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Problems Voting For The 161st POTW??? Please Read
9/26/2008 8:39:48 PM

Hello Friends,

It seems that some of us are having problems voting in the 161st POTW. When I logged in using my personal account I saw the poll but didn't have the option to click on one of the nominees. At first I thought it was a personal issue since I saw others were able to vote. So I logged out and back in and the problem wasn't resolved. BTW, I was using IE at the time.

I received PM's from other Adland friends that were experiencing the same problem and notified Bogdan about it. They too were using IE at the time.

I logged into Adland using Fire Fox and the problem was solved; I was able to vote. So if any of you are having the same problem and are using IE please try using another browser in order to vote.

Hopefully Bogdan and his staff will resolve the issue ASAP.

Thanks for your support & Shalom,


Chris Agostarola

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Re: Problems Voting For The 161st POTW??? Please Read
9/27/2008 6:12:43 AM

Hi Peter,

This problem has been there for several months. I mention it quite a few times. I finally just gave up & have not voted in months because I have not been able. :(. I hope Bogdan is able to get it fixed. Good luck everyone.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: Problems Voting For The 161st POTW??? Please Read
9/27/2008 7:22:43 AM

Hi Chris,

I think the problem is different from what you complained about cos if I remember correctly you were able to vote most of the time.

In any case I solved my personal problem by logging into adland using fire fox instead of ie and was able to vote.

Give it a try please and let me know either here or by pm the outcome. I'd much appreciate  it.



Peter Fogel
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Nick Sym

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Re: Problems Voting For The 161st POTW??? Please Read
9/29/2008 2:05:29 AM


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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Problems Voting For The 161st POTW??? Please Read
9/29/2008 2:40:10 AM

Hi Peter!

I use IE and have no problem with voting

Shalom, Lydia



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