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Pauline Raina

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9/3/2008 11:53:51 AM

          F O C U S     B I Z

Dear friends,

Welcome to yet another edition of FOCUSBIZ :-)

The objective of this feature is to bring into focus one hardworking marketeer, and highlight them and their business, and what makes them successful.

It is with great pleasure  I bring to you all , a lady whom we can all learn FOCUS we present to you

                    CARLA CAREY


Join Mary Kay in its first global effort to change the lives of women and children around the world.

Join Mary Kay in its first global effort to change the lives of women and children around the world.

                MARY KAY

Join Mary Kay in its first global effort to change the lives of women and children around the world.




How long have you been doing your online biz; Carla?

I  have been an internet marketer since 2005

What are you promoting now Carla? Please tell us all about it, and why you think its a good opportunity for others to join.

I started in Mary Kay at the end of July 2008. One reason I joined is because they put God first, their motto is “God,Family, Business which is different than most companies. Another reason is that part of their earnings goes to charities .

Since when have you been making money?

In the short time I've started to work at Mary Kay I've had a very encouraging response from all my friends and collegues, and now with the orders placed it should bring me a reasonable income.


Are you satisfied with what you earn from it?

I am more than satisfied with what I make. Mary Kay is the highest paid direct sales company. I make commissions off sales and those I sponsor. Everyone in Mary Kay makes the same percentage on sales,from the newest consultant to the one who
has been in several years.

Are those who joined under you making money too?

I'm sure they will. As this is not like our regular online thing where you join them by the number.

I want the right people not just those who join up for another opportunity. That way they will stay in longer and succeed. Men and women in the United States can join. I cannot sponsor internationally until I am a sales director.

After joining Adland has it made a difference to your biz; and  how??

Yes, Adlandpro has made a difference. Three out of four customers who placed orders with me this month are in Adlandpro because I made a lot of good friends in here. There are people who promised to order from me or be a web-hostess for me. I still give free products for online parties just like I do with parties in my community.

What advise would you give our fellow marketeers ?

I would say to find the right program for you and join that. A lot of research on the company and their payment plan is important. One that's been around along time will probably be there for many more years. It is important to form friendships then sell your products. People are more likely to listen to you if they trust you. Also an autoresponder is a good idea so you can build your list. Mary Kay can be done off and online too . When people experience our products they are more likely to use them.

We are known for the pink cadillac which people can earn as a national sales director. There are other cars that can be earned or people can take the money instead. They also give other prizes away such as jewelry and vacations.

The link to check out Mary Kay is at . Since Mary Kay is mostly set up as an offline business they don't have banners but our website is very easy to manipulate around. You can get a free virtual makeover and don't have to register to do it. If you do register I will have you on my list but will only send emails with your permission. You can put your picture on there and play around with the different colors.

It's important that men remember that they also need skincare to keep their skin healthy and we have the men's skincare products. Our CEO is Mary Kay's son so there is no stigma at all for men to sell or use our products.


Our skincare “ miracle” set is all you need to look and stay younger and have healthy skin . Our products are cosmodgenic and are not tested on animals. They also come with a money-back guarantee.We are international so if you want to order outside the United States just search the website and it will take you to the right country. Have a great day everyone and THANKS PAULINE!!

Carla :)

and the next day … and the next!
Get your mineral color on! - Express yourself with gorgeous new Mary Kay® mineral colors for eyes and cheeks.

Well friends hope you enjoyed reading about Carla and her new venture, we wish her all the best and pray she does well.

Thank you one and all for supporting this feature and encouraging all our friends being featured here.

Take care, and be blessed till next time,

much luv n hugs to you all

your friend always

Pauline R

Thomas Richmond

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9/3/2008 1:14:13 PM

Thank you Pauline! Nice interview, great answers! CONGRATULATIONS CARLA!! God_Bless You my friends and your familys :)

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Barbara Delgiudice

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9/3/2008 2:41:42 PM

Hi Pauline nice to see you :)

Thank you for honoring Carla Cash.  She is a really nice, caring  person and deserves to have her business in the spot light!

Way to go Carla!

Barb :)

Carla Carey

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9/3/2008 8:15:20 PM


Thanks so much for coming to the forum!!

God bless you!

Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Carla Carey

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9/3/2008 8:16:27 PM

HI Barb,

Thanks for coming to the forum and for promising to order from me as soon as you can !

God bless!

Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey