HI Everyone,
I wanted to give you this update on Mr. Irwin Whom got caught up in the Nigerian Scam emails. OR Did He?
Mr. Irwin was found by a residence, sitting naked in a back yard creek washing his jeans. Mr. Irwin told the police he feared he was being persued by Nigerians who had contacted him in an internet scam.
The Police concluded that there was no actual evidence that Mr. Irwin was being persued by anyone.
Mr.Irwin was taken into custody because he was deemed mentally incompetant and possibly dangerous to himself. He was questioned by Medical and Mental Health workers and was taken to a hospital to make sure he was in good physical health. He was then to be transfered to another hospital for observation.
SO what are your thought on this, Was he or wasn't he being persued? Maybe he just spent to much time on-line, LOL
Love to Hear YOur comments.