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Re: New Year's gift
1/12/2005 8:51:06 AM
Hi Sergey, Thanks for the info. At this time I am opting out of all internet advertising. I find I am internet technicallly challenged and no longer wish to decieve myself that I can do it. I appreciate all you have offered me and at some time I may activate my web pages and try again. Just not in the near future. Great success to you, Eleanor
Re: New Year's gift
1/12/2005 10:05:08 AM
Hi Sergey, Many thanks for the info but my wife and I are members of the Health Sciences Institute. We are satisfied with their sustainable Health Program. Have a wonderful day. Rudolph
Judith Odaniel

94 Posts
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Re: New Year's gift
1/12/2005 4:18:42 PM
Hi Sergey, Thanks for your invitation. I am with a company that is truely the best in nutritional products and the compensation is great. Please take a look at my website and decide for yourself. If you do a little research on my company, you'll see the difference in your company and mine. Here's the website to view: Good luck with your search and my your new year be all that you want. Judith
Have a great day! Judith Odaniel
Doris Shewchuk

127 Posts
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Re: New Year's gift
1/12/2005 8:41:46 PM
Hi Sergey, Thanks for the invite. But like many others, I have my own health product website at the moment and it's great. I don't know about yours but ours is listed in the Physicians Desk Reference. We have 25 years of clinical studiesbehind us and are presently in the process of doing a double blind study on HMS90/Immunocal and it's effects on lung cancer. These studies are at University of Montreal,Hamilton and Edmonton Canada. I've personally taken this product and have seen its effects on others and am very satisfied with my own research on it. So anyway, I'm sorry, but I'll have to bow out on this one. Thanks for the offer though. In health and wealth, Doris
Our spiritual essence is what carries us through in life and in death. Love is the answer that we all seek and love is the only cure for a planet gone mad. ~~Doris Shewchuk

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