, said Milbank, who is carrying the water for Israel hater George Soros, a billionaire Jew, and his affiliates.

With all this perceived conspiracy drivel, I’m reminded of a meeting on June 25, 1863 when the Rothschild Brothers of London wrote a letter discussing with their fellow “conspirators.” They stated:

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class. The great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage will bears it burden without complaint. (This was long before their takeover of the U.S. banking system by the Federal Reserve in 1913.)

And then taken from the Civil Servants’ Year Book, “The Organizer” Jan. 1934 is “The Banker’s Manifesto:” “Capital must protect itself in every way…Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the “strong arm of the law” (COPS) applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people (class warfare) we can get them to expand their energies infighting over questions of no importance to us except teachers of the common herd.

Edward L. Bernays, known as the father of spin, described the public as a “herd that needed to be led” and this herd-like thinking makes people “susceptible to leadership” and unfortunately today’s old time entrenched leaders have lost their way and the newcomers simply don’t have sufficient clout yet to make a very big dent.

Recently a San Francisco radio talk show host, a historian of sorts and a political Junkie who formerly worked for Richard Nixon, seemed befuddled over President Barack Obama’s flip-flopping. He asked his listening audience if they’d vote for Barack Obama again and every caller said, “Yes.” – Anything but a Republican!

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, another communist sympathesizer and black “civil rights” judge appointed by Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, admits he helped to “adjust the Constitution” and added, “It’s just who’s calling the cattle.” Did you know that more “clenched fist history” (always representing communism) took place in 1969 in Madison, Wisconsin when a Marxist agitator was arrested after a 11-hour siege of the State capitol?

It is strange the media failed to mention that little tidbit a few months ago when it was the same song, second verse only bigger and louder in Madison. He was sentenced to serve six months in the House of Correction but was soon released on orders from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Thurgood should be “no good.” Mourner’s cherished his legacy – 1973 Roe –vs- Wade and millions of aborted babies for convenience.

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The “strong arm of the law” quote above in the Banker’s Manifesto is very similar to what Oregon’s Governor Tom McCall said about wanting the federal government to use the “strong sword of Damocles” to impose land-use planning so you see the New World Order crowd uses the same language and we, the cattle, should become acquainted with it and oppose it often and loudly. II Timothy 1:7 says God does not give us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love and a sound mind. It might be wise to refresh one’s memory about the “end times” in II Timothy and the apostasy.

© 2011 Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
4/13/2011 12:50:37 AM
Barack Obama is an anti-capitalist. Obamacare is his most obvious manifestation of that yet

429 Pages of New Regulations Wrought from 6 Pages of Obamacare

Obamacare will destroy our healthcare system and our economy both while giving unprecedented and unconstitutional powers to unelected, unaccountable federal regulators. It’s just that simple. Further proof of this was reported by US News and World Report on April 7 where we see that out of just six pages of the Obamacare law, federal regulators have written 429 pages of new regulations!

As it happens, that 429 pages of new federal regulations amounts to 45 more pages than Barack Obama’s autobiography, The Audacity of Hope.

Section 3022 of the law, which is about the Medicare shared savings program, take up just six pages in the 907-page Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But HHS has turned that into 429 pages of new regulations and that’s too much, says Republican Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, a practicing doctor.

Brasso is correct to say that these thousands of new regulations will “increase the cost of doing business,” too.

The fact is that regulations are necessary in small doses. But as they mount up they become an impediment to growth, a destructive force for innovation, and a hamper on the economy.

But make no mistake, folks. Obama WANTS to destroy our healthcare system. Until the capitalist aspect of healthcare is eliminated he cannot take full control of our healthcare system. That is what he wants to do. He wants doctors made servants of government and essentially poor. He wants all insurance companies to be closed. He wants for profit hospitals to be outlawed. He wants drug companies to be nationalized. Finally, he wants the level of healthcare to fall to the least effective level, not the most, so that he has an excuse to swoop in and nationalize the whole kit and kaboodle, Chavez-like.

Barack Obama is an anti-capitalist. Obamacare is his most obvious manifestation of that yet.

Click here for a .pdf of the law. The Section in question is 3022, on pages 297-302

(H/T Eye On Freedom)

Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston Most recent columns

Warner Todd Huston’s thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as,,,,,, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numeruous TV and radio shows and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture,” which can be purchased on He is also the owner and operator of Publius’ Forum.

Warner can be reached at:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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