Superb comment Walter. That's EXACTLY what people should be doing. I learned a long time ago how transitory my advertising really was. Then I saw a post I made on a forum during a google search and went...hmmmm it was two years back!! Those messages and links still exist (too bad my link isn't good anymore. it was on a system I'm no longer with) And that brings up another IMPORTANT point. For anyone with cpanel and your own know how beneficial such a thing can be. A redirected link can so easily be RE-redirected so that if a system you're working with ever folds..your messages NEVER have to!! There is so much more than most of your companies are telling you..mostly because it's not that they don't know..but that they don't want YOU to know.
We'll be announcing the winner of this weekend's contest later today, and will be sending out the traffic credits at that time.
Best regards all, and congrats to those of you who participated! You just earned yourself promotions on the web that will last for MANY years!