Hi Robert,
I read about your grandmother and that you have several other members of your family with health issues. Though I can't tell you for sure that your grandmother's memory would improve, I can tell you that I personally know many people with many different health challenges that are being helped by taking MonaVie.
It's been shown that red wine has a lot of antioxidants and this is one reason that many health care providers recommend taking a small amount of red wine routinely. Of course there are other foods where we can get antioxidants, and these are primarily fruits and vegetables, as well as certain other foods.
It has been scientifically shown that 1 glass of MonaVie is equal to 30 glasses of red wine in the amount of antioxidants.
That's a powerful discovery when you think about it. Antioxidants are what is needed to fight off the effects of aging, as they destroy free radicals. These are the culprits responsible for aging. Free radicals cause illness, inflammation & even cancerous cells to multiply and become a problem.
The info on my prior post is quite interesting if you want to hear Dr. Alexander Schauss talk about antioxidants and their importance to fighting every kind of disease. He is an international authority on antioxidants and specifically the acai berry, which it the main ingredient of MonaVie (plus 18 other fruits from around the world) The make up of MonaVie allows it to have a wide spectrum of antioxidants, whereas some of the health juices out there have a much narrower range because it's made from 1 or 2 fruits.
Go to: http://www.discoveryhealthnews.com ,
(passcode: betterhealth) and you can listen for yourself to Dr. Schauss' information.
I found this to give me a better understanding of why I am seeing the results from MonaVie that I have seen in my health.
There are also quite a few testimonials on this site, including mine. All of the people there had different health problems and all have been drastically helped by taking MonaVie.
One of my very good friends has seen a stablilization & lowering of certain levels in the blood that cause a well known health challenge. Several others that I know have seen relief from other specific known illnesses. But...since the FDA doesn't allow anyone to make specific health claims about nutritional products, I can only point you to the results that others have personally seen, by sharing their testimonies with you.
Feel free to call me personally. I will answer any other questions or will be able to point you to the answers.
Thanks for asking for more info. I truly believe that everyone can be helped in some way by taking the MonaVie Health Juice.
Your friend,
Cheryl Baxter
(passcode: betterhealth)