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India Desperately Needs Help!
9/3/2008 2:41:21 PM
Greetings in the Wonderful name of Jesus,
Today I received an emotional appeal for prayer from an incredible young man from India whom I respect very much. Christians in a neigbouring province are being killed and persecuted. Fear had really gripped him and the churches he pastors. If you would be kind enough to go and encourage this young man today, I know you will be blessed for such an act, just sign his guest book, it would mean so much to know he is not alone.
The Prayer request...
In a central state of India, the state named Orissa for the past few days there is a religious conflict between Hindus and christians. As I said earlier, 90% of the christians in India are poor people. The rich people are not accepting Christ easily because of their richness. It happens very rarely. In Orrisa, 100% of the christians are poor people. Many catholic institutions have orphanages and schools for those poor people. By knowing that these orphanages are helping those poor people and making them rich and also christians, those hindu organizations are getting angry and fighting against those organizations. Many of those organizations are hit severely, the churches are burnt, the orphan children are chased away, more than 17 people are killed in the last week of August. Again in this week those Hindu organizations are planning to organize a rally and are planning to destroy all the rest of the churches. This is being a flash news here. The christians are in so much threat. But still this Orissa incident makes us also to fear. How long it may take to pass on the fights through the entire nation when it happens all across Orissa? That's why we never allow churches to be constructed with thatched roof because any time these organizations may put fire on thatched-roof churches. Because when our church was a thathced roofed it happened. Pray for this state named Orissa. I pray to God that all the christians should become good professionals, scientists, engineers, etc. and hold high positions in the country. Only then the rest of the people will fear at christians and will not attack christians. Our project locations are also similar poor sites. So they may also fear to accept Jesus.
Here is the newly constructed website for his ministry, thank you so much for letting me share this with you.
The Lord Bless you, Lois McQuinn
Marion Tucker

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Re: India Desperately Needs Help!
9/3/2008 11:44:02 PM
Greeting to you Sister Lois,

I thank you for posting this request in my prayer forum.  It is disturbing news but this has been going on since the old days when Christ was walking among us.  The rich seem to forget about God because they do not have the problems that the less fortunate have. 

There is chaos in many parts of the world and even in the USA they are trying to eliminate God from our schools, coins, court houses and all around.  Very disturbing!

Churches being burned down and people being killed is a very distressful situation.  I will hold the people in my prayers and I have been to the site and signed the guest book.  We are never alone, God is always with us.

Many Blessings,

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Re: India Desperately Needs Help!
9/5/2008 10:18:45 AM

Bless you for this!

Re: India Desperately Needs Help!
9/5/2008 10:19:20 AM

Bless you for this!


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