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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
3/3/2015 12:50:57 PM
***New McNaughton Painting**** (Please


"Obama Foreign Policy," by Jon


***New McNaughton Painting**** (Please Share!)
"Obama Foreign Policy," by Jon McNaughton

Is the world a safer place since Obama was made President of the United States?
I felt a need to paint a new image to capture the delicate situation we face as Americans.
What has happened since he’s been in office? Where is the stability and peace in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Crimea, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Israel, Palestine, China and North Korea? How are our veterans doing? Are American citizens safer as they travel abroad?
When the balance of the world seems to stand on the edge of a knife, where is our President?
I hope this painting will not become prophetic in its meaning.
Since Obama has been President he has played over 200 rounds of golf.
THIS is not a game.
This is Obama's Foreign Policy."
Prints available at:
See video here:
What has he done?
· Weakened Egypt and the rise of the Arab spring.
· Toppled Libya, which led to the emboldening of Al Qaida and the Benghazi Massacre.
· Embarrassment in Syria and the “red line.”
· Gave away multiple Guantanamo Bay prisoners who returned to ISIS and Al Qaida for an AWOL soldier who caused the lives of American servicemen.
· Demoralized our military and has done little or nothing to strengthen the VA hospitals even after exposed corruption.
· Removed missiles from Ukraine and opened the door to Russian forces.
· Emboldened Iran’s nuclear plans at Israel’s expense.
· Continued to insult Israel and create a volatile environment in the Middle East.
· Done little to oppose North Korea.
· Removed troops from Iraq without an exit strategy.
· Removal of troops from Afghanistan without an exit strategy.
· Improper use of drones in Pakistan and Yemen with many civilian casualties.
· Killing of American citizens abroad in the name of national security.
· Soft on ISIS in the wake of horrific attacks in the Middle East.
· Insistence not to mention radical Islam as a major threat to American interests.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama -- As Predicted By Me
3/3/2015 1:47:42 PM

As predicted by me myself and I during the Ferguson fiasco. The plan to Federalize All Police Forces gets underway.

Yes, I predicted this would be the next "policy" decision and order our "dear leader" issues as an edict.

The larger we let this beast grow (government), the harder it will be to bring under control and then the only choice will be to slay the beast (revolution/evolution?). Kcender3315

President Barack Obama today introduced his plan for a progressive takeover of state and local policing.

“We have a great opportunity… to really transform how we think about community law enforcement relations,” he said Monday.

“We need to seize that opportunity… this is something that I’m going to stay very focused on in the months to come,” Obama said, as he touted a new interim report from his Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

Obama also instructed his media allies to help a federalization of policing, and to sideline critics of centralized policing rules. “I expect our friends in the media to really focus on what’s in this report and pay attention to it.”

Obama is using the crisis sparked by the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, who was killed after assaulting a shopkeeper and a policeman in Ferguson, Mo. Obama and his deputies stoked the subsequent controversy in the run-up to the 2014 election, in the hope of boosting African-American turnout. The mobilization effort failed, partly because local law-enforcement officials released a video showing Brown’s strong-arm robbery of a store shortly before the fatal shooting.

Now Obama is trying to expand progressive control by attaching more conditions to federal funding of state and local law-enforcement efforts. “We can expand the [federally-funded] COPS program… to see if we can get more incentives for local communities to apply some of the best practices and lessons that are embodied in this report,” he said.

Those best practices likely will eventually include rules that restrict police investigations of groups that are part of the Democratic coalition, and rules that try to level convictions and penalties among various sub-groups of the United Stats, regardless of actual conviction rates.

“I think communities [with police forces] across the board are going to need to consider… recommendations around prohibiting racial profiling [and] that’s a step that we’ve already taken at the federal level,” Obama said.

The report also calls for government to collect more data about state and local policing. That data will help federal officials impose new rules. “We need more information to find out how to take to scale best practices when it comes to training so that police officers are able to work in a way that reduces the possibilities of bias,“ Obama said.

State and local policing may need to be subordinated to federal social policy, Obama suggested. “Our approach to our drug laws, for example, and criminalization of nonviolent offenses rather than taking more of a public health approach — that may be something that has an impact in eroding trust between law enforcement and communities.”

Those political goals are echoed in the tasks force’s interim report.

“Law enforcement agencies should acknowledge the role of policing in past and present injustice and discrimination and how it is a hurdle to the promotion of community trust,” the report says. “The Federal Government, as well as state and local agencies, should encourage and incentivize higher education for law enforcement officers.”

Other recommendations include “Law enforcement agencies should engage community members in the training process…. [government] should ensure that basic recruit and in-service officer training include curriculum on the disease of addiction… Law enforcement agencies should implement training for officers that covers policies for interactions with the LGBTQ population, including issues such as determining gender identity for arrest placement, the Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities, and immigrant or non-English speaking groups, as well as reinforcing policies for the prevention of sexual misconduct and harassment..”

Obama’s strategy matches the progressive playbook, which continuously expands progressives’ power by gradually adding more conditions to federal aid. That same strategy is implemented in education via the “Common Core” education plan, in the health-sector via Obamacare, in the banking industry via the mortgage rules that caused the damaging property bubble and in housing via Obama’s “regionalism” plan.

That’s strategically different from prior Democratic administrations, which cited poverty as a justification for expanding federal aid. The unemployment rate for African-Americans in Ferguson is roughly 16 percent.

In his Monday statement, Obama did not mention unemployment.

Obama hinted that his plan to centralize policing rules is likely to face widespread opposition. “Law enforcement is largely a local function as opposed to a federal function…A lot of our work is going to involve local police chiefs, local elected officials, states recognizing that the moment is now for us to make these changes.”

Obama pushed the media to aid his takeover.

“Often we see an event that’s flashy; it makes the news; people are crying out for solutions. And by the time recommendations are put forward, our focus has moved on and we don’t actually see and pay attention to the concrete ways that we can improve the situation,” he said.

“There’s some good answers to be had if we don’t make this a political football or sensationalize it, but rather really focus on getting the job done,” he told the media. “So I appreciate everybody’s efforts. I’m going to be focused on it. I hope you will be, too.”

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
3/4/2015 3:01:29 PM
Believe it or not, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had actually suggested impeachment even earlier, this time over the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap, in which the Obama administration freed five top-level Taliban terrorists in exchange for the alleged deserter. He stated, “There will be people on our side calling for his impeachment if he did that.” And Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) said in March that Obama could be up for impeachment if he continued his “unconstitutional approaches” to immigration reform and Obamacare.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Say What? How can this be?
3/16/2015 10:31:22 PM

Say What? How can this be? Has the President been compromised?

Obama administration says Iran and Hezbollah no longer terror threats


Just when you think Obama’s absolutely awful foreign policy and pandering to radical Islam couldn’t possibly get any worse, he decides to remove both Iran and Hezbollah off the list of terror threats.

So either this guy is intentionally placing our country and our relationships with allies in the Middle East at risk, or he’s dumber than a box of rocks and actually believes his progressive kumbaya style policies will create a peaceful Utopian society on earth.

I’m thinking it’s both.

From Times of Israel:

An annual report delivered recently to the US Senate by James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, removed Iran and Hezbollah from its list of terrorism threats, after years in which they featured in similar reports.

The unclassified version of the Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Communities, dated February 26, 2015 (PDF), noted Iran’s efforts to combat Sunni extremists, including those of the ultra-radical Islamic State group, who were perceived to constitute the preeminent terrorist threat to American interests worldwide.

In describing Iran’s regional role, the report noted the Islamic Republic’s “intentions to dampen sectarianism, build responsive partners, and deescalate tensions with Saudi Arabia,” but cautioned that “Iranian leaders—particularly within the security services—are pursuing policies with negative secondary consequences for regional stability and potentially for Iran.

The Shiite Lebanese group Hezbollah, which is funded and mentored by Tehran, has been fighting the Islamic State, independently of the American-led campaign, both in Syria and Iraq.

According to one Israeli think tank, the removal of Iran and its proxy Hezbollah from the list of terror threats, where they featured in previous years, was directly linked to the campaign against the Islamic State.

So here’s Obama logic for removing these two from the terror threat list.

If they are attacking our current enemy, ISIS, then they must be on our side, so that makes them good guys, not terrorists, despite holding the same ideology as the Islamic State and having a history of wanting to wipe America off the face of the earth.

Our president is a Harvard graduate, people. Supposedly one of the best schools in the country. I have to say, if Obama is representative of the type of geniuses this “institution of higher learning” produces, I’ll be sending my kids elsewhere, thanks.

Obama and his ilk constantly look for opportunities to pander to the Muslim community, and their “efforts” to destroy ISIS are just political smoke screens used to pull the wool over the eyes of gullible politicians like the president.

Iran and Hezbollah believe essentially the same things as ISIS terrorists, which in my book, is enough to keep them permanently on the terror threat list.

Playing politics with national security puts the whole country in danger, as well as our allies, but this doesn’t seem to matter to the current administration.

With these kind of policies in place, it’s only a matter of time before a bunch of loonies from the Middle East are able to carry out a major attack on U.S. soil.

H/T Ben Shapiro


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report
3/24/2015 6:08:05 PM

Mia Marie Pope Ousts Barack Obama as a Foreigner on the Manning Report

Published on Nov 6, 2013

Mia Marie Pope, who was a high school friend of Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) in Hawaii during the 1970s, says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner in high school and was known as a crack-smoking homosexual.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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