Adlandpro - social community - marketing - Canadian Owned - Message board
Good morning everyone and Happy thanksgiving to all Canadians.
Judy messaged me and asked that I come in to this forum to see if I could add anything of value to this discussion.
Google recently changed its Algorithms which affected not only how a person is viewed, but affected page rankings. I know that there are some people out there whose blogs for example went from a page rank 2 lets say, to page rank 0. That hurt!
I also found out that "search terms" are revealing more time-sensitive articles. As Jim stated, blogs for example are getting more noted, as well as Digg. I also agree with Jim that people here for the most part do not understand the Web 2.0 platform of Adlandpro.
Understanding any search engine and in this case Google is important and for some reason people have a huge issue in comprehending.
When people type into the Google Search box, are they going to type in your name? I don't think so. The only reason to type in your name, unless you are a very famous person, is to show off to your friends and family. Search boxes are used to find out information on something they are curious about, answer a question, a way to solve a problem. These are facts. The way this is done is using search terms or a better wording is keywords. For example, if I want to know about blogging, I can tell you right now, I am not going to type in my name, I will type in words that are RELEVANT. So, I would type in,
blogs, blogging, learn blogging, information on blogging, blogging tips, best blogs, blog directories, blog net, successful awards...blogNet awards... I hope you are getting my drift here.
When I write anything, I make a point to target these kinds of words so that when people type into that little box, then my business, my venue is going to be noticed,which has an offshoot, it is also advertising places like Adland. I make sure I start out with this set of words and I sprinkle those words throughout my post, my article.
Adlandpro is a community of that there is no doubt, it is a forum and like any forum there are ways to use that could make it so very very popular and more noticed. As a social community it has potential, but few utilize it.
Google is not going to recognize Adlandpro, unless people start understanding what forums are truly about and how to utilize them to the best advantage.
I know that what I am saying is going to have people getting a little upset with me, but you have asked a question Mary, so I am being blunt.
Most people do not know how to use forums such as Aldlandpro, they dont know or want to know how SEO works, or how to use keywords to the best advantage, Social communities are just a word to most people, without meaning and depth. SEO can and is used everywhere from blogs, web sites, social communities, forums - everywhere! LinkedIn is one of the top Web 2.0 platforms out there by the way,highly respected and used for serious discussions and trust me you will be noticed, IF you learn how to leverage social communities to make yourself an authority.
Google is not going to recognize Adlandpro when all people do is put in advertisements, usually the same sales copy that is given out by the parent companies. Worse yet, Google is not going to recognize Adlandpro, if all people do is put in... "thank-you" or "great forum" with a bunch of cute graphics. Hate to tell people this, but Google will not and does not recognize graphics - although Google is starting to really recognize Videos ( is Web 3.0 around the corner?)
My best suggestion is for people to open their minds, understand the big picture and then get to work honing skills.
There are many fantastic people here on ALP, of that there is no doubt. Even more important there are people who have been trying to anyone listening?
I know for myself, as much as I am learning each and everyday, I know that the learning will never stop. The Internet is changing and evolving in such a way, that it is ones best interest to understanding and keeping up with the playing field?
Thanks Mary and thank you Judy for encouraging this style of discussion.
To Your Success,
Administrative Director
BlogNet Awards