Hello AdlandPro Friends,
Due to the fact that the property I had leased last year, falling into to the ranks of the subject to foreclosure list of homes in my area. My family and I have been planning to relocate since this past June. When we found our home among a list of pre-foreclosures, since that time our landlord, has assured us all is well. Even as the house progressed onto the foreclosure list.
This came to pass this weekend. Two weeks ago we found a new place to call home. So I set up movers, utilities, rental truck, and of course my main concern, internet, tv, and telephone as these are the tools I use daily.
Well the utilities transferred fine. The movers"Rockman Moving" Great Work if you are in the Tampa Bay area I highly recommend their service, help and actual physical relocation went great!
Starting last week on Monday, my thorn in my side in all this was the provider of my internet, TV and phone services. Now bear in mind I pay nearly $200 bucks a month to these folks.
When I set up for the move I requested the exact same services at my new residence.
I also requested that services remain connected at the old home until the 24th. That way I was sure that there would be No Interruption of services no matter what stage of move I was in. All my requests were granted.
Well Monday they called "Bright House" and confirmed an install date of the 16th. On the 16th after the scheduled appointment time, I called and they let me know that my appointment had been rescheduled for the following day.
Well on the 17th the same thing! They "Bright House" finally came on the 18th and the guy did a Great Job! Unfortunately the services at my old house, ceased working. Of course I didn't become aware of this until after returning home.
Then without a phone I had to go use a payphone! I haven't used a payphone in years! Did you know local calls are $.50 for 15 minutes! And I was in the land of hold, in the heat of a typical simmer day in Florida. Sweating bullets and getting more upset every time I had to spend another 50 cents. Finally got to talk to someone with an accent, hard to understand some words. I accept that as I am a redneck and talk southern, but I live here too.
Well this person asked all kinds of info and the questions didn't seem like they were ever going to end. Had to spend another fifty cents. Then they said they would have to transfer me to another department. After another $1.00 I got to speak to a tech guy.
He asked all the same questions!!! Another $.50 CENTS! Then the guy asked, bless his heart, for a call back number as he was fixin to reboot my modem from the control panel and was afraid we would be cutoff. I let him know I was dropping quarters in the payphone like a slot machine trying to get my Internet, Phone and TV working somewhere! He assured me that by the time I returned to my old address all my services should be working. Please call back if further assistance is needed.
Since Thursday I have had three conversations a day with these folks "Bright House" regarding some portion of my $200.00 per month services not working properly or at all!
I pay for 30 mbps connection, I am currently seeing 1.75 mbps per their own speed test services! Still have no telephone service. And have been ran around, insulted and flat out lied too trying to get the services all running here at the new house. Thank goodness the internet is working somewhat.
After being royally insulted Saturday night by their tech support persons, my wife Pam, suggested ordering FIOS so I checked out their site and placed an order for my telephone, Internet and TV. They will be here on the 29th. I am excited about plugging into the fiber optics and digital internet. Till then I see no hope for my phone service. Oh yeah we will save about $45.00 a month by switching too. More channels, digital TV and Internet, can't wait to see the difference.
Thanks for allowing me to rant, and let you know what I have been up to the past week or so. Still have unpacking and sorting to do, so will be more offline than on for a while yet.
ISOR Conference tonight 9:30PM EST
Details here http://www.ulearn2earn.net/notes/Wednesday_ISOR_Reminder_--_This_Week_Link_Tracking_and_Why_You_Should_Track_your_Ads