Hi Jim and everyone else,
There is no need to tell you that the bail-out is a cop-out.
Kind of like you snooze, you lose, shame on those the want to use us to cover their mistakes. I read an e-mail that someone else had received, I wish they would have sent it my way.
Basically, It went like this, If our government were to take as little as 85 billion dollars, divide that amount by the factor of 200 million legal age American citizens, (there are 300 million legal Americans, counting the young people) and send them all a check for that sum. Each person would receive around 450000 dollars each, Then with taxes paid to the Government IRS, would equal around 127000 dollars from each person. Leaving around 323000 dollars to each citizen. Now the total bill that the Government would have paid out would equal only 57 billion dollars after receiving the tax payment.
Now each citizen could buy a new car, that would put car builders back to work. And a person with a mortgage could pay off their loans, even buy a new house if they wanted too. The list of economic improvement's from OUR tax dollar, spent by US will do more than some scheme, the rich crooks could ever come up with.
With 323000 dollars each, we could have a nation wide block party!
The idea that 700 billion dollars for? The people that started this whole mess, God help us all if we let them take us for granted. Your friend JO