You are so very thoughtful!
What a wonderful surprise party! Its simply awesome to celebrate with Lilly and Branka
Happy Birthday Lilly and Branka!
I wish both of you a special day and year to remember filled with joy
Let Joy Flow Freely ...
How is it possible to know joy? It comes when you simply allow it.
Joy requires no special conditions. You can experience joy in the smallest of moments as well as in the most magnificent situations.
Even in times of sadness and loss, there is room for joy. That joy, melancholy as it may be, comes from the realization that your sadness means you sincerely care.
See joy as something you give rather than something that has to be created for you. Understand that joy is a choice you can make at any time, and you will experience it in abundance.
Put joy into what you do, and you will do it better. Give joy to your relationships, and they will grow strong.
Joy will come when you let it. Let joy flow freely through the moments of your life, and the rich value it gives will always be yours. ~Ralph Marston~