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Jo Anne Green

1335 Posts
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Why Join Connections With JoAnne and Friends
8/24/2008 7:01:58 PM
Welcome to onnections with
JoAnne & Friends

"We don't accomplish anything in this world alone...and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life and all the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something."

~Sandra Day O' Connor (born 1930), Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court

This forum is especially designed as a service to members of the AdLand community. Here you will learn, share, connect, and be inspired.
The following features will be the main focus of this forum:
901bbalb.gif (879 bytes)Profiles of courageous individuals
901bbalb.gif (879 bytes)Profiles of successful entrepreneurs
901bbalb.gif (879 bytes)Inspirational stories
901bbalb.gif (879 bytes)Stories of selfless humanitarian service
901bbalb.gif (879 bytes)Announcements of events, recognitions, and awards on AdLand
901bbalb.gif (879 bytes)Tips and encouragement for new members on AdLand.

Please feel free to submit via private messages any items that you feel suitable to be featured on this forum. If your submitted item is featured on this forum, it will also be mentioned in the coming issue of the newsletter, Connections with JoAnne.

Please do join this forum and make Connections with JoAnne & Friends.

For Rules of Posting, please go to the following link:

For Comments, Feedback, Suggestions & Criticisms, please go to the following link:

Have Fun, Keep It Clean, and Keep Those Cards and Letters Coming!!!
Thank you kindly for your participation.

JoAnne Green

Sunburst International Risk Managementwww.InternationalRiskManagement.comSunburst Worldwide Insurance

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