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Bogdan Fiedur

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Leadership is getting players to believe in you...
10/9/2008 9:19:37 AM
"Leadership is getting players to believe in you. If you tell a teammate you're ready to play as tough as you're able to, you'd better go out there and do it. Players will see right through a phony. And they can tell when you're not giving it all you've got."

-- Larry Bird, American NBA basketball player

Re: Leadership is getting players to believe in you...
10/9/2008 9:23:47 AM

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Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Leadership is getting players to believe in you...
10/9/2008 12:33:37 PM
Good Quote this morning. Leadership means that you are willing to do what you are asking others to do. I've known people who on first view seem to be a shinning example of leadership only later to find that behind the leadership persona there was no substance.


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Leadership is getting players to believe in you...
10/9/2008 1:35:59 PM
Larry Bird 33 was a smart , great player of the game, he took it and ran with it but it took a team effort and in having done so there needs to be a trust within the group, friendships comes first. :) God_bless you my friend. Enjoy your day!
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Dennis Turner

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Re: Leadership is getting players to believe in you...
10/9/2008 10:09:25 PM

Thanks Bogdan,

Have a great day!


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