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Joe Downing

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Re: John Glenn (DEMOCRAT) Said This:
10/14/2008 11:12:13 PM

Hey Sandy!!!

The facts speak loud and clear!  The problem is people don't study the facts ONLY opinions.  LOL!!!

The Communist Party has been steady getting their teeth into our politics for years.  They don't necessarily broadcast their participation, but they are definitely in the middle of things.

Matter of fact, here are some facts that I took the time to discover about this very issue (count how many times you find an association with Communist):


With an open mind, I have come to know Barack quite well.  Unfortunately, he doesn't have much of a political track record like John does, but we do have an idea how Barack lives his life.  He associates continuously with shady people: 

Antoin Rezko -
Mr. Obama turned to Mr. Rezko for help at several important junctures. Records show that when Mr. Obama needed cash in the waning days of his losing 2000 Congressional campaign, Mr. Rezko rounded up thousands of dollars from business contacts. In 2003, Mr. Rezko helped Mr. Obama expand his fund-raising for the Senate primary by being host of a dinner at his Mediterranean-style home for 150 people, including some whose names have since come up in the influence scandal.

Jeremiah Wright -
who Sen. Obama described as a father figure, and to whose racist, anti-American sermons he listened to for 20 years.

Sam Graham-Felson -
adorned one corner of his shared student apartment with "a Communist Party flag ... bought on their trip to Russia the summer after sophomore year."

According to Huffington Post, who listed information about paid staffers on the Obama payroll, from America campaign 2007 second quarter report, Graham-Felsen is a paid staffer for Barack Obama.

James Meeks -
a man that Barack Obama told the Chicago SunTimes in 2004, "he seeks out for spiritual counsel", seems to hold the same controversial views as Jeremiah Wright.

Michael Pfleger -
the third spiritual mentor that Obama mentioned in that Chicago Sun Times article, Michael Pfleger who is the pastor at St. Sabina's Catholic Church, on the South Side of Chicago, who is an admitted "admirer" of Louis Farrakhan.

Frank Davis -
a mentor while [Barack] was growing up in Hawaii. Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA, and who was on the FBI's list of subversives.

Rhasis Khalidi- Both Sen. Obama and Mr. Ayers spoke at a testimonial dinner for Rashid Khalidi, a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a founder of the rabidly anti-Israel Arab American Action Network

"Khalidi and Obama lived in nearby faculty residential zones and the two families dined together a number of times," a source on the University of Chicago faculty told Worldnet Daily. "The Obamas even babysat the Khalidi children."

Ayers -
a leader of the Weathermen domestic terror group in the 1970s who has never expressed regret for setting bombs in the Capitol, the Pentagon and police stations.

I wonder who else this man that we know nothing about associates with.  Hmmm....
I know enough about this guy in his personal life now to know that he will make CHANGE.  He has a track record, it just isn't in the Executive branches of anything.  It is his personal associations.  These associations have written his future.

I believe that McCain is a better candidate than Obama.  At least we know McCain and he doesn't rub elbows and baby sit for those who support Communism, Racism, Anti-Israelism.

The CHANGE he is bringing is from democracy to communism!  One class at a time!


Sources of information:
ABC News:
The New York Times:
Pittsburg Post-Gazette:

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Re: John Glenn (DEMOCRAT) Said This:
10/15/2008 12:00:07 AM
Thank you Joe.  This is great, and very well put.

It is frightening on who he does know, and still is a closed book.  Imagine if we knew the whole truth, and nothing

It's pretty scary.

Within the past week, my Brother, his wife, and their son has turned to 'God' because of this man.  I sent her the youtube of him mocking the bible.

So, that's about the only thing I can thank him for.  I'm only hoping, many, many more will turn to 'God' before this is over. 

I feel we all need to be ready

Re: John Glenn (DEMOCRAT) Said This:
10/15/2008 4:46:57 AM
Now, I know why I have always admired John Glenn. He is one of the best Americans of all times.
Re: John Glenn (DEMOCRAT) Said This:
10/16/2008 12:06:15 PM


I agree, polls are designed to indicate what the polsters want them to indicate, so take most of the media driven and controlled polls and throw them in the garbage, for that is what most polls are garbage.  Ann points this out in this article very clearly, so thanks for posting it.

As I see it, we have a very unique scenario this time around, and not only is there a degree of hidden racism in America which few would ever admit too, but it is still there deep down and inside many.  We see racism all over the country, subtle in most cases, and not so subtle in many others, but make no mistake, it is still there.

As Ann touched on in article, racism is subjective, so the Colin Powell comparison was a good example.  When someone rises above, or in Powell's case, is beyond question as an American first, black second, racism is for the most part negated for most, but this does not say it isn't still there for the real hardcore racists of the country, so how many are in this category?  Who knows, hopefully not many, but we all know they exist.

Most of us form our opinions on this issue from a very young age.  Our youngest exposure, depending on age, will always be in back of the mind, good or bad, so this is why polls will never be accurate, or even close to accurate in an election like this one.  I would estimate that most who are racist would ever admit it to anyone, sort of the closet scenario, what they feel deep inside would never be admitted to, and this is just basic human nature.

Personally, I would have voted for Colin Powell regardless of party affiliation, but at the same time, I would not vote for Obama even if he was republican and white candidate.  I do not vote by party line, period, yet most sadly do.  What I think makes this election even more unqiue is another form of prejudice or racism, so when you add this into the mix, forget polls, they don't matter a bit for they will be totally skewed due to facts stated. 

Even if Obama was not half black, he has one other prejudice working against him, and again, even if he was republican, many would not vote for a closet muslim when it comes down to pulling the handle behind the curtain.  People can hide their predudices, but they cannot suppress them entirely.  I know from my point of view, I wouldn't vote for Obama if he were white and christian, he does not have the experience or character to be president, but then again, I am in the minority, I learn the facts first, and vote for the best qualified person, not an empty suit with the gift of gab, or as I call it, typical political BS.

Wake up America,

Re: John Glenn (DEMOCRAT) Said This:
10/16/2008 5:53:13 PM
Thanks Forrest and I agree with you on John Glenn.   He also touched on some interesting points as did Joe Downing.  I was really impressed with that post
