Everyone has their own set of values that they judge people and situations with. Anyone that would vote for a man to be the leader of our country that will not even salute our flag and now the video at the 9/11 memorial service, again showing disrespect, certainly have different values than mine. Add to this the fact that this man attended a hate spewing church for 20 years, until it became a deterrent to his campaign, and you condone all these as if they were of no importance. But on the other hand you attack Sarah Palin as if she were criminal.
Isn't it odd that more attention is being paid to the VP candidate than the presidential candidate? I wonder why. Could it be because she has more experience as a leader than Obama's 143 days of voting "present"? And what about his long association with William Ayers, a man that bombed the Pentagon, bombed the Capitol, bombed police headquarters in New York, and said he wished he had done more? This is a man raised by a radical Muslim stepfather and an atheist mother and you can't tell me his early teachings did not have an effect on his values. And this is the man you want to lead our country? Yes your values are certainly different than mine.
Whether you like it or not or whether you'll admit it or not, this great country of ours was founded on Christian principles, not Muslim. Why do you think that "In God We Trust" is on our money? Why do you think the Ten Commandments were posted on Federal property like our court houses and post offices and etc. before we let a handful of people take that away? From what I understand this was brought about by just a handful of people, like 14%. This is where apathy comes in. We've sat back and let it happen.
My opinion is that McCain made a brilliant choice in Sarah Palin and from all the personal attacks evidently people in the Obama camp think so too. They see her as a real threat.
Here we are at war and you want a man to be commander in chief who has total disrespect for this country, as has been evidenced many times. My son will be deployed to Iraq on January 9 2009 and I shudder to think of this man leading our country while he's over there.
As I've said before, this is not a Democrat/Republican thing, but a fight for America as we now know it. I fear we are in real danger of loosing that.
Getting back to values, I really appreciate the people that have the same values I do and to thank them for their support. I've made some priceless friendships in the time I've been here at Adland. I don't always get to spend as much time here as I'd like to and yesterday was one of those days when I had other commitments.
I wish everyone well and I pray that God will see us through this.