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Terry Gorley

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Re: Heidi Stern Our 19th WINNER Of The Most Distinguished Woman of the week Award
9/18/2008 1:20:09 PM

Congratulations Heidi!

Its wonderful to see you as the 19th Distinguished Woman of the Week

I also crown you the Queen of Hearts!

Enjoy your week in the spotlight



How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Re: Heidi Stern Our 19th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman of the week Award
9/18/2008 1:57:00 PM

Congrats Heidi!

flowers-02.jpg (1488159 Byte) free flower pictures roses

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Steven Suchar

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Re: Heidi Stern Our 19th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman of the week Award
9/18/2008 3:01:31 PM
"Thank You Brother Lee & Sister Sharon"

Hi Heidi!

It's so very nice to see you here as our 19th DWOTW.  :)  I knew it was just a matter of time before I would be writing my personal greeting to you!!

I look forward to your posts around our community and it's always wonderful to see your 'smiling face' at any time.

Oooo chocolate...I know what you mean. lol

Have a most pleasant day...your OREO friend Steven.

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.
Abraham Maslow

Best graphics for your profile!
Heidi Stern

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Re: Heidi Stern Our 19th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman of the week Award
9/18/2008 3:25:44 PM

love_2.gif picture by Heidi14663


What a nice surprise on my return!
I had been having a few challenges getting in and posting, and have been needing my ALP fix!


So glad when I tried today I was able to get in!

Many, Many Thanks My Friends!

I don't know quite what else to say, So If I begin to ramble I apologize heheh.

As many of you know this is among the finest of communities to date. The new guys that come along have a very large set of shoes to fill.

I have really come to know and am meeting daily new friends across the globe. Really great people that even though our diversities in thoughts and ideals has a great range we have one common goal, to make a difference.

A difference to our families, to ourselves and to people we meet along the way.

I am so happy to be a part of this diversity, as it really has brought us together in a very essential active role in making our world better.

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Helping others is my life's path.
Whether it be a helping hand, or an attentive ear, or simply a shoulder to lean upon I am there for you.

I feel that supporting eachother is one of the biggest steps to achieving success in this land of internet marketing.

I know, I know traditionally we are supposed to make the other guy look bad, but what does that really accomplish in the long run? Not much to work with, but a good deal of never ending work to be done instead.

You probably are beginning to understand the difference already.

I have been spouting the cause for building relationships since I began this whole network marketing gig. Many of the "old school" gurus thought I was cute but did not take me seriously.

And I must say I did not follow them for long. To me it seemed that projects came together much faster, easier and  for the long term when I began to follow my own path and let people get to know me as a person. Show them in both word and action that I am a person they could trust to do business with.

And you know what? I was working alot less harder doing things this way. I did not have to constantly be bombarding people with endless emails and all those other chores that come with getting the word out. Now this does not mean that I don't ever have to work, it simply means that instead of me having to chase after customers or business associates they are coming to me more often. And to me that is an invaluable time saver!

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Okay enough about me and my ramblin thoughts!

How do you feel on the whole building relationships aspect of building your business?

Do you think it's a valid avenue or a waste of time?
And why?

If building relationships to build a solid foundation from which to create income is of interest to you please send me a friend invite, I think I'd like to know you better!

Much luv to you and yours my friends

May you have Peace in your homes, Money in your wallets, and Love in your H.E.A.R.T.S

love_2.gif picture by Heidi14663




Heidi Stern ~ Your Friend in Wellness
Phillip Black

5931 Posts
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Re: Heidi Stern Our 19th WINNER Of The Most Distiguished Woman of the week Award
9/18/2008 8:48:10 PM

Hello Heidi,

It's Great To See You Being Honored Here As Our


Distinguished Woman Of The Week

Enjoy Your Special Time In The Spotlight!

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Week,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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