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9/11/2008 11:38:51 PM
Oh yum Phil!  I will keep both these recipes.  They sound delicious and thank you for the Cracker Barrel Link.

I appreciate your prayers, as Ike is headed right for where I am.  I am just east of Dallas.  It is supposed to be rather severe.  However, my prayers are with the folks down in the Houston area, as they will get Ike's full wrath.  Please pray for Linda Harvey.  I think she's down in that area.

Hugs to you,
Flag of Phillip Black

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9/12/2008 12:12:42 AM

Hi Judy,

Thanks so much for your kind words.  Thanks so much also for the Beautiful Graphic.  As Val would say, I just had to snitch it!

Actually my Friend was a Flight Attendant, who left behind a Husband who was also a Pilot with United, an adorable 3 year-old Daughter, a precious 1 year-old son and a 16 year-old Stepdaughter on that day when they took her life away.  I am at Peace my Friend, because I know where she is at now.  I am also very proud of what they did that day and I am certain in my heart that they saved possibly hundreds of lives, either at the Capitol or perhaps even at the White House itself.

I have no doubts where all of the Heroes of that day are, or at least those who knew Jesus as their Savior, as she did.  As He says in Isaiah, God never will forget us, because our names are carved in the palm of His hand, written forever in the Blood of His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

As for forgiving the Heathens who committed these Crimes, I am not there yet, He isn't finished with me yet on that score.

Now, as for the Kitchen, it was perfectly fine.  My Momma always taught me that you couldn't really be a Good Cook, without making a little mess.  I also prefer fresh Sweet Taters, as I do all of my vegetables.  Fortunately though, those who study these things have discovered that Sweet Potatoes lose very little of their Nutritional Value in processing, so they are almost as good for you canned as they are fresh.  To me they just taste better when they are fresh. 

As I have often said, I am truly blessed to have such wonderful Friends, and I thank Him every day that He caused our paths to cross along our Journey Home.

God Bless You,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Judy Smith

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9/12/2008 7:25:14 AM

Hi Phil,

I snitched one of yours too - you'll see!!

I have made the sweet potatoe and apple bake - every Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last 10 years and sometimes in between!  It has become a family favorite.

For anyone who is toying with the idea of making it, toy no more and just do it.  It is simply delicious - even if you don't like sweet potatoes. 

I prefer the fresh, only for the taste.  I have always been that way.  It took me a long time to acquire a taste for sweet potatoes, and when I did they were fresh and just baked  - I have stuck with the fresh ever since.

Phil, you are one in a million.  It is a delight and blessing to have you as a friend.

Have a wonderful day!


Flag of Phillip Black

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9/18/2008 3:19:20 PM

Hi Luella,

I am trusting Him that you came through the Storm safe and secure, although I was wondering if you had power back up yet.

We were talking about baking the Sweet potatoes instead of using a Microwave, and I ran across this recipe for some Pork Chops that would go great with the Mashed Sweet Potatoes and could be baked at the same Time and Temperature.  Thought you might like to try them...

Baked Pork Chops

In a Baking Dish (9x13), add a layer of Pork & Beans (2 #2 Cans works quite well).

Place Pork Chops or Pork Loins, on top of the Pork & Beans.  Cover the Pork Chops/Loins with Mustard (French) and then cover with Brown Sugar.

Bake @350 degrees for 35 Minutes.

Melt in your Mouth Delicious.

Have A Blessed Day,





“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Judy Smith

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9/18/2008 3:54:33 PM

Hi Phil and Luella!

Luella, I too have prayed for you to have come through the storm - haven't seen you so am thinking maybe all power and cable and phone service is still pending. 

Phil, I have made that recipe.  It's YUMMY and SO simple too.

I have a make ahead recipe for Pork Chops that is just as yummy and a bit different.  It was one I just watched my Mom make so many times that I didn't know what to call it - I just knew hoe to make it - not quite as easy as yours but here goes:

You need:

4 lg. pork chops
1 Cup flour
3 TBS cooking oil or olive oil
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 Envelope of dried onion soup mix (Lipton - or store brand - either is fine)
1-1/2 C catsup (ketchup)
1 Cup White wine (I use the cooking wine)

Moisten the chops, dredge them in the flour and brown them in the oil on both sides.  Place the browned chops and flour residue in a greased 9 x 13 casserole.  Mix all of the other ingredients together and pour the liquid all over the top of the chops.  Cover with foil, and place casserole on a cvookie sheet in case it boils over.  Place in a 275 degree oven for 2 hours.

They fall apart and melt in your mouth.  It's one of my husband's all time favorites!!  I get the casserole ready sometimes a whole day ahead, and it make dinner a painless affair the next day.  Just pop it in the oven and no mess to contend with.

Luella, I hope you return to us soon.







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