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Obama wants amnesty for 100 million muslims living in the U.S. before he leaves
9/14/2015 6:02:21 PM

Obama wants amnesty for 100 million muslims living in the U.S. before he leaves office

According to Arabic language broadcasts, “The Muslim world is saying that President Obama wants amnesty for the current Hispanic 12 million illegal immigrants in the US in order to pave the way for the next wave of tens of millions of illegals from the Middle East to the United States, leading to 50 to 100 million Muslims living in the US. before the end of Obama’s second term.

“Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi/Muslim ‘Plant’ in the White House?” The answer is obvious. The video claims that “for years before” the 2008 election, Lipkin’s wife, who worked for the Israeli government monitoring Arabic radio broadcasts, picked up broadcasts of Saudis saying, “We will have a a Muslim in the White House in 2008.”

While the world fixates on the Middle East upheaval, there is a quiet undertow building toward mass protests and terrorism in the United States; according to author/translator in the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Avi Lipkin, who has been reporting on Islamic population and terrorist concentrations in Latin America and Canada now for about twenty years, wrote about it extensively in his first book, “Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat?” (published in 1998).

Avi Lipkin has a source with a senior United Nations official that the U.S. will be a Muslim country by the end of Obama’s second term. It is now easy to see who that can happen, and quickly, since the economies of Egypt and other Mid East nations will likely fall apart under impending rigid Islamic rule with the new regimes. Lipkin outlines Obama’s three prong plan in the Middle East:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Just a Few Facts
9/20/2015 1:49:55 PM
Home / Breaking News / It’s TIME to Prosecute Barack Obama for Multiple Felonies Against America

It’s TIME to Prosecute Barack Obama for Multiple Felonies Against America

Normally when Mr. Frank Aquila sends me articles to publish, I simply copy, paste and publish them without comment. You will read “WHY”, I had to offer my thoughts in a moment. Mr. Aquila is in fact a law enforcement officer in California, he is also a pretty darn good writer, having written the book “Sarah Palin out of Nowhere”.

The following, I received last night in my email and it left me stunned. Frank list a series of facts that would leave the average citizen in prison for decades had they been perpetuated by anyone other than America’s first black president. For the record, I knew of some of this, but not all. I did in fact have several conversations with law makers on Capitol Hill about some of the following. My question was “why can’t we do something about this”? The answers I received from House members and Senate members, left me numb. I will tell you at the end what they said. Read Frank’s article originally entitled “Obama’s Birth Certificate; Just the Facts“, but it is much more than just the birth documents or lack thereof.

Obama’s Birth Certificate-Just the Facts

by; Frank Aquila

The media has criticized anyone who question Obama’s Birth Certificate; but let’s just look at the facts.

Fact: The first people to question Obama’s birth certificate were Hillary Clinton supporters during the 2008 presidential campaign. They sent emails stating, “Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there, and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.” This was verified by Snopes in April 2008.

Fact: The first lawsuit filed against Obama and the birth certificate was done by Philip J Berg, a self-avowed Democrat supporter of Hillary Clinton.

Fact: In January 2011, Neil Abercrombie, the newly elected Democratic Governor of Hawaii and friend of Obama, announced he wanted to put the issue to rest as to whether Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya. Governor Abercrombie announced he would produce the birth certificate and end the controversy. However, he later announced he couldn’t locate any birth certificate or record of birth in any hospital in Hawaii, including a signature by any doctor.

Fact: No one has ever seen or verified Obama’s Birth Certificate. When the White House produced a certificate of live birth on the White House website on April 27, 2011, the posted certificate had a totally different print stock than other birth certificates released during 1961 and there was no embossed seal on it, since only an “uncertified copy” was released. On May 1, 2011, computer science and document management expert witness, Ivan Zatkovich, studied the document released by the White House. Mr. Zatkovich stated that documents normally contain one layer of PDF, but Obama’s copy had multiple layers of PDF, indicating it had been scanned multiple times, concluding it had been modified or edited in some fashion. His report concludes, “There is no specific evidence of how or why that content would have been changed, but the evidence clearly indicates that the document was changed.”

Fact: President Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.’s grandmother and aunt admitted Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya on August 4, 1961 at Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya, where Obama was born at 7:21 p.m. Four days later, his mother flew to Hawaii and registered his birth in Honolulu as a certificate of live birth which omitted the place and hospital of birth.” Obama’s mother originally attempted to fly to Hawaii prior to Obama being born but was denied the flight due to the fear of her pregnancy and the cabin pressure in the airplane.

Fact: Twin daughters born to Eleanor Nordyke on August 5, 1961 were assigned certificate numbers (151-61-10637 and 151-61-10638) that preceded the certificate number (151-61-10641) that was assigned to Barack Obama, even though he was supposedly born there on August 4, 1961.

Fact: A 2009 report in the Nigerian Observer lists Barack Obama as Kenyan-born.

Adding to the confusion is other documents which are either missing or which have never been seen including Obama’s kindergarten and Punahou school records, which most likely would contain a copy of his birth certificate; his Occidental College records, which may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student since the Indonesian government doesn’t recognize dual citizenships. Also missing are Obama’s Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, legislative and scheduling records from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records are all unavailable, mysteriously “lost,” or sealed from the public. Furthermore, Barack Obama admittedly traveled to Pakistan in 1981 or 1982 when, during those years, U.S. citizens carrying U.S. passports were prohibited from entering Pakistan.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim & Gay In New Tell-All Book
10/1/2015 2:26:26 PM
This is an interesting Tell All

Downey: “What are some of the things the public will find the most shocking?”

Horner: “Probably the sheer amount of men he welcomed into his bed quarters. I am in no way homophobic, but Obama’s insatiable lust for homosexual liaisons is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed. We’re talking 10-15 partners in a single day.”

Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim & Gay In New Tell-All Book

Secret Service Agent Says Obama Is Muslim & Gay In New Tell-All Book

Washington, DC — A former Secret Service agent whose new book is quickly climbing Amazon’s best-seller charts, said he is concerned about the state of the country and says it is time the public knows the real truth about our Commander in Chief, Barack Obama.

Former agent, Paul Horner, in his new tell-all book “The Black House,” reveals what goes on inside the White House when the news cameras are turned off.

In an interview with NBC News, Horner told Senior Political Analyst Tom Downey that he is one-hundred-percent positive that President Obama is not only gay, but a radical Muslim as well.

“Everyone on the inside knows that Obama is gay and a Muslim, it is common knowledge,” Horner said. “I saw many men coming and going from Obama’s room, at all hours. I would say a good portion of the men, over fifty-percent, were Muslim.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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11/17/2015 12:03:13 AM

I really don't need this man telling me how to feel.


Monday at a press conference in Antalya, Turkey at the G20 Summit, President Barack Obama said it would be “shameful and “not American” to only take Christians refugees and that we must not “close our hearts to these victims of such violence, and somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism.”

Remarks as follows:

“One of the places that you’re seeing this debate play itself out is on the refugee issue. Both in Europe and in, I gather, it started popping up while I was gone back in the United States. The people who are fleeing Syria are the most harmed by terrorism. They are the most vulnerable as a consequence of civil war and strife. They are parents. They are children. They are orphans. And it is very important — I was glad to see that this was affirmed again and again by the G-20 — that we do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence, and somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism”

“In Europe, I think people like Chancellor Merkel have taken a very courageous stance in saying it is our moral obligation as fellow human beings to help people who are in such vulnerable situations. And I know that it is putting enormous strains on the resources of the people of Europe. Nobody’s been carrying a bigger burden than the people here in Turkey with 2 1/2 million refugees and the people of Jordan and Lebanon who are also admitting refugees. The fact that they’ve kept their borders open to these refugees is a signal of their belief in a common humanity. And so we have to, each of us, do our part. And the United States has to step up and do its part.”

“And when I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims. when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person is fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted. When some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution that’s shameful. That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion. When Pope Francis came to visit the United States and gave a speech before congress, he didn’t just speak about Christians who were being persecuted. He didn’t call on Catholic parishes just to admit those who were of the same religious faith. He said protect people who are vulnerable. So I think it is very important for us right now, particularly those who are in leadership, particularly those who have a platform and can be heard, not to fall into that trap, not to feed that dark impulse inside of us.”

“I had a lot of disagreements with George W. Bush on policy, but I was very proud after 9/11 when he was adamant and clear about the fact that this is not a war on Islam. And the notion that some of those who have taken on leadership in his party would ignore all of that, that’s not who we are. On this, they should follow his example. It was the right one. It was the right impulse. It’s our better impulse. and whether are European or American, the values that we are defending, the values that we’re fighting against ISIS for, are precisely that we don’t discriminate against people because of their faith. We don’t kill people because they’re different than us. That’s what separates us from them. And we don’t feed that kind of notion that somehow Christians and Muslims are at war.”

“And if we want to be successful defeating ISIS, that’s a good place to start, by not promoting that kind of ideology, that kind of attitude. In the same way that the Muslim community has an obligation not to in any way excuse anti-Western or anti-Christian sentiment, we have the same obligation as Christians. And we are — it is good to remember that the United States does not have a religious test and we are a nation of many peoples of different faiths, which means that we show compassion to everybody. Those are the universal values we stand for. That’s what my administration intends to stand for. All right? thank you very much, everybody.”

The man cannot even get a sentence out. He lies about the issues.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Obama’s Jihad Against Americans -
11/20/2015 1:07:54 PM
Obama’s Jihad Against Americans -
Pamela Geller, Breitbart News:

A few days ago, I addressed Obama’s ugly tirade against us at the G20 summit in Istanbul here at Breitbart, noting that in his speech at the G20 Summit in Turkey on Monday, Obama took a harsher tone with Republicans than he has with ISIS. In the wake of the Paris jihad slaughter, he is obsessed with importing more Muslims, not defeating the Islamic State. And he calls anyone opposed to increased Muslim migration — namely the GOP — “shameful.” But it is Obama who is shameful. He’s the one who has applied a religious test to migrants. He has refused Christians seeking refuge from jihad genocide. He has refused to meet with Middle Eastern Christian leaders. They are the true victims of the jihadi wars.

He chose to follow this grave betrayal and further deterioration of American hegemony with an even more vicious attack on Americans in his remarks yesterday in the Philippines. It is not lost on me that he would make these remarks in country that is besieged by jihad terror. For years now, the majority Catholic nation has been under siege by Muslims waging jihad. Obama said:

And so if there are concrete, actual suggestions to enhance this extraordinary screening process that’s already in place, we’re welcome — we’re open to hearing actual ideas. But that’s not really what’s been going on in this debate. When candidates say, we wouldn’t admit three-year-old orphans — that’s political posturing. When individuals say that we should have a religious test and that only Christians — proven Christians — should be admitted — that’s offensive and contrary to American values.

Yes, Christians should have been permitted to enter, to allow them to escape genocide by Muslim supremacists. Hundreds of thousands of Christians and religious minorities have been slaughtered, crucified, beheaded, in the cause of jihad. Obama did nothing. That is contrary to American values. Standing up for victims of genocide is not “contrary to American values.” He applied the religious test and prohibited Christians from escaping terror. Thousands of Syrian Muslims have been admitted into the U.S., while only 52 Syrian Christians have been so fortunate.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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