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RE: Whenever God wants to give us a gift....
3/5/2010 7:41:59 AM
Someone once told me that "God will never let something happen to you, or give you a problem that you cannot handle" and I truly believe that to be true, where there is a will, there is a way... God is your Strengh!
Mardi Dovale
RE: Whenever God wants to give us a gift....
4/17/2010 4:06:41 PM
I like that Mr.Bogdan!

It has proven its Self to me! more than Double the Lives of a CAT lol Thank you,Stephan aka"ChuckNors"Stenzel God Bless!

ps.Many times people quit looking, some Spent Forty Years in a Desert.
RE: Whenever God wants to give us a gift....
4/17/2010 4:09:20 PM
Yes! Mardi! yes!

God Bless~ Stef.
Re: Whenever God wants to give us a gift....
4/17/2010 4:16:46 PM
Mr.Mark Sevannah!Sir;

You are helping So many people with your faith! God Bless you,and Amealia! The light.
RE: Whenever God wants to give us a gift....
7/24/2013 1:32:45 AM
HE wraps it up in a problem,
Solve the problem ,receive the gift
The bigger problem you solve ,the bigger gift you will receive....

Look around , you will always find it, look for something, There is always something or someone that needs help. Help them. Receive your reward