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ZENUU wants to PAY YOU!!
8/27/2008 9:50:56 AM

FREE!!!  You will NEVER pay anything!!   No selling!!

Nothing to buy!!!!  


Zenzuu is a new social networking site like myspace, facebook and youtube, etc.   Zenzuu wants to PAY you for being a active member.  They just launched 8/8/08.   All you have to do is join and become a active member.  The 1st payment will be Oct 15, 2008


Here is my link....

How do you become a active member?   Log in 30 times in a month .


That's it!!!  

Need proof that this is real.... they have six live conference calls everyday and at the end of the call you can ask questions.


Here is the number 646-519-5890   pin 3214#

12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, 10pm cst.


  Sizzle call 24/7   646-222-0545


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