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Jim Allen

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Saw Mention of Branka, Today
2/15/2017 9:16:35 PM
Saw Mention of Branka, Today and remembered her support of my forum thread on a touchy subject, no longer allowed on #theCommunityWall.



I am too brief, and just can now do copy and paste. One of next days I will translate. Or, if his time permit him, ask my dearest Joe Downing to translate you, he became and expert for my native :) ...

But trust me, even though my English is not to be too much praising, your patience would be paid if you wait for my translation.


B.Obama "The Courageous of Hope"


Kritičari su Baraka Obamu proglasili najboljim književnikom koji je ikada ušao u svet savremene politike. „Smelost nade” je jedna od najprodavanijih knjiga u SAD, i u osnovi spada u mešovite književne vrste – autobiografija kroz koju je prikazan politički program za novu Ameriku. Memoari po pravilu označavaju kraj karijere, a „Smelost nade” obeležava jedan veliki politički početak.

Naslov knjige, kao i „Da, mi možemo” i „Promena u koju verujemo” slogani su koji kao eho prate novu zvezdu na političkom nebu Amerike i sveta. Obama je za samo četiri godine prošao put od kandidata za senatora države Ilinois do najpopularnije političke ličnosti na planeti.

On se čitaocima obraća lako razumljivim jezikom, na jedan duhovit način, mirnim tonom koji je istovremeno pun žara. Političar je koji se vešto bavi temama od nacionalnog i globalnog značaja, ali izdvaja ga sposobnost da se uhvati ukoštac sa problemima jednog prosečnog Amerikanca i njegove porodice. Kada se bavi svakodnevnim temama kao što su zaštita prava radnika, zdravstvena zaštita, zaštita prava manjina, problemi vaspitanja dece, sloboda seksualnog opredeljenja, sloboda veroispovesti, imate osećaj kao da neposredno razgovara sa vama, izbegavajući frazeologiju i uopštenost tipičnu za politički govor.

Ova knjiga se može preporučiti i studentima pravnih i političkih nauka, svima koji na ozbiljan način proučavaju međunarodne odnose, političarima, ali i onima koji vole da čitaju briljantne političke autobiografije. Kada sam pre osam meseci obavestio prijatelje i poznanike da nakon „Memoara” Dejvida Rokfelera nameravam da objavim knjigu Baraka Obame, najčešći komentar bio je: „Skromne su šanse da jedan Afroamerikanac postane predsednik Amerike”.

Kao i tada, tako i danas verujem u pobedu senatora Obame, ali njegov eventualni izbor za predsednika SAD nije razlog zbog kojeg objavljujemo ovu knjigu na srpskom jeziku. Prateći njegovu kampanju uglavnom na Si-En-Enu i čitajući „Smelost nade” postalo mi je jasno da se na zapadnoj strani sveta posle dužeg vremena pojavio harizmatičan lider koji sa sobom nosi optimizam, veru u ljudsku čestitost i razvoj. U predgovoru srpskog izdanja kongresmen iz Ilinoisa Melisa Bin piše: „Vizija budućnosti senatora Obame je vizija preobraženja. Kao Amerikanka srpskog porekla ponosna sam što će je podeliti sa narodom Srbije u izdanju ’Smelosti nade’ na ćirilici. Nadam se da će knjiga biti ohrabrujuća za vas, kao što je bila za mene.”

Predgovor za srpsko izdanje napisao je i Dan Šomon, prijatelj i politički direktor Obamine kampanje za senatora Ilinoisa u Kongresu SAD: „Kao neko ko je proveo stotine sati sam sa Obamom u vožnji Ilinoisom, mogu reći da je on jedinstven čovek, koji veruje u Boga, porodicu i ljude uopšte”.
Barak Obama je sin jedinac afričkog imigranta i belkinje sa Srednjeg zapada. Kao pripadnik srednjeg staleža upisao se na Harvard i diplomirao pravo 1991. godine. Bio je prvi Afroamerikanac koji je postao urednik časopisa „Harvardska revija prava”. Pre nego što je postao mlađi senator Sjedinjenih Američkih Država iz Ilinoisa, bio je advokat građanskog prava i profesor pravnih nauka.

Vrtoglavi uspon njegove političke karijere počinje govorom koji je održao na Nacionalnoj konvenciji Demokratske partije u Bostonu 2004. godine. Čitavih 17 minuta, bez prekida i gotovo u jednom dahu, govorio je o svojoj viziji nove, pravednije, moralnije i odgovornije Amerike. Taj govor ga je učinio poznatim izvan granica SAD, i počela je jedna neverovatna politička karijera. Američki i svetski analitičari još tada su mu predviđali budućnost prvog crnog predsednika SAD. Čak je i bračni par Klinton verovao u to predviđanje, ali tek nakon što Hilari Klinton ostvari ambiciju da postane prva žena predsednik.

Svi političari u izbornim kampanjama govore o promenama, ali Obami veruju kada ih najavljuje, upravo zbog snažnog ličnog pečata, snažne lične dimenzije u nastupu i iskrene, duboke vere u ono što govori. Barak Obama svoju politiku zasniva na povratku zaboravljenim moralnim vrednostima, na zdravom razumu, uspostavljanju dijaloga i prevazilaženju barijera.

Njegovi govori, gotovo propovedi, opisuju Ameriku onakvom kakva bi ona trebalo da bude, zemlja bez rasizma i straha, zemlja koju ne vode lideri koji su za to predodređeni svojim poreklom, zemlja u kojoj se poštuju moralna načela i principi, zemlja slobode i jednakih šansi za sve. Tajna njegove harizme je u tome što objedinjuje Ameriku, bogatu i siromašnu, belu i obojenu.

Za jedne novi Kenedi, za druge novi Martin Luter King, Barak Obama ih u suštini spaja, jer njegova misija je prevazilaženje podela koje opterećuju ne samo Ameriku već i savremeni svet.

Od 52 američke države jedna ima specifičnu vezu sa Srbijom. To je država Ilinois u kojoj je guverner Amerikanac srpskog porekla Rod Blagojević, predstavnik u Kongresu Amerikanka srpskog porekla Melisa Bin, a najveći grad Čikago u kome živi oko 600.000 Srba. Senator te države u Kongresu SAD je upravo Barak Obama.

Ova veza Baraka Obame i Srbije ne sme biti razlog za sindrom preteranih očekivanja u našoj javnosti, ali je ipak dovoljan početni kapital za bolje dane u srpsko-američkim odnosima nakon priželjkivane pobede mladog senatora iz Ilinoisa.

Goran Perčević

(Generalni direktor „Interkomerca” i



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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FROM RUSSIA WITH MONEY Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism
3/22/2017 10:22:27 PM
FROM RUSSIA WITH MONEY Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism

During her tenure as Secretary of State, one of Hillary Clinton’s major policy initiatives was the “reset” in relations with Russia. The idea was to begin the U.S.-Russia relationship anew, unburdened by recent Russian government actions or Bush Administration policies that had caused tensions between Moscow and Washington. The reset was one of President Obama’s “earliest new foreign policy initiatives,” according to the White House, and was based on the belief that relations with Russia had become unnecessarily mired in conflict over a handful of issues during the Bush Administration. In short, the Obama Administration wanted what it called “win-win outcomes.”1 As America’s chief diplomat, Secretary Clinton was the point person on the reset, handling a range of issues from arms control to technological cooperation. Those matters she did not handle herself were managed by close aides under her direction. On July 6, 2009, President Barack Obama visited Moscow, and together with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, announced the creation of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. The Bilateral Commission would be the heart and soul of the Russia reset, with the goal to “improve communication and cooperation between the governments of Russia and the United States.” 2 | From Russia with Money 5 In addition, the Commission would work at “identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the Russian and American people….” 3 Specifically, as it related to technology transfer and investment, the Commission played a key role in everything from intellectual property sharing to export licensing to facilitating American investment in Russia and Russian investment in America.4 President Obama and Medvedev announced that the work of the Commission would be directed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. As President Obama put it, the effort would “be coordinated by Secretary Clinton and Minister Lavrov, and Secretary Clinton [would] travel to Russia [that] fall to carry [that] effort forward.” 5 As Mark Landler of the New York Times put it, “Clinton was the most visible early exponent of the [reset] policy.”6 While some Clinton aides attempted to create the impression after she left office that the reset was solely an Obama initiative, the record shows otherwise. According to Philip Gordon, Clinton’s assistant secretary for European and Eurasian affairs, “It would be wrong to say that Obama imposed it on her. We saw the logic and bought into it.”7 As Landler puts it, Clinton was not pushing the reset just out of duty to Obama.8 6 From Russia with Money | According to leaked U.S. government cables, U.S. State Department officials beginning in 2009 played a substantial role in assisting Russian government entities in accessing U.S. capital and in seeking investments in U.S. high technology companies. Specifically, they worked to support the efforts of the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano, to seek investment opportunities in the United States by arranging meetings with U.S. tech firms. They also crafted and delivered joint statements with Russian officials on cooperation on technological matters.9 In short, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and coordinator of the Bilateral Commission would be at the center of U.S. decision-making. Hillary Clinton was deeply engaged in fostering U.S. ties to Russia. In addition to four major visits to Russia itself, Secretary Clinton communicated numerous other times with foreign minister Lavrov and other officials.10 It should also be pointed out that Bill Clinton met with Vladimir Putin on at least two occasions in 2009 and 2010.11 According to Hillary Clinton’s emails released by the State Department, she sent or received at least 894 emails that include the term “Russia” during her tenure as Secretary of State.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Allen West: Folks, Comey’s just a distraction; here’s the REAL story the left do
5/23/2017 3:28:12 PM

Allen West: Folks, Comey’s just a distraction; here’s the REAL story the left does NOT want you to know

Here is look at the deteriorating Obamacare landscape, where many Americans face a real risk of losing coverage in 2018. In addition to Aetna, Humana (HUM) announced earlier this year it would not participate on the ACA exchanges next year. Anthem (ANTM) is contemplating exiting some, if not all, of its positions next year, CEO Joseph Swedish said during an April earnings call. “Recognizing the level of volatility in the individual ACA-compliant product offerings, we are assessing our market footprint in 2018 as well as rate increases necessary to reflect the underlying morbidity and expected costs of this population,” he said.

If Anthem did decide not to participate, it would leave nearly 250,000 customers without coverage options. The United States’ largest health insurer, UnitedHealth (UNH), has also already exited most of its exchange positions.”

Of course y’all are asking, so what does that mean to the everyday American? Well, it’s simple. “Five states—Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Wyoming— and 31 percent of counties across the country currently only have one Obamacare exchange provider. In 2018, 16 counties in Tennessee could have no coverage under the Affordable Care Act, though Blue Cross Blue Shield said earlier this week it may step in to fill those gaps.

Meanwhile the law is on life support in Iowa where the last major insurer, Medica, has threatened to pull out unless there is “swift action by the state or Congress to provide stability,” following Aetna and Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield’s withdrawal from the state.”

But as Obamacare architect and healthcare economist Jonathan Gruber said on Fox News Sunday, this is all President Donald Trump’s fault. So the left doesn’t want to recognize this problem, does not want to admit it exists, and does not want to accept any responsibility for what must be seen as an abject failure. All of the Obamacare co-ops have failed, and now we have private health insurers abandoning this ship like rats jumping the Titanic.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Aleksandr Petrov

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Re: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
3/27/2021 8:47:43 AM
Prigozhin demands criminal case against Obama for unlawful harassment
The businessman is also demanding that the case against Concord, which was dismissed on Wednesday, be returned to court. According to him, the proceedings were halted at the request of the prosecutor's office because of the prosecution's fear of "presenting false evidence in open court to a jury."
RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
1/13/2022 10:23:44 AM
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