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James Wright

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A Labor Day Tribute...Please Share Yours Here
8/30/2008 5:32:10 PM

As most of us will be enjoying this Labor Day out
in the warmth of the backyard with family and friends,
the barbeque will be wafting smoke through the air
as we joke and reminice enjoying time together.

Let's remember the men, women, and children who labored
long hours to build this country. 

The families picking cotton, the slaves getting hogs
together for the BBQ, women laboring in the fields,
in the homes cooking, and the nursemaids breastfeeding
their master's children.

This Labor Day we honor those men and women who
fought to free this country and to liberate America.

Let us not forget the roads taken to get us to the
path we are on today. Let's take a moment to honor
those who have labored in the past, and present.


If you have a video to share, or a statement to make, please feel free to place it here for us to enjoy. Thanks!

Geketa Holman

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Re: A Labor Day Tribute...Please Share Yours Here
8/30/2008 6:27:09 PM
Hi Jimmy ,

To be honest I have never given labor day much of  a holiday status in my personal life .. It was just another trumped up holiday like presidents day. BUT .. seeing it in a different light as to those that have gone before us and actually done labor than I concede my opinion and say thank you kindly for all those that have given their labors for the good of our country ..



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
James Wright

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Re: A Labor Day Tribute...Please Share Yours Here
8/30/2008 6:29:23 PM

Geketa, the more time we spend contemplating the history of our forefathers, the more interesting it becomes, at least to me it does!

Re: A Labor Day Tribute...Please Share Yours Here
8/30/2008 6:39:35 PM


Very Good!

We may want to look at the various nations that made up the melting pot of people that wanted to have a more abundant life and the freedom to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Many of these decentants have also served in wars to help maintain the freedom we have.  But if the American People continue on the course we are being fed, those freedoms will not exist in the future.

We will be voting in November, will we vote the Bible or will we vote on what the world says?

James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
James Wright

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Re: A Labor Day Tribute...Please Share Yours Here
8/30/2008 8:03:20 PM

James, that's a good question. The way things are going right now, our future is definitely uncertain, and we need to keep our eyes focused on what is to come, that is, our future beyond this present earth. My vote is on the Bible!
